Goooood Oooooooo Mooornnnningggg ..... Friday 13th :) Lucky for some
for me, I don't play into bad / good stuff. I'm into magical events, you know like when a flower is kissed by the rain and it looks so perfect; when your child looks at you; when your partner whispers something just for you, that's magic, that's tangible for me.
I enjoy the number 13 so much energy on it, really great day to just absorb. Thank you:)
Friday, 13 July 2012
Thursday, 12 July 2012
Good Morning Gorgeous Ones.
I appreciate it's too hard to think about tomorrow when there's so much to do today so here's the take on today. Remove all judgement of you, just for
today .... be you and change the world ... What have you got to loose ........... if nothing else you'll gain time ........ is that of any value? You know that time in front of the mirror ....... oh I'm toooo whatever. Use that time instead to just be you, breath, smile, take a second to see a flower blossoming, your child's face, your gorgeous lover, a poem, your boss with kinder eyes. Hey not an eternity, just for today. Do you want your life to be as it is?
events took place in my life and suddenly my magic wand was gone. It completely
disappeared for years. One day, on the edge of a duck pond, I cried, I
screamed, there must be more, there must. Where is it? What do I have to do?
Where do I go? Truth. Suddenly
I moved. I just couldn't do the anymore. Am I better off? Well I'm still here and I'm writing and you're reading so am I? It took
some years to change my points of view enough to look in unusual places for change
and one day I demand it in March
2012 and a beautiful lady put her hand out and said "I think I can help, join
me" I did and I am NOT the same. I used to
hide under a rock. Now I don't. I used to be moody, now I'm not. I used to wear only black, now I don't. I gift you these words so you don't have to wait as long as I did, look in unusual places, try unusual things. How's what you're doing now working? I know
some of you will be ahhhhh on with these words.
the reason I said them. ......... Be you and change the world. Your world.
Choose. Look in places where you get shaky, of course use your awareness,
safety first always, and always with a loving kindness to yourself ..... oh I
hear it ..... Who Me ... I don't like that person ..... well here it is, that's
the person you are right now, do you like to breath, feel the sun, rain on your
face, see flowers unfolding before you, prisms in the sunlight, someone else's face. Use
that energy to look, type, read, go places ........... keep trying.
Someone helped me. I would gift you with some names, places, tools. There's lots, contact me. PO Box 6149 Logan Central 4114 (snail
mail) or post here for some choices.
Don't like that idea, I have no point of view on it .... choose something else.
It's all choice, it’s you who can change what's in your world. Yes
You.............. Are you willing to try? to Choose? to Look?
Always with love ............
Helen Just for today .... be you and change the world :)
Wednesday, 11 July 2012
has been a challenge for me. I've always struggled with words. They are what
unites us in many ways and they can destroy us very easily. Yet, without them
we have no concept of what is required from others or for ourselves. For me,
it's been a challenge to type what might be of interest.
All that
aside, it seems that blogging for me has been a failure as looking back there's
been little if any response bar a couple of beautiful kind hearts who continue
to encourage and I thank them most sincerely.
I will
continue though really now for my own value rather than that of others.
Changing the face of my blog, it's name and it's content have been a journey
for me. It's been about the changes within this one being. I started with an
idea that other's might still believe in fairies, magic, creatures that are
visible to us only if we are willing to see. For me, now it's changed, I've
changed, I'm not who I was then. I am stronger, less moody, able to know what I
know and able to stand before you image intact and be judged. Bring it on !!!
We, my
business partner, and I, have struggled like many other businesses over these
last three years. It seems there is a change now. YEAH!!!! x a million Yeah!!!
We are
opening a shop in August and I will write about it, if only to record the
events. So far it's a journey through legal papers to contract the shop lease.
Just for today, smile at someone you don't know. It's like a face lift, it
takes 10 years off your image and the other person gets a present they weren't
expecting a friendly face.
Always with Love .... Helen
Saturday, 7 July 2012
Good Morning Super Stars!
How awesome is the day? Wow! The sunlight hits the crystals I have placed in my home and garden and seems to bounce onwards to the next making an even bigger prism. It's almost as if the light itself is generating an atmosphere to wish me good morning. Me? Am I really that important? Important enough it seems for a magical light to form a shape and dance in the soft breeze. How'd I get to be so lucky?
Last night we, Mum and I, attended a Roy Orbison tribute at the newly opened (after the floods at Christmas) Goodna RSL. Wow! What a performance! Athol Macham sang ..... if one closed one's eyes it was a transportational, not that I'm old enough, just that I'm really psychic ....
We arrived and there was a car park for me under cover, girls alone. The young lady said "you haven't booked" I said, "No, What is possible?" a table appeared with 2 chairs, we were asked to move for the booked couple, after we'd had an awesome dinner, the people in the next seating invited us to sit with them. After a short time of chit chat, we went looking for our party and could not find them and a gorgeous blonde woman kindly offered us 2 seats in the lounge ........ What else is possible? indeed ............. and ............ How'd I get to be so lucky?
I'm so grateful for such an awesome night. Though I know I am not worthy I am grateful for the beauty of the magical night of singing and movement. Anything is possible. Anything.
Just a couple of little questions for you ........... just for today ..............
Who's point of view is it that stops you? Are you the one who’s stopping you?
For me, today, I claim my living and my abilities. It's my choice and my living and I'm saying I choose to live the life that rocks my boat. What about you?
Always with love, Helen
Friday, 6 July 2012
Good Morning Super Stars,
Here I am with my new look. Thank you for commenting that you liked it.
For a while I was lost in the blank that lay before me. Blank what, blank everything. No husband (he found is niche elsewhere), no children (all finished school and moved on), new skills (just accomplished becoming a Bars Practitioner, working on becoming a facilitator), ACM co-owner (doesn't require me full time now). Quite skilled; great with computers, anything really to do with my amazing hands, paint, draw, colour and paste, knit, sew, crochet, quill and well you get the picture.
Here it is ... a shop front ... a place for others that have skills to meet and greet and pass on their info to those who do not yet know. A place for us to share and to invite others.
I'd like some new artists to contact me with their info. I'd like to display works on consignment. I'm keen to hear if you have a skill you'd like to teach. Please let me know it you would like to learn something new. It will be cost effective and you will take your finished product with you.
Where .... this is where I am .... Logan .......... I'm bringing all the skills I have right here. I'm not originally from this area, born RBH, travelled extensively in Australia, and a little overseas, and here I am calling Logan home. So if your interested ..... simply let me know.
My thoughts were to blog the event of opening a shop front. What say you? Interested?
Just for today, be all you are capable of .... just like Robert Louis Stevenson said 1 or 2 years ago .... ha ha ha ...
Here I am with my new look. Thank you for commenting that you liked it.
For a while I was lost in the blank that lay before me. Blank what, blank everything. No husband (he found is niche elsewhere), no children (all finished school and moved on), new skills (just accomplished becoming a Bars Practitioner, working on becoming a facilitator), ACM co-owner (doesn't require me full time now). Quite skilled; great with computers, anything really to do with my amazing hands, paint, draw, colour and paste, knit, sew, crochet, quill and well you get the picture.
Here it is ... a shop front ... a place for others that have skills to meet and greet and pass on their info to those who do not yet know. A place for us to share and to invite others.
I'd like some new artists to contact me with their info. I'd like to display works on consignment. I'm keen to hear if you have a skill you'd like to teach. Please let me know it you would like to learn something new. It will be cost effective and you will take your finished product with you.
Where .... this is where I am .... Logan .......... I'm bringing all the skills I have right here. I'm not originally from this area, born RBH, travelled extensively in Australia, and a little overseas, and here I am calling Logan home. So if your interested ..... simply let me know.
My thoughts were to blog the event of opening a shop front. What say you? Interested?
Just for today, be all you are capable of .... just like Robert Louis Stevenson said 1 or 2 years ago .... ha ha ha ...
Thursday, 5 July 2012
Good Morning,
When you were a child did you notice how much information was just available? Magic was part of your every day existence, it just was, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, they were real. Dancing and jumping and flying were all real, being a movie star and or Super Man was just a fact.
What changed?
What if nothing but your point of view changed? Would you change it back?
I ask a lot of questions when I blog and when I write. To be honest, I'm not the best writer in the world, my words jumble around and my thoughts get mixed up too. Content is a challenge for me. Yet I continue on.
Having found some awesome women to share my truths with is a great enjoyment for me. For the first time in my living I know that there are other bright strange and wonderful beings that care, have compassion, don't judge, lend a sense of oneness, share their own emergence to enable a greater openness with each.
For the first time in my life I also realise all men are not the way I'd assumed and for the blessing of this change of view thank you to you who attended on the weekend.
Each day I realise there is more to clear, more judgement to uncreate and destroy, more clarity comes when I breath, each day I grow more and more grateful for the blessings that are each of you.
Just for today ..... take a breath ... and be grateful you are able to just that with ease :)
When you were a child did you notice how much information was just available? Magic was part of your every day existence, it just was, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, they were real. Dancing and jumping and flying were all real, being a movie star and or Super Man was just a fact.
What changed?
What if nothing but your point of view changed? Would you change it back?
I ask a lot of questions when I blog and when I write. To be honest, I'm not the best writer in the world, my words jumble around and my thoughts get mixed up too. Content is a challenge for me. Yet I continue on.
Having found some awesome women to share my truths with is a great enjoyment for me. For the first time in my living I know that there are other bright strange and wonderful beings that care, have compassion, don't judge, lend a sense of oneness, share their own emergence to enable a greater openness with each.
For the first time in my life I also realise all men are not the way I'd assumed and for the blessing of this change of view thank you to you who attended on the weekend.
Each day I realise there is more to clear, more judgement to uncreate and destroy, more clarity comes when I breath, each day I grow more and more grateful for the blessings that are each of you.
Just for today ..... take a breath ... and be grateful you are able to just that with ease :)
Wednesday, 4 July 2012
The change we've all been asking for is occurring.
For me, being in business has always been about others. Ensuring that the people I work with are taken care of and that the clients know just how important they are.
Being in maintenance has taught me many things and I am grateful for the knowledge.
Having passion to ensure your family is safer to enable more quality time is a high priority. I'm into transparent, it's what works for me. I'm into caring, it rocks my boat. I'm into listening and giving. For me, it seems more and more people are stealing other people's words and ideas. For those that steal, it won't work, it's just a quick fix, stealing never works it just creates more lies and nothing florishes in lies.
Of course, it's all about choice. I'm fully aware, this kind of discussion will be having some squirming in their seats.
For me, now is the time to blow the lid off taboo subjects.
I was at the park Monday where I spend each morning having a walk and I'm grateful to the Swans and Signets for ensuring I want to go when it's 4 degrees. The council was spraying weeds. I rang and spoke to a lovely young receptionist who could not answer whether it was safe for the animals and children ???????????? What's that all about ????????????????
Politics .... we have a leader here in Qld that's combating financial crisis by reduction in staff. What's that all about????????????????? Surely there are other ways. What about a more realistic wage for everyone and put more staff on? It's just a choice. Where's the care?????????? Where's the open forum for discussion about our state???????????
Child abuse ........... STOP IT NOW ........... Where are those with skills that give other options than beating a defenceless being? Animals, children, wives whatever , chose to stop, chose to find another path, there is assistance if a choice is made each time. What about choosing to ask?
Is it just me that's aware something is missing here? I'm into a more weird approach. What's been occurring just doesn't work. For me what everyone names as "normal" doesn't cut it. I have kept quiet for too long now is the time to speak about change. I'm available for open discussion. I'm putting my hand up to be one to talk. I'm talking with some people today about choosing.
For me, being in business has always been about others. Ensuring that the people I work with are taken care of and that the clients know just how important they are.
Being in maintenance has taught me many things and I am grateful for the knowledge.
Having passion to ensure your family is safer to enable more quality time is a high priority. I'm into transparent, it's what works for me. I'm into caring, it rocks my boat. I'm into listening and giving. For me, it seems more and more people are stealing other people's words and ideas. For those that steal, it won't work, it's just a quick fix, stealing never works it just creates more lies and nothing florishes in lies.
Of course, it's all about choice. I'm fully aware, this kind of discussion will be having some squirming in their seats.
For me, now is the time to blow the lid off taboo subjects.
I was at the park Monday where I spend each morning having a walk and I'm grateful to the Swans and Signets for ensuring I want to go when it's 4 degrees. The council was spraying weeds. I rang and spoke to a lovely young receptionist who could not answer whether it was safe for the animals and children ???????????? What's that all about ????????????????
Politics .... we have a leader here in Qld that's combating financial crisis by reduction in staff. What's that all about????????????????? Surely there are other ways. What about a more realistic wage for everyone and put more staff on? It's just a choice. Where's the care?????????? Where's the open forum for discussion about our state???????????
Child abuse ........... STOP IT NOW ........... Where are those with skills that give other options than beating a defenceless being? Animals, children, wives whatever , chose to stop, chose to find another path, there is assistance if a choice is made each time. What about choosing to ask?
Is it just me that's aware something is missing here? I'm into a more weird approach. What's been occurring just doesn't work. For me what everyone names as "normal" doesn't cut it. I have kept quiet for too long now is the time to speak about change. I'm available for open discussion. I'm putting my hand up to be one to talk. I'm talking with some people today about choosing.
Thursday, 28 June 2012
Hi Everyone, I’m Helen from
Australian Corporate Maintenance, most call us ACM. Our web site is acm4u,
because we’re all about service. This is just one of the things I do. I'm also a Artist, with a piece called "Pelican Picnic" in the upcoming Brisbane Ekka. I'm also a Bars Practitioner. What's Bars .... (32 points on the head, it's like a gentle massage, or not) ask me, no it's nothing to do with the Pub, but that's a funny thought haha.
How often are you too tired? Most
of us spend all our energy taking care of ..... home, office, staff,
co-workers, children, partners. Right?
Is there time for you?
Do you ever even consider how
important you are? Have you ever asked yourself ..... What would happen in my
world if I wasn’t in it? This small sentence changed my existence completely.
Before I considered this I was always too busy for me. I take care of myself
now First, because it means I have more to give. How profound is that? I’m not
the only person who got this ... Famous people get it .....
Call ACM to do all those tasks
taking up your energy because you don't have time.
What jobs? Change light bulbs,
install towel rail, fix the hole in the wall, sticky door handle, broken fence
pailings, assemble the furniture pack you brought, build hubby a special
cabinet, anything inside requiring maintenance, home or office and release the
energy for yourself ......
Wishing you all a wonderful day
and thank you for reading ... How many of you will ask that question ....
What would happen in my world if I wasn’t in it? Helen ACM
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Who get's it?
Here we are. Just 1 of us. Able to move at will, touch, smell, taste, and communicate ....
Who get's it?
This place where we live, Planet Earth, so giving of everything we need, want and desire ....
Who get's it?
It's cold and raining and the birds are singing and humans complain ....
Who get's it?
See that person standing there? They're in your world. They care about you ...
Who get's it?
Each of us so unique, not one of us the same. No matter colour or design ... yet
Who get's it?
A hug, a smile, a softly spoken cooo, how gorgeous are these precious ones
Who get's it?
Here we are. Just 1 of us. Able to move at will, touch, smell, taste, and communicate ....
Who get's it?
This place where we live, Planet Earth, so giving of everything we need, want and desire ....
Who get's it?
It's cold and raining and the birds are singing and humans complain ....
Who get's it?
See that person standing there? They're in your world. They care about you ...
Who get's it?
Each of us so unique, not one of us the same. No matter colour or design ... yet
Who get's it?
A hug, a smile, a softly spoken cooo, how gorgeous are these precious ones
Who get's it?
Good Morning :)
Chating with a couple of interesting humans lately about dragonflys and swans. Interesting that they start out not so pretty and change into gorgeous. I wonder if the same is happening for humans?
What? Yes, consider this. We've evolved, yes? We started as Neanderthal right? Everyone can get that, so we've become easier on the eyes to ourselves. Yet have we changed from back then inside? Well what if we are? What if right now, here on this planet, is the time you shine? What if it's right there under the surface locked away from everyone? Do you recognise yourself when you look in the mirror? Would you be willing to attempt a change?
I've changed. In the last few months I've looked at myself. Not that I'm bad or good or ugly or not, just that I wasn't happy and well was on the edge. A kind lady outstretched her hand to me and I read or heard. Be the change you want to see in the world and it gave me the strength to keep going. You may know Shauna Teaken (thank you Shauna - may your world be filled with all you desire and if I can aid you, your welcome to my bag of tricks) , Shauna introduced me to Bars and you may know Gary Douglas (thank you Gary, though we have not met, you have made it possible for more and again if I can aid you your welcome to my bag of tricks), he brought us access consciousness and Bars. We know what consciousness is yes, awareness of being present.
What's Bars? 32 points on the head. What's it do? gives one a gentle massage or more. Who runs bars? Any Bars Practitioner or Facilitator. How do we find them. There's two here ... Shauna Teaken or me, there are others yes look on the Access Web Site.
Sounds vague .... for me ... it's better not to fill one with expectation. Who doesn't want a gentle massage? What if Bars brought you more? More What? More of anything you can imagine ..... Interested?
How many are down? How many are on the brink of jumping? Does it belong to you? Ask ... ask what? yourself, go into a private space or not and give yourself a moment to hear and ask. Does this belong to me? weird yes of course ... This simple question was one of the most profound changes to where I am now. How's what you're doing now working for you?
What if Bars is the answer you've been seeking? Is it worth 1 try? Sure it takes effort. Everything takes effort ... getting out of bed takes effort. Of course you may not want to .... don't .. it's your choice. All that's available is all that your missing .... so what's your take? Ask .... body would you like bars run? Your body has it's own consciousness. How do I know this we all have a spirit and when we pass the body is left so there is definately two parts to the whole. To weird for you? Here it is ...... How's what you're doing right now working in your world?
What if just for 1 day, just one ... you took the $ you deserve to spend on you and had a Bars Session? What if you just received a gentle massage that enabled you to have a more rested body? What if Bars is what you need to stop the wanting to jump? Are you willing?
For me .... just a few months ago .... hiding away from the world because I just wasn't good enough to participate had me crying all the time and so sad jumping was definately the best option so I asked for more and here I am now offering it to you so I've been dark and stormy and heavy and ready to jump and now I'm more ............ Always with kindness Essense of Helen :)
Chating with a couple of interesting humans lately about dragonflys and swans. Interesting that they start out not so pretty and change into gorgeous. I wonder if the same is happening for humans?
What? Yes, consider this. We've evolved, yes? We started as Neanderthal right? Everyone can get that, so we've become easier on the eyes to ourselves. Yet have we changed from back then inside? Well what if we are? What if right now, here on this planet, is the time you shine? What if it's right there under the surface locked away from everyone? Do you recognise yourself when you look in the mirror? Would you be willing to attempt a change?
I've changed. In the last few months I've looked at myself. Not that I'm bad or good or ugly or not, just that I wasn't happy and well was on the edge. A kind lady outstretched her hand to me and I read or heard. Be the change you want to see in the world and it gave me the strength to keep going. You may know Shauna Teaken (thank you Shauna - may your world be filled with all you desire and if I can aid you, your welcome to my bag of tricks) , Shauna introduced me to Bars and you may know Gary Douglas (thank you Gary, though we have not met, you have made it possible for more and again if I can aid you your welcome to my bag of tricks), he brought us access consciousness and Bars. We know what consciousness is yes, awareness of being present.
What's Bars? 32 points on the head. What's it do? gives one a gentle massage or more. Who runs bars? Any Bars Practitioner or Facilitator. How do we find them. There's two here ... Shauna Teaken or me, there are others yes look on the Access Web Site.
Sounds vague .... for me ... it's better not to fill one with expectation. Who doesn't want a gentle massage? What if Bars brought you more? More What? More of anything you can imagine ..... Interested?
How many are down? How many are on the brink of jumping? Does it belong to you? Ask ... ask what? yourself, go into a private space or not and give yourself a moment to hear and ask. Does this belong to me? weird yes of course ... This simple question was one of the most profound changes to where I am now. How's what you're doing now working for you?
What if Bars is the answer you've been seeking? Is it worth 1 try? Sure it takes effort. Everything takes effort ... getting out of bed takes effort. Of course you may not want to .... don't .. it's your choice. All that's available is all that your missing .... so what's your take? Ask .... body would you like bars run? Your body has it's own consciousness. How do I know this we all have a spirit and when we pass the body is left so there is definately two parts to the whole. To weird for you? Here it is ...... How's what you're doing right now working in your world?
What if just for 1 day, just one ... you took the $ you deserve to spend on you and had a Bars Session? What if you just received a gentle massage that enabled you to have a more rested body? What if Bars is what you need to stop the wanting to jump? Are you willing?
For me .... just a few months ago .... hiding away from the world because I just wasn't good enough to participate had me crying all the time and so sad jumping was definately the best option so I asked for more and here I am now offering it to you so I've been dark and stormy and heavy and ready to jump and now I'm more ............ Always with kindness Essense of Helen :)
Tuesday, 26 June 2012
Hello lovely stars,
As we have now passed the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere, winter solstice for us ... look up and see the winter wonderland of stars in the sky, then take a look in the mirror and see another one there in the glass, yes, you.
There's no one like you. No one. You are the most unique gift of all time. Yes. You.
How can you be all you truly are if you hold back and who benefits by the holding back of you? You are the only one to set yourself free, truly free with the truth of who you are. You're awesome! Yes you. No one on this planet of 7 billion is like you. Once you get this, all the things you ever wanted to do, will have new meaning and you'll start doing them, that's why we are here.
Sounds too simple doesn't it? How's holding back working for you?
As we have now passed the shortest day in the Southern Hemisphere, winter solstice for us ... look up and see the winter wonderland of stars in the sky, then take a look in the mirror and see another one there in the glass, yes, you.
There's no one like you. No one. You are the most unique gift of all time. Yes. You.
How can you be all you truly are if you hold back and who benefits by the holding back of you? You are the only one to set yourself free, truly free with the truth of who you are. You're awesome! Yes you. No one on this planet of 7 billion is like you. Once you get this, all the things you ever wanted to do, will have new meaning and you'll start doing them, that's why we are here.
Sounds too simple doesn't it? How's holding back working for you?
There's a song from a couple of years back by Joy Veoth "Welcome to the World". Part of it states ... everything we've ever done has brought us to right here ... this is so the truth for me.
My life, until about 3 months ago was dark and stormy. Ask any of my work mates, they'll tell you. I'm not alone here, everyone is having such a tough time it's easy for us to pick up on others and carry that too, particularly if we care. Who cares? I care ... I do, that's why I write and post notes and participate in as much as possible. I care. I care about you. So what if I don't know you. You are part of this planet and it is less without you, so I care. You are important and if you're the only one that get's it today, I've done well, so I care.
See how snowballing that is. Well ... How's not being the truth of who you are working out?
I've never met anyone that has had the perfect life. There's been some that have had it easier than others financially yet they seem to have other hang ups. So let's stop, take a breath, choose not to be so hard on you, choose to showyou, choose to care and have heart or don't. Ok sure you may get hurt, yet you may also discover the most awesome gift ever. What if life could be more than you could possibly imagine? How's your positive imagination?
In keeping with reading your posts on spelling. I've taken to checking and double checking and in writing this I discovered truely doesn't have a "e" and so I've learned today from posting - hahaha I'd spelt it that way my whole life ..... thanks for caring enough to share.
Friday, 22 June 2012
I've taken a recent interest in family. This one has my eye. I've never seen such a protective and proud set of parents. It's strange people walk around all the time and yet no one stops to look. I'm not judging them everyone has free choice. It's just for me this is living, watching nature at it's best. It's all part of a great picture for me where each has a role and I'm the one viewing.
Monday, 18 June 2012
Facing the blank landscape.
For the first time, there's blank. When one was a child, play, eat, sleep, do being good for Mum & Dad / Nana ect or not. When one is a newly flown adult, do work, for eat, sleep, play oh yes and more play. When one is a parent, do work, do looking after children and hubby and eat, sleep and ...... too tired to play. When one's children leave, there's empty. Do the poor me for a few seconds all alone and reflect. What now?
Life is , create for joy ... right? wrong? What next? Actually getting to know oneself is daunting, for me ... looking in the mirror and saying - "who's that" and there it all is staring back, the weight gain, the stretch marks, the scars and grey hair. Wow, where'd I go?
For the first time, a blank canvas faces me. I sit looking at the countless scapped drawings at my feet and ponder the bin of writing thrown away. My creative flow has halted there it is, all in the bin or at my feet. What shall I do? Where shall I go? Who has the answers?
I am not longer a child, and while still a mother I no longer required, I am no longer a wife. There is just me. Ohh! I still see the beauty of the droplet of rain and the prisms it carries from the sunlight dancing, I still see the butterfly open it's wings, I see all the children and hear them laughing though now it seems as if its all at a distance and I am the one looking in when just a few seconds ago it was me in the centre. Where do I go now? What will I do? Where do I fit in? What happens on my canvas?
For the first time, there's blank. When one was a child, play, eat, sleep, do being good for Mum & Dad / Nana ect or not. When one is a newly flown adult, do work, for eat, sleep, play oh yes and more play. When one is a parent, do work, do looking after children and hubby and eat, sleep and ...... too tired to play. When one's children leave, there's empty. Do the poor me for a few seconds all alone and reflect. What now?
Life is , create for joy ... right? wrong? What next? Actually getting to know oneself is daunting, for me ... looking in the mirror and saying - "who's that" and there it all is staring back, the weight gain, the stretch marks, the scars and grey hair. Wow, where'd I go?
For the first time, a blank canvas faces me. I sit looking at the countless scapped drawings at my feet and ponder the bin of writing thrown away. My creative flow has halted there it is, all in the bin or at my feet. What shall I do? Where shall I go? Who has the answers?
I am not longer a child, and while still a mother I no longer required, I am no longer a wife. There is just me. Ohh! I still see the beauty of the droplet of rain and the prisms it carries from the sunlight dancing, I still see the butterfly open it's wings, I see all the children and hear them laughing though now it seems as if its all at a distance and I am the one looking in when just a few seconds ago it was me in the centre. Where do I go now? What will I do? Where do I fit in? What happens on my canvas?
Saturday, 16 June 2012
Saturday ...
Is your world busy? Are you run down and tired? Are you into alternatives?
Bars Practitioner ... What's bars, 32 points on the head. What happens, it's like a gentle head massage for about an hour (amazingly one doesn't notice the time, it seems just moments). What's it do? Wow!
How about changing your world?
Not long ago for me, I was afraid all the time. I hid in the office and hardly ever went anywhere. Work/Home .... then access consciousness ... came into my world and bars were running, going today and tomorrow ... lucky me :) What's changed ... I did a radio advert for our business , yes me, yes on air ... Wow. What else .... life is less hectic and there is way more ahhhhh moments.
Really enjoying the creativity too :)
Is your world busy? Are you run down and tired? Are you into alternatives?
Bars Practitioner ... What's bars, 32 points on the head. What happens, it's like a gentle head massage for about an hour (amazingly one doesn't notice the time, it seems just moments). What's it do? Wow!
How about changing your world?
Not long ago for me, I was afraid all the time. I hid in the office and hardly ever went anywhere. Work/Home .... then access consciousness ... came into my world and bars were running, going today and tomorrow ... lucky me :) What's changed ... I did a radio advert for our business , yes me, yes on air ... Wow. What else .... life is less hectic and there is way more ahhhhh moments.
Really enjoying the creativity too :)
Friday, 15 June 2012
Hi Gorgeous Readers,
I'm aware there's such a change in the air. Do you feel it?
Undertaking some wakky way out stuff over the last couple of months. Access Consciousness, thank you Gary Douglas (founder) and Shauna Teaken (mentor). What is this? put simply ... allowance of all and judgement of zero. Aided by Bars. What is this? 32 points on the head connection of the left and right, a bar. What's it like? ... a gentle head massage. What's it do .... Wow!
I've always been rather ... hummmm ... what's that word? ... weird .... I talked to animals, trees and not so visible visitors from as long ago as I can remember. What happened to this magic? Truth, conformity.
What now? .... Hello ... everyone Helen's back .... :)
On Saturday I was visiting a lady on the North side, she stepped out to get some shopping, about 3 minutes before her return, all the trees started going crazy ... rustling and howling. I could audibly hear ... Darling One is Coming ... I didn't react, I've become very good at tuning out the reaction to this, particularly around others ... judgement of me being weird is heavy ... indeed ... then the lady of the house drove up the driveway and it hit me like a rush. The house was welcoming her home. Darling one is coming ... and the trees just let the house know .... how cute & how special is this lady
This kind of event has always followed me always, I hear the trees sing, it's not like human singing, it's way more haunting a sound, yet, none the less they do, after it's rained and it's stronger after it's been dry for a time. Events like the bee visiting me to make sure I knew I had company (earlier blog) , had almost disappeared as I conformed and in truth I'd almost forgotten they ever were part of who I am, part of the depth that is Helen. I've spent a great deal of my energy squashing all this down. Fitting into what's expected. I can audibly hear "ohhh Helen that's not real", yet I am no longer in ear shot of those that would squash me, so is there change? ... for me ... yes .... What's my take? .............. BRING IT ON BABY!!!!
How awesome would it be to fly, to soar, to be one with the clouds ....?
How awesome would it be to touch the hand of the energy of all that is?
How awesome would it be to look in the mirror and see and love the reflection?
How awesome is it to be unique and gifted and so beautiful as you?
My hand is up, I'm not afraid, bring on the judgement I'm ready.
For those who read and know inside there's a little stirring .... hear this truth ... follow the energy that makes you sing and lift and light ... it's the truth. The energy that makes you go "awkgh " and tighten and heavy is a lie. Test it on something like .... Is the sky blue? Something you know the answer too, stand up and ask it ... of course you can do it in the privacy of your room or bathroom.
Awareness of great clarity is here ... tap into it and be agog with awe. Always with love Helen :)
I'm aware there's such a change in the air. Do you feel it?
Undertaking some wakky way out stuff over the last couple of months. Access Consciousness, thank you Gary Douglas (founder) and Shauna Teaken (mentor). What is this? put simply ... allowance of all and judgement of zero. Aided by Bars. What is this? 32 points on the head connection of the left and right, a bar. What's it like? ... a gentle head massage. What's it do .... Wow!
I've always been rather ... hummmm ... what's that word? ... weird .... I talked to animals, trees and not so visible visitors from as long ago as I can remember. What happened to this magic? Truth, conformity.
What now? .... Hello ... everyone Helen's back .... :)
On Saturday I was visiting a lady on the North side, she stepped out to get some shopping, about 3 minutes before her return, all the trees started going crazy ... rustling and howling. I could audibly hear ... Darling One is Coming ... I didn't react, I've become very good at tuning out the reaction to this, particularly around others ... judgement of me being weird is heavy ... indeed ... then the lady of the house drove up the driveway and it hit me like a rush. The house was welcoming her home. Darling one is coming ... and the trees just let the house know .... how cute & how special is this lady
This kind of event has always followed me always, I hear the trees sing, it's not like human singing, it's way more haunting a sound, yet, none the less they do, after it's rained and it's stronger after it's been dry for a time. Events like the bee visiting me to make sure I knew I had company (earlier blog) , had almost disappeared as I conformed and in truth I'd almost forgotten they ever were part of who I am, part of the depth that is Helen. I've spent a great deal of my energy squashing all this down. Fitting into what's expected. I can audibly hear "ohhh Helen that's not real", yet I am no longer in ear shot of those that would squash me, so is there change? ... for me ... yes .... What's my take? .............. BRING IT ON BABY!!!!
How awesome would it be to fly, to soar, to be one with the clouds ....?
How awesome would it be to touch the hand of the energy of all that is?
How awesome would it be to look in the mirror and see and love the reflection?
How awesome is it to be unique and gifted and so beautiful as you?
My hand is up, I'm not afraid, bring on the judgement I'm ready.
For those who read and know inside there's a little stirring .... hear this truth ... follow the energy that makes you sing and lift and light ... it's the truth. The energy that makes you go "awkgh " and tighten and heavy is a lie. Test it on something like .... Is the sky blue? Something you know the answer too, stand up and ask it ... of course you can do it in the privacy of your room or bathroom.
Awareness of great clarity is here ... tap into it and be agog with awe. Always with love Helen :)
Thursday, 14 June 2012
Hello Gorgeous!
I have this posted on my bathroom mirror. Being my own best friend is part of the secret to the greatest existence possible. What are the others? There's not many but you have access to all ....
My Nana taught me to crochet, my Dad taught me to speak, my Mum taught me to knit, school taught me to needlepoint and quilling ... ahhh that's an interesting story.
Each of us is gifted with the most unique abilities, each of us is special and guess what, there's only one ... yes just one you. How awesome is that?
I have had the the awesome privilege of access consciousness, founded by Gary Douglas (thank you Gary), passed onto me by Shauna Teaken (thank you Shauna) and now I am a Bars Practitioner. What's bars. The best secret every released.
My life as an Australian Woman has been filled with hardship, rough jaunts, car accidents, broken realtionships, death .... ease, joy, glory and I wouldn't swap one second. It's all in the way you look at the ride - sometimes it's up, sometimes it's on a curve, sometimes one is completely upside down ... but Wow!! How lucky are we to breath? and to know it???? .... :) LOL
I have this posted on my bathroom mirror. Being my own best friend is part of the secret to the greatest existence possible. What are the others? There's not many but you have access to all ....
My Nana taught me to crochet, my Dad taught me to speak, my Mum taught me to knit, school taught me to needlepoint and quilling ... ahhh that's an interesting story.
Each of us is gifted with the most unique abilities, each of us is special and guess what, there's only one ... yes just one you. How awesome is that?
I have had the the awesome privilege of access consciousness, founded by Gary Douglas (thank you Gary), passed onto me by Shauna Teaken (thank you Shauna) and now I am a Bars Practitioner. What's bars. The best secret every released.
My life as an Australian Woman has been filled with hardship, rough jaunts, car accidents, broken realtionships, death .... ease, joy, glory and I wouldn't swap one second. It's all in the way you look at the ride - sometimes it's up, sometimes it's on a curve, sometimes one is completely upside down ... but Wow!! How lucky are we to breath? and to know it???? .... :) LOL
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Good Morning all those that would be famous. How do we become famous? We put our hands up, straight up and wait for the pull upwards, if you know what I mean, you're on the same page.
Yesterday I sat looking at trees for about 3 hours. Just sat there, staring, I had nothing in my mind, complete and total space. For the first time in my life I got the blonde joke thing (people tease blondes, why?) it never made sense to me as I'm not blonde, blonde runs in my family and they're all really super intelligent with degrees, so I just never understood the anecdote, yet space is where and what I was yesterday and here it is, in that space I learned more about me than I ever thought possible.
After this blank, I drove my car, in search ... in search of what ... well I guess I'm just going to have to keep driving and walking and staring at trees. I just don't know. What does this mean? For me ... the control freak of the centrury ... complete terror and awesome excitement all rolled into one. I've let go. Yes, me. There's just blank. A completely empty canvas.
One of my hats is artist. A blank canvas is the most daunting and exciting place. It will be interesting to see what events occur today. Lucky for some day 13, definately lucky for me always loved the number myself.
Yesterday I sat looking at trees for about 3 hours. Just sat there, staring, I had nothing in my mind, complete and total space. For the first time in my life I got the blonde joke thing (people tease blondes, why?) it never made sense to me as I'm not blonde, blonde runs in my family and they're all really super intelligent with degrees, so I just never understood the anecdote, yet space is where and what I was yesterday and here it is, in that space I learned more about me than I ever thought possible.
After this blank, I drove my car, in search ... in search of what ... well I guess I'm just going to have to keep driving and walking and staring at trees. I just don't know. What does this mean? For me ... the control freak of the centrury ... complete terror and awesome excitement all rolled into one. I've let go. Yes, me. There's just blank. A completely empty canvas.
One of my hats is artist. A blank canvas is the most daunting and exciting place. It will be interesting to see what events occur today. Lucky for some day 13, definately lucky for me always loved the number myself.
Monday, 11 June 2012
Hello lovely stars. How awesome it is to remember Harriett Witt's words ... we are exactly the same chemical make up as a star, the only difference is we wear human space suit. We are stars .... Wow
Wake up time for me is somewhere between 2 and 4 am though now it's winter those hours have changed to 3 and 5, must be something to do with the light of the day. I do love to watch the lamenting rays as they kiss me gently awake.
My life recently has been about getting to know me. Expressing myself in ways only I can, crochet for a loved one, knitting for the neice and nephew, posts to the sister who lost everything in the flood, reading about wonderful women on the blog sites, writing, finishing projects and listening to others who are way wiser than me.
Just because we take a leap of faith doesn't mean there's always a stone to step on. I've been falling in this cavern for a minute or two. I've found a peace gifted to me by an awesome kind and gentle soul, thank you Shauna Teaken. I'm still falling yet there is peace in the drift now and I'm not afraid of the landing, it will come soon I know it's approach. It has been lonely for the human part of me and I have felt invisible. Though I've learned today thank you Nicole Cody, that there are others who have felt this lonliness too and perhaps it is a Cathedral in the making or random kindness shared with many, truth the lonely feeling stops when I meditate and connect, thank you Gary Douglas I way understand the cave man, yet, as soon as I come back to Earth the loneliness re appears.
Perhaps it's because I live alone, perhaps it's because my daughter has grown away, perhaps it's due to running a small business that I'm often alone in our office space, perhaps it's that my falling is part of reconnecting with the planet? Is there an answer to the lonliness? I'm into the question everything mode like a six year old at the moment. What would it take for me to just be, without the hollow emptiness? Why when I understand so much is there still an emptiness? I get it does this belong to me? Truth in part but only in part most of it belongs to others and some belongs to you. How can I gift to you a kindness that will spread like ripples in a pond until we all feel the bounce of love and fun and joy?
Strangely I began to write to you this today with sharing in mind, not sadness, yet in the re reading it seems sad. Why?
Wake up time for me is somewhere between 2 and 4 am though now it's winter those hours have changed to 3 and 5, must be something to do with the light of the day. I do love to watch the lamenting rays as they kiss me gently awake.
My life recently has been about getting to know me. Expressing myself in ways only I can, crochet for a loved one, knitting for the neice and nephew, posts to the sister who lost everything in the flood, reading about wonderful women on the blog sites, writing, finishing projects and listening to others who are way wiser than me.
Just because we take a leap of faith doesn't mean there's always a stone to step on. I've been falling in this cavern for a minute or two. I've found a peace gifted to me by an awesome kind and gentle soul, thank you Shauna Teaken. I'm still falling yet there is peace in the drift now and I'm not afraid of the landing, it will come soon I know it's approach. It has been lonely for the human part of me and I have felt invisible. Though I've learned today thank you Nicole Cody, that there are others who have felt this lonliness too and perhaps it is a Cathedral in the making or random kindness shared with many, truth the lonely feeling stops when I meditate and connect, thank you Gary Douglas I way understand the cave man, yet, as soon as I come back to Earth the loneliness re appears.
Perhaps it's because I live alone, perhaps it's because my daughter has grown away, perhaps it's due to running a small business that I'm often alone in our office space, perhaps it's that my falling is part of reconnecting with the planet? Is there an answer to the lonliness? I'm into the question everything mode like a six year old at the moment. What would it take for me to just be, without the hollow emptiness? Why when I understand so much is there still an emptiness? I get it does this belong to me? Truth in part but only in part most of it belongs to others and some belongs to you. How can I gift to you a kindness that will spread like ripples in a pond until we all feel the bounce of love and fun and joy?
Strangely I began to write to you this today with sharing in mind, not sadness, yet in the re reading it seems sad. Why?
Sunday, 10 June 2012
Good Morning, What an awesome day? It's raining gently, the wind is whooing like a perched owl slightly hauntingly as the anticipation of the sun creates vibrational energy within the body. For me, I'm grateful for being here, knowing I'm here, being aware of the changes occuring. How does life get better than it is right now?
Today I was challenged to ponder judgement. Judgement on the self is one of the most destructive weapons we use on the body. There's so much judgement coming at us; from our great grand parents through to neighbours and people one knows. Why? Judgement is the control used to ensure "politicts and religion" works. Imagine what it would have been like 200 years ago, more 500 years, if everyone just did what they wanted and didn't go to church or vote? They, the people, who did what they wanted to have control and all the power of taking and obtaining energy and money from the majority of humanity. Ring any alarm bells? Sound like it's truth? Is there a way to combat it?
There are those that know that can and will aid your journey to more. More what? More happiness, joy, ease, kindness, balance. Interested in changing where you are right now?
Just a few months ago I was in the dark, cowering in the corner, afraid to move from outside my tiny world of work/home. I had limited my world and there was a consequence to this. I now open myself, share me with the world, by writing, by visiting, by being all I am and here in this forum where justification of the judgement of limitation can be crushing or exploded and destroyed. Wow, How much more open is there? Bring up any energy? Want to know more?
How about this .. having fun creates success, success is having fun .. interested in that one?
Today I was challenged to ponder judgement. Judgement on the self is one of the most destructive weapons we use on the body. There's so much judgement coming at us; from our great grand parents through to neighbours and people one knows. Why? Judgement is the control used to ensure "politicts and religion" works. Imagine what it would have been like 200 years ago, more 500 years, if everyone just did what they wanted and didn't go to church or vote? They, the people, who did what they wanted to have control and all the power of taking and obtaining energy and money from the majority of humanity. Ring any alarm bells? Sound like it's truth? Is there a way to combat it?
There are those that know that can and will aid your journey to more. More what? More happiness, joy, ease, kindness, balance. Interested in changing where you are right now?
Just a few months ago I was in the dark, cowering in the corner, afraid to move from outside my tiny world of work/home. I had limited my world and there was a consequence to this. I now open myself, share me with the world, by writing, by visiting, by being all I am and here in this forum where justification of the judgement of limitation can be crushing or exploded and destroyed. Wow, How much more open is there? Bring up any energy? Want to know more?
How about this .. having fun creates success, success is having fun .. interested in that one?
Saturday, 9 June 2012
Good Morning to all who dare to be all they are capable of.
There's a famous quote that goes along those lines ... Robert Louis Stevenson ... "to become what we are capable of is the only end in life." My mother gave me a bookmark with these words.
On the weekend I was tested.
My awareness of others was tested. My trust in myself was tested. Truth, I'd say I failed the test.
Yet, now I see it was more than a test it was an opening to become more, to stretch myself, to allow a change to occur in this reflective mind.
I'm inspired by the action of you. Your encouragement to go further, your words of allowance, your ability to question and your inspiration to change the world for others to change in return and make something more, stronger, better. We are connected to each other at our hearts I'm sure of it now.
My life has been quite often about allowing and trusting without question, yet, there are those that would and do take advantage of this. So, here it is for me, I am willing for the allowance to continue without judgement - in return - will others do the same?
I'm wonder if life is simply and with great complication ... question on question?
One will comment as has been requested without judgement on those that challenged me on the weekend and one will keep those interested in the outcomes. What else is possible?
Always with love ... Helen.
There's a famous quote that goes along those lines ... Robert Louis Stevenson ... "to become what we are capable of is the only end in life." My mother gave me a bookmark with these words.
On the weekend I was tested.
My awareness of others was tested. My trust in myself was tested. Truth, I'd say I failed the test.
Yet, now I see it was more than a test it was an opening to become more, to stretch myself, to allow a change to occur in this reflective mind.
I'm inspired by the action of you. Your encouragement to go further, your words of allowance, your ability to question and your inspiration to change the world for others to change in return and make something more, stronger, better. We are connected to each other at our hearts I'm sure of it now.
My life has been quite often about allowing and trusting without question, yet, there are those that would and do take advantage of this. So, here it is for me, I am willing for the allowance to continue without judgement - in return - will others do the same?
I'm wonder if life is simply and with great complication ... question on question?
One will comment as has been requested without judgement on those that challenged me on the weekend and one will keep those interested in the outcomes. What else is possible?
Always with love ... Helen.
Friday, 8 June 2012
Good Morning, Unique and inspiring others who dare to express. Welcome to just being you.
How fortunate are we to have these awesome tools that contact so many in just a few seconds. Wow!
Today, well, truth, I don't have any inspiring words. I'm a bit flat after an event on the weekend left me a little bruised emotionally. There's no need of the story behind it just that it happened and well I'm more aware because of it.
Moving to today. I thought I might share my dream. Who knows what may come if I put it out there?
I'm a fairly creative being. I like to do things with my wonderful hands that seem to be able to accomplish, writing, crochet, needle work, painting and quilling, more. How fortunate I am to be so lucky? I appreciate these gifts because my family history has Rheumatoid arthritis on it's top billing. My mother and my sister both have very enlarged knuckles and joints in their hands. I am very fortunate that has not occurred, perhaps it's due to touch typing and working them every day? It's what I do, using my hands that rocks my world, so I will endeavour to work them for a very long time.
Any way I've digressed, I'm good at that :)
There's a shop front on the north side, it's cute and has a beautiful large glass panel. It's for lease. Well I've imagined working from there, having classes teaching knitting, crochet, needlepoint, sewing, card making and quilling. I thought perhaps I'd have a set up of tables and serve coffee with crossiants or sweet rolls in the morning, at lunch coffee and sandwiches, and of course afternoon tea with teas from all around the world and home made fruit cake and then classes during the quiet parts of the day. That's my dream. Where do I start? The venue ... I have one in mind. What's next? How does one put a dream into practical existence? A biz plan, yes that's underway. Then am I the one who could? would? Should do it? I'm a firm believer in living the dream and going for gold that's why we are here. One lady asked me yesterday if I'd be interested in starting a coffee shop in the area? Yes was my immediate response and serval creative statements popped out of my mouth like wall colour and what to serve, without thinking :) love that imaginative narrative brain.
Sure, I have the desire, I like to work, I love to talk and people are always always entertaining (in a fun, funny and good way), Sure, I have the talent, I've been in admin for more than 10 years, balancing books is a gift for me from my passion with mathematics, yes I have a well practised recipe for fruit cake handed down through the family from 100 years ago and honestly who doesn't like coffee/tea? Not a judgement on those who don't, just another passion again from this Australian Woman
Ahh yes then creaps in the ever present .... Where will you obtain the $ to do such a thing? To start a business pay oneself for 6 months (allow 15k), pay the rent for 6 months while one builds a client base (allow $18k), have some stock (allow $12k), obtain advertising (allow $5k), all up about $50k. Obviously this is conservative and there are items I have not mentioned because it's not a novel, it's a blog site. Do we have anyone interested in investing in a dream? Do we know where they are? Please tell me, I'm happy to make the first move. What else is possible?
How fortunate are we to have these awesome tools that contact so many in just a few seconds. Wow!
Today, well, truth, I don't have any inspiring words. I'm a bit flat after an event on the weekend left me a little bruised emotionally. There's no need of the story behind it just that it happened and well I'm more aware because of it.
Moving to today. I thought I might share my dream. Who knows what may come if I put it out there?
I'm a fairly creative being. I like to do things with my wonderful hands that seem to be able to accomplish, writing, crochet, needle work, painting and quilling, more. How fortunate I am to be so lucky? I appreciate these gifts because my family history has Rheumatoid arthritis on it's top billing. My mother and my sister both have very enlarged knuckles and joints in their hands. I am very fortunate that has not occurred, perhaps it's due to touch typing and working them every day? It's what I do, using my hands that rocks my world, so I will endeavour to work them for a very long time.
Any way I've digressed, I'm good at that :)
There's a shop front on the north side, it's cute and has a beautiful large glass panel. It's for lease. Well I've imagined working from there, having classes teaching knitting, crochet, needlepoint, sewing, card making and quilling. I thought perhaps I'd have a set up of tables and serve coffee with crossiants or sweet rolls in the morning, at lunch coffee and sandwiches, and of course afternoon tea with teas from all around the world and home made fruit cake and then classes during the quiet parts of the day. That's my dream. Where do I start? The venue ... I have one in mind. What's next? How does one put a dream into practical existence? A biz plan, yes that's underway. Then am I the one who could? would? Should do it? I'm a firm believer in living the dream and going for gold that's why we are here. One lady asked me yesterday if I'd be interested in starting a coffee shop in the area? Yes was my immediate response and serval creative statements popped out of my mouth like wall colour and what to serve, without thinking :) love that imaginative narrative brain.
Sure, I have the desire, I like to work, I love to talk and people are always always entertaining (in a fun, funny and good way), Sure, I have the talent, I've been in admin for more than 10 years, balancing books is a gift for me from my passion with mathematics, yes I have a well practised recipe for fruit cake handed down through the family from 100 years ago and honestly who doesn't like coffee/tea? Not a judgement on those who don't, just another passion again from this Australian Woman
Ahh yes then creaps in the ever present .... Where will you obtain the $ to do such a thing? To start a business pay oneself for 6 months (allow 15k), pay the rent for 6 months while one builds a client base (allow $18k), have some stock (allow $12k), obtain advertising (allow $5k), all up about $50k. Obviously this is conservative and there are items I have not mentioned because it's not a novel, it's a blog site. Do we have anyone interested in investing in a dream? Do we know where they are? Please tell me, I'm happy to make the first move. What else is possible?
Thursday, 7 June 2012
Good Morning, 7th June, What an awesome time it is with Venus so visible to so many. A time to be more aware. Do you know what awareness is? It's being present in your space and time, actually being part of what's happening in the moment. Most of us are more aware at the moment because our awareness has enlarged from this planet where we do our every day tasks to the heavens where Venus is visible. What would it take to have more awareness always?
Only recently for me, just a couple of months, I was introduced to Conscious Awareness. What has it done for me? Changed the way I view myself. I'm a big girl and I have always been that, teased at school, judged by others in my choosen career beause I'm not Barbie like, I felt unworthy and I cried all the time. Access has enabled me to be mood balaned. Only those that have moodiness will understand this. If that's all that happened to me this Access then it would be way worth it.
What else has happened? In short Access has changed the way I 'fit' (ha ha like the pun) into living on this planet. Access has changed how I approach daily life, more than that Access allows me to see who I am in all my wonder. Wow! How awesome is that 2 months ago in the dark and crying to today having morning tea with a group of people in a public place. Me.
How about you? Do you want a better life?
Gary Douglas (thank you Gary) founded Conscious Awareness around 25 years ago, it's easy to find more just google Conscious Awareness.
There are a few practitioners around at the moment who would aid you to have more. More what? More Joy, More Money, More Wellbeing, More .... More of whatever rocks your boat, More.
How do you find a practitioner in your area? Easy ... Google Conscious Awareness Practitioners then check in the boxes Australia and your area. How does it get better than that? What else is possible?
Has doing what you do every day worked for you so far? Would you be willing to give 3 hours to change 1 thing? What does it take to change your world? - It takes effort, everything takes effort, getting out of bed takes effort, you don't have to but it's not living. Is your life what you want it to be? Do you want it to change? Well .... Contact a practioner.
What's involved? It takes about 3 sessions to notice a shift and in reality that's about 3 hours ... hmmmmm .... cogs are ticking .... that's not that much time perhaps it's worth a try.
You are the one that can change your world, You. You are also the one that can leave it as it is, You. You have the power, yes, You.
I here smiling and going to morning tea because Shauna Teaken (thank you Shauna) aided me. I'm here in Logan, if you want to change your world contact Access Consciousness, Google Shauna Teaken or email me and book in for Access Bars session to begin to Change your World ... Rock your Boat.
Only recently for me, just a couple of months, I was introduced to Conscious Awareness. What has it done for me? Changed the way I view myself. I'm a big girl and I have always been that, teased at school, judged by others in my choosen career beause I'm not Barbie like, I felt unworthy and I cried all the time. Access has enabled me to be mood balaned. Only those that have moodiness will understand this. If that's all that happened to me this Access then it would be way worth it.
What else has happened? In short Access has changed the way I 'fit' (ha ha like the pun) into living on this planet. Access has changed how I approach daily life, more than that Access allows me to see who I am in all my wonder. Wow! How awesome is that 2 months ago in the dark and crying to today having morning tea with a group of people in a public place. Me.
How about you? Do you want a better life?
Gary Douglas (thank you Gary) founded Conscious Awareness around 25 years ago, it's easy to find more just google Conscious Awareness.
There are a few practitioners around at the moment who would aid you to have more. More what? More Joy, More Money, More Wellbeing, More .... More of whatever rocks your boat, More.
How do you find a practitioner in your area? Easy ... Google Conscious Awareness Practitioners then check in the boxes Australia and your area. How does it get better than that? What else is possible?
Has doing what you do every day worked for you so far? Would you be willing to give 3 hours to change 1 thing? What does it take to change your world? - It takes effort, everything takes effort, getting out of bed takes effort, you don't have to but it's not living. Is your life what you want it to be? Do you want it to change? Well .... Contact a practioner.
What's involved? It takes about 3 sessions to notice a shift and in reality that's about 3 hours ... hmmmmm .... cogs are ticking .... that's not that much time perhaps it's worth a try.
You are the one that can change your world, You. You are also the one that can leave it as it is, You. You have the power, yes, You.
I here smiling and going to morning tea because Shauna Teaken (thank you Shauna) aided me. I'm here in Logan, if you want to change your world contact Access Consciousness, Google Shauna Teaken or email me and book in for Access Bars session to begin to Change your World ... Rock your Boat.
Tuesday, 5 June 2012
As a child words seem to be a bit of a jumble for me. I was fascinated with them, the way they formed and how linking them made something happen. Numbers were easier for me. They were like my friends, they never lied and they always worked. I wrote, drew, painted, cut and paste and added up numbers all the time. Creating something from a blank page was what rocked my boat, truth, it still does. My working life started as a check out chick when I memorised all the specials list easy one look. Then to screen printing, I enjoyed that, even though it was messy, there were bits and bobs shops along the way until I found Graphic Designing and Printing, all my loves rolled into one. I miss it now after 10 years, but I'd had enough doing it for 20years. Anything is possible. I finished my education at night school and later my diploma in segments. Be who you are, follow your dreams, try. It's all in the ride that makes the enjoyment truth. There are tools and those willing to show the way. Ask ...
Monday, 4 June 2012
Hi Everyone,
Sitting at my loved desk. It is truely beautiful work with all it's little draws and secret compartments. It houses some much loved treasures and where I do all my work on my new and lovely computer. Who said it had to be expensive? I purchased this from Office works for a few hundred dollars and it's a dream to work with. I am truely fortunate.
It takes me back a bit, looking at that gorgeous moon in the sky. We have so many gifts each day. How lucky we are to be able to see such things. One of my favourite pictures is of my little garden, it's not big at all but it is loved and it shows me something beautiful regularly in return, gorgeous orange hybiscus, awesome bird of paradise, lemon blossoms, so much joy. I wonder around there touching all the leaves and saying how loved each one is and I give them a drink of seaweed and water, doesn't smell great but they love it and they so respond. I have a passion fruit vine, it was about 10cm when I planted it, it takes up 1metre square now, and it dances for me, the chimes are going, the crystal is flashing it's prism and I am the only one it's for. How fortunate am I?
There's about 10 projects I'm working on at the moment. I like to have a few different ones going keeps me entertained, they all seem to be finishing at the same time. My Pelican painting for the Ekka, painting Day for Patrick (for my nephew's 16th birthday next month), a history book of my Dad's life, crochet for Jess's new baby girl and a jacket for Amity too, my novel which to go to out tomorrow (What would it take for my book to be accepted and printed and a best seller?), and of course my loved new passion with the blog and always my social scene. New to my repertoire is Access. I'm learning and learning all about that too now. I really am fortunate. What else is possible?
I watched a short video on a heavy man who decided to change his life one step at a time and he walked and ran for 9 months and is now the picture of health. How awesome are we that we just decided to do something and do it. I saw a documentary on Saturn and the Scientists are planning to send a maned space ship there. Wow! What else is possible?
Sitting at my loved desk. It is truely beautiful work with all it's little draws and secret compartments. It houses some much loved treasures and where I do all my work on my new and lovely computer. Who said it had to be expensive? I purchased this from Office works for a few hundred dollars and it's a dream to work with. I am truely fortunate.
It takes me back a bit, looking at that gorgeous moon in the sky. We have so many gifts each day. How lucky we are to be able to see such things. One of my favourite pictures is of my little garden, it's not big at all but it is loved and it shows me something beautiful regularly in return, gorgeous orange hybiscus, awesome bird of paradise, lemon blossoms, so much joy. I wonder around there touching all the leaves and saying how loved each one is and I give them a drink of seaweed and water, doesn't smell great but they love it and they so respond. I have a passion fruit vine, it was about 10cm when I planted it, it takes up 1metre square now, and it dances for me, the chimes are going, the crystal is flashing it's prism and I am the only one it's for. How fortunate am I?
There's about 10 projects I'm working on at the moment. I like to have a few different ones going keeps me entertained, they all seem to be finishing at the same time. My Pelican painting for the Ekka, painting Day for Patrick (for my nephew's 16th birthday next month), a history book of my Dad's life, crochet for Jess's new baby girl and a jacket for Amity too, my novel which to go to out tomorrow (What would it take for my book to be accepted and printed and a best seller?), and of course my loved new passion with the blog and always my social scene. New to my repertoire is Access. I'm learning and learning all about that too now. I really am fortunate. What else is possible?
I watched a short video on a heavy man who decided to change his life one step at a time and he walked and ran for 9 months and is now the picture of health. How awesome are we that we just decided to do something and do it. I saw a documentary on Saturn and the Scientists are planning to send a maned space ship there. Wow! What else is possible?
Sunday, 3 June 2012
Hi Ho.
Ever wanted to change things in your life?
Finding that the way things are just isn't working for you?
What if it were easy to change? Would you? Seriously.
How much effort do you put into making sure your day is filled with drama / difficulty?
Hard question?
Sure it takes effort .... getting out of bed takes effort.
I had enough of my life the way it was so I asked .... What else is possible?
Kids know ... they ask questions all the time ... they don't take anything seriously (usually)
For me ... not long ago ... was work / home / work / home (existing not living)
Then I found a key that worked for me .... and now I am living ... want to know more?
Recently I've taken to watching the sky. How gorgeous is this planet? We are surronded by stars that change every day, clouds that make awesome shapes and recently rain drops that seem to stop mid air they were going so slowly. How does life get better than that? Just taking a moment to watch the sky.
Just outside the Art Centre, Wembley Rd, Logan .... 3.30pm
Picture frame in the sky sized - must have been 50 at least white parrots, dancing in the sky, they were in formation and what a dance it was. It took about 10 minutes they moved through the air so freely, as if they were a sheet of silk flowing in the wind. How awesome it is to see the wonders of this planet?How fragile it is! How much do we take it for granted? How fortunate I am to appreciate it!
Ever wanted to change things in your life?
Finding that the way things are just isn't working for you?
What if it were easy to change? Would you? Seriously.
How much effort do you put into making sure your day is filled with drama / difficulty?
Hard question?
Sure it takes effort .... getting out of bed takes effort.
I had enough of my life the way it was so I asked .... What else is possible?
Kids know ... they ask questions all the time ... they don't take anything seriously (usually)
For me ... not long ago ... was work / home / work / home (existing not living)
Then I found a key that worked for me .... and now I am living ... want to know more?
Recently I've taken to watching the sky. How gorgeous is this planet? We are surronded by stars that change every day, clouds that make awesome shapes and recently rain drops that seem to stop mid air they were going so slowly. How does life get better than that? Just taking a moment to watch the sky.
Just outside the Art Centre, Wembley Rd, Logan .... 3.30pm
Picture frame in the sky sized - must have been 50 at least white parrots, dancing in the sky, they were in formation and what a dance it was. It took about 10 minutes they moved through the air so freely, as if they were a sheet of silk flowing in the wind. How awesome it is to see the wonders of this planet?How fragile it is! How much do we take it for granted? How fortunate I am to appreciate it!
Friday, 1 June 2012
Hi Ho,
Is that off to work I go ....
I'm struggling a little with the work thing. I jointly run a small business in maintenance. We are registerd company and employ a team. The GFC has had an affect sending one of retirees out doing the same thing and we just can't compete. So it's a bit of a battle to find where we fit right now. Work is really slow and $ ahhh let's just not go there .... anyway I've take to going to the duck pond recently.
I was treated to a Goose family - I've never seen them close up before. The male is very unusual indeed.
After meditating there for what seemed again like a few minutes several hours had actually gone by and I needed to perform several tasks in a small space of time before a meeting.
What did I do ..... pulled energy ... just called energy to aid me and didn't put any emotion into it, either it would work or it would not as I stood in a que and said .... what would it take for me to be next .... guess what .... all the people had paperwork to complet and almost instantly it was me that was next ... Wow how could it be better I asked ... the lady gave me a code ... thank you and how could it be better then she loaded me into the computer with a pass and it was all over and I still made the meet.
Whoooeeee. I love being here right now and I so giggle at being me .... :)
Is that off to work I go ....
I'm struggling a little with the work thing. I jointly run a small business in maintenance. We are registerd company and employ a team. The GFC has had an affect sending one of retirees out doing the same thing and we just can't compete. So it's a bit of a battle to find where we fit right now. Work is really slow and $ ahhh let's just not go there .... anyway I've take to going to the duck pond recently.
I was treated to a Goose family - I've never seen them close up before. The male is very unusual indeed.
After meditating there for what seemed again like a few minutes several hours had actually gone by and I needed to perform several tasks in a small space of time before a meeting.
What did I do ..... pulled energy ... just called energy to aid me and didn't put any emotion into it, either it would work or it would not as I stood in a que and said .... what would it take for me to be next .... guess what .... all the people had paperwork to complet and almost instantly it was me that was next ... Wow how could it be better I asked ... the lady gave me a code ... thank you and how could it be better then she loaded me into the computer with a pass and it was all over and I still made the meet.
Whoooeeee. I love being here right now and I so giggle at being me .... :)
Thursday, 31 May 2012
Hello Beautiful Person. What a joy it is that you are in my world, thank you for being you.
Ever had a magical moment happen to you? Ever just suddenly burst into laughter? That's magic for me. What about you?
I started with Access, learning, practising, utilising 2 months ago. I'm not the same person I was then, I don't overreact. It's that simple. I don't spend the day trying to control my tears, because they only show up when I'm laughing. How great is that? Would you do anything if you had the opportunity to change?
Today, I as I connected to the power of the universe, ( you may call that sunlight or God, whatever rocks your boat ). I was outside on the stairs and suddenly there was a stir in the air. From out of nowhere came, crows, pippies, minors, green and red birds, and a few others that I just don't know how to describe. They were there in front of me ... flying, trittering, singing ... truth and beauty all right there just as a gift for me. What had I done ... nothing ... well opened energetically ... Do you know what that is? It's when your just happy to be who you are and allow the warmth of that to flow through your entire being. How cool is that? Anyway I've digressed, the birds entertained me for about 15 minutes and just to make sure I knew the universe was gifting me numerous butterflys joined in. I felt love touch me.
How does life get better than that? What else is possible?
Thank you Universe. Thank you Mother Earth.
Thank you Gary Douglas. Thank you Shauna Teaken. Thank you body.
And most important of all thank you beautiful person for spending a few moments with me.
Ever had a magical moment happen to you? Ever just suddenly burst into laughter? That's magic for me. What about you?
I started with Access, learning, practising, utilising 2 months ago. I'm not the same person I was then, I don't overreact. It's that simple. I don't spend the day trying to control my tears, because they only show up when I'm laughing. How great is that? Would you do anything if you had the opportunity to change?
Today, I as I connected to the power of the universe, ( you may call that sunlight or God, whatever rocks your boat ). I was outside on the stairs and suddenly there was a stir in the air. From out of nowhere came, crows, pippies, minors, green and red birds, and a few others that I just don't know how to describe. They were there in front of me ... flying, trittering, singing ... truth and beauty all right there just as a gift for me. What had I done ... nothing ... well opened energetically ... Do you know what that is? It's when your just happy to be who you are and allow the warmth of that to flow through your entire being. How cool is that? Anyway I've digressed, the birds entertained me for about 15 minutes and just to make sure I knew the universe was gifting me numerous butterflys joined in. I felt love touch me.
How does life get better than that? What else is possible?
Thank you Universe. Thank you Mother Earth.
Thank you Gary Douglas. Thank you Shauna Teaken. Thank you body.
And most important of all thank you beautiful person for spending a few moments with me.
Wednesday, 30 May 2012
Hi everyone it's very early morning 3.40am, yes for me mornings do it.
I share some of me from yesterday here with you now. I was fortunate enough to see some ducks and a swan, I sat meditating for what seemed liked a few minutes, though Earth time was over an hour. The sun lifted the fog off the water and enabled some awesome screens to be photgraphed for later study for painting. In my existence I've always been creative, I get a buzz out of watching a blank pages fill with words, paper change as I draw and canvas turn into something unique. My hands are gifted with the ability to do much creativity. I am grateful for them and to be here now with you.
The scent of hot coffee freshly brewed fills the room and I am transported to another time.
I share some more of me some of my past. My childhood like many others was not easy. I'm not going into details, because they simply don't matter, it was long ago and I am no longer a victim. I was then, however I have realised that learned behaviour governs much of existence. Great grandparents taught grandparents who taught our parents who taught us and so on back and forward. The great gift we have in our generation is education and choice.
I choose not to follow their teachings ... What about you?
At 15 I left home, as were the rules in the early 70s I had a place to live and a job. I walked over 20 to 30ks through the night to ensure the secrecy of running away. I had enough of what was happening so I simply planned it and left. It did not change the situation though my leaving did stir what eventually would be change. I'm sorry for those left behind I was endeavouring to make a change endeavouring to say STOP, I had no idea what would happen, I just had to go. I arrived at my new residence and was preparing to rest when I saw the panel van with it's vertical (thankfully different from most Panel Vans at the time) back doors and I knew I was in trouble. I ran, yet I was not fast enough, hands around my throat, air left my body unconscious, I was placed in the back of that van. My awesome body begins recovery, though time seems frozen for a moment, I'm aware the doorway is free. One chance and one chance only, as the car moves, I move up and out and running in a split second I ran through the house, though time still seemed to be still, I ran, I was present, I was calculating what to do, I ran to the toilet at the back of the house, I placed my feet against the wall and my body against the door the actual toilet was too my left away from my person. I talked to my body and to the wall, yes half crazed of course. "Body be strong, wall be solid." over and over again I was 100 percent present. I can't be certain of the time line maybe 20 or 30 minutes. Time enough for the lady of the new residence, screaming then realising I was in trouble calling the Police, for the Police to be dispatched and then show up and then defuse the situation. During this time I was aware of what was happening. During this time me a 15yr old 5foot female held the door against a raged fully grown man 5ft 10 inches and at least 3 times my weight, yet the body and the door held.
I don't tell this story for sypathy, I tell if for strength, many cases happen of great feats often, this one is simply mine ...... How did this occur? Super Girl? Was it magic? ... What else is possible?
I share some of me from yesterday here with you now. I was fortunate enough to see some ducks and a swan, I sat meditating for what seemed liked a few minutes, though Earth time was over an hour. The sun lifted the fog off the water and enabled some awesome screens to be photgraphed for later study for painting. In my existence I've always been creative, I get a buzz out of watching a blank pages fill with words, paper change as I draw and canvas turn into something unique. My hands are gifted with the ability to do much creativity. I am grateful for them and to be here now with you.
The scent of hot coffee freshly brewed fills the room and I am transported to another time.
I share some more of me some of my past. My childhood like many others was not easy. I'm not going into details, because they simply don't matter, it was long ago and I am no longer a victim. I was then, however I have realised that learned behaviour governs much of existence. Great grandparents taught grandparents who taught our parents who taught us and so on back and forward. The great gift we have in our generation is education and choice.
I choose not to follow their teachings ... What about you?
At 15 I left home, as were the rules in the early 70s I had a place to live and a job. I walked over 20 to 30ks through the night to ensure the secrecy of running away. I had enough of what was happening so I simply planned it and left. It did not change the situation though my leaving did stir what eventually would be change. I'm sorry for those left behind I was endeavouring to make a change endeavouring to say STOP, I had no idea what would happen, I just had to go. I arrived at my new residence and was preparing to rest when I saw the panel van with it's vertical (thankfully different from most Panel Vans at the time) back doors and I knew I was in trouble. I ran, yet I was not fast enough, hands around my throat, air left my body unconscious, I was placed in the back of that van. My awesome body begins recovery, though time seems frozen for a moment, I'm aware the doorway is free. One chance and one chance only, as the car moves, I move up and out and running in a split second I ran through the house, though time still seemed to be still, I ran, I was present, I was calculating what to do, I ran to the toilet at the back of the house, I placed my feet against the wall and my body against the door the actual toilet was too my left away from my person. I talked to my body and to the wall, yes half crazed of course. "Body be strong, wall be solid." over and over again I was 100 percent present. I can't be certain of the time line maybe 20 or 30 minutes. Time enough for the lady of the new residence, screaming then realising I was in trouble calling the Police, for the Police to be dispatched and then show up and then defuse the situation. During this time I was aware of what was happening. During this time me a 15yr old 5foot female held the door against a raged fully grown man 5ft 10 inches and at least 3 times my weight, yet the body and the door held.
I don't tell this story for sypathy, I tell if for strength, many cases happen of great feats often, this one is simply mine ...... How did this occur? Super Girl? Was it magic? ... What else is possible?
Monday, 28 May 2012
Hi Everyone. Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement. I really appreciate them.
.... I will evenutally put my picture on my blog .... though I'm way more than my face, just having a bit of fun showing eveyone parts of me and adding a little poetry too ... every now and then ... Are you sure you want to see my face? What if I look like a firey dragon? What if I look like Godzilla? What if I'm a mermaid? What if I'm a different? just funning with you ... or am I? ... whooee, play, laugh out loud, fun, ... oh yes ... creating a new word ..... WOLLFP .... wollfp it up!
Yesterday one attended a workshop to uncreate and destroy drama .... whoooeee so glad to have had WOLLFP with me then .... ha ha
What a treat this morning was, beautiful mixture of birds, all around me while I attended work, they sat on the fence and sang gorgeous songs, It was truth and beauty and tangible oneness (God if you prefer). Everything is changing ... can you sense it? Do you sense the change .... do you sense the oneness in growth ... we've been waiting a very long time for this ... open communication has allowed much change ... it's so awesome ... are you aware? What would it take to have more awareness?
What else is possible? What can I do to contribute to the changes to show more gratitude and more kindness? What awareness is required to join together and know that we are all part of the oneness? Each of us gifted in a unique way, sure some may be the brain and some may be the poop hole, yet one doesn't function without the other..... as always laugh out loud .... "for all we know the best is yet to come."
I've always been gifted with a special energy sensory perception. I am not alone, there are many recorded cases. I sense animals issues. I hear trees sing after the rain. Flying things seem to be my specialty though ... the bees, the dragonfly, the butterfly, birds .... I was with my Aunt when she passed ... the room was dark like night at 1pm on a sunny day, the body without her was hollow and grey, yet the light I saw leave in the dark like a teardrop of wonderful luminous silvery glow the size of a new born baby, what left was truth and awareness. I have been gifted true beauty by these things. What else is possible?
It is not always what one expects, in fact I'd go so far as to say it's never what one expects ... yet .... it is always what one asks for. So ... be aware of your wishes.... for they may just come true.
.... I will evenutally put my picture on my blog .... though I'm way more than my face, just having a bit of fun showing eveyone parts of me and adding a little poetry too ... every now and then ... Are you sure you want to see my face? What if I look like a firey dragon? What if I look like Godzilla? What if I'm a mermaid? What if I'm a different? just funning with you ... or am I? ... whooee, play, laugh out loud, fun, ... oh yes ... creating a new word ..... WOLLFP .... wollfp it up!
Yesterday one attended a workshop to uncreate and destroy drama .... whoooeee so glad to have had WOLLFP with me then .... ha ha
What a treat this morning was, beautiful mixture of birds, all around me while I attended work, they sat on the fence and sang gorgeous songs, It was truth and beauty and tangible oneness (God if you prefer). Everything is changing ... can you sense it? Do you sense the change .... do you sense the oneness in growth ... we've been waiting a very long time for this ... open communication has allowed much change ... it's so awesome ... are you aware? What would it take to have more awareness?
What else is possible? What can I do to contribute to the changes to show more gratitude and more kindness? What awareness is required to join together and know that we are all part of the oneness? Each of us gifted in a unique way, sure some may be the brain and some may be the poop hole, yet one doesn't function without the other..... as always laugh out loud .... "for all we know the best is yet to come."
I've always been gifted with a special energy sensory perception. I am not alone, there are many recorded cases. I sense animals issues. I hear trees sing after the rain. Flying things seem to be my specialty though ... the bees, the dragonfly, the butterfly, birds .... I was with my Aunt when she passed ... the room was dark like night at 1pm on a sunny day, the body without her was hollow and grey, yet the light I saw leave in the dark like a teardrop of wonderful luminous silvery glow the size of a new born baby, what left was truth and awareness. I have been gifted true beauty by these things. What else is possible?
It is not always what one expects, in fact I'd go so far as to say it's never what one expects ... yet .... it is always what one asks for. So ... be aware of your wishes.... for they may just come true.
Saturday, 26 May 2012
Good Morning Everyone,
What a gorgeous day. Thank you Universe. We have been gifted with a beautiful sky today, it's colours are amazing, blue and greys and clouds swirling and dancing. It's awesome. The sun is gathering itself to pop! Wow. How did we get so fortunate?
Yesterday, I took Mum to the hospital, time for that cast to come off. Yeah! The traffic was horrid in the rain, every one seemed to be going 40ks. So I opened myself to the magic of the world and swished a little, suddenly the cars all started to pull over to the left. Magic indeed in these hands. How fortunate am I? Arrived on time for our appointment, radio blaring how the highway was still blocked. Giggled a little.
Wow what a wall blast walking into the hospital was. All those unconcious people, really dragged on me like walking through wet tar or heavy mud. I had to work on my gold umbrella ever second for a few minutes. It was amazing though. As my awareness grows, I am gifted with a knowing exactly what is required. How special are we?
The nurses where complaining how far behind they were. I asked ... What else is possible. Suddenly the room had fewer people and the nurses were happier. I asked. What would it take to be next? Guess what ... Mum's name was called. The nurse said there's no one to take off the cast. I asked. What else is possible? The doc said I'll do it myself.... The nurses face. Then the guy who normally does it came back from lunch .... shook his head ..... "I've never seen a doc do that here" ..... What else is possible?
What else is possible? Truth, we have no control really, what's going to happen is going to happen, it just is what it is. Do what makes you feel lighter. Life on this planet is a playground of possibility. What about letting go and having fun? LOL = laugh out loud :)
What a gorgeous day. Thank you Universe. We have been gifted with a beautiful sky today, it's colours are amazing, blue and greys and clouds swirling and dancing. It's awesome. The sun is gathering itself to pop! Wow. How did we get so fortunate?
Yesterday, I took Mum to the hospital, time for that cast to come off. Yeah! The traffic was horrid in the rain, every one seemed to be going 40ks. So I opened myself to the magic of the world and swished a little, suddenly the cars all started to pull over to the left. Magic indeed in these hands. How fortunate am I? Arrived on time for our appointment, radio blaring how the highway was still blocked. Giggled a little.
Wow what a wall blast walking into the hospital was. All those unconcious people, really dragged on me like walking through wet tar or heavy mud. I had to work on my gold umbrella ever second for a few minutes. It was amazing though. As my awareness grows, I am gifted with a knowing exactly what is required. How special are we?
The nurses where complaining how far behind they were. I asked ... What else is possible. Suddenly the room had fewer people and the nurses were happier. I asked. What would it take to be next? Guess what ... Mum's name was called. The nurse said there's no one to take off the cast. I asked. What else is possible? The doc said I'll do it myself.... The nurses face. Then the guy who normally does it came back from lunch .... shook his head ..... "I've never seen a doc do that here" ..... What else is possible?
What else is possible? Truth, we have no control really, what's going to happen is going to happen, it just is what it is. Do what makes you feel lighter. Life on this planet is a playground of possibility. What about letting go and having fun? LOL = laugh out loud :)
Thursday, 24 May 2012
Currently I read post after post, all over, facebook, blogging, emails, newsletters and there's an awareness happening throughout them. Bring it on. Awareness of our planet, awareness of each other and the gift that each of us is. There's no one like each one. How cool is that?
I've just read an article from Article written by the Last Ocean’s Peter Young in response to an attack by NZ Economist Gareth Morgan. This ran in the NZ Herald on April 24, 2012.
What would it take to have more awareness?
I have this bee that visits my little unit. At first I was afraid of it, it's huge, like the size of a finch, I'm going to attempt to get a photo after talking it over with a very awesome lady.
When the bee first visited me, there were stinging things all around me, my home had been infested with spiders, I felt like I was a cocoon for a while, the wasps had built a nest at my front door and then the bee at the back. Whooee. What was going on? I asked, and I asked, not just me others I asked as well. It's just not the time for such activity.
I've always believed creatures have a communicative energy. Ever heard the dog speak to you? the cat? How excited your pets become when you're home with them? Horses almost speak, so do some dogs. There's been many recorded cases. Well, kind of half sheepishly, again after encouragement from the same awesome lady. I spoke to the bee. It's fortunate I live alone and that my home has no real neighbours. I admit I felt like a weirdo.
Imagine .... that, no response. What was I thinking. The bee just flew right up to the door and sort of froze mid flight in front of me. It was a bit daunting. For a bee it was very large.
Then it moved off.
Well, not the answer I was expecting. When is the answer from the universe what you expect?
To my surprise the bee continued to visit. It's been several weeks. It may even be every day, I work so I'm not sure if it is 100%. I asked the bee if there was something I could do for it.
Weirdo .... I just received .... no I'm just here for company so you are not alone.
How does life get better than that? How special am I that a bee has come to keep me company?
I've just read an article from Article written by the Last Ocean’s Peter Young in response to an attack by NZ Economist Gareth Morgan. This ran in the NZ Herald on April 24, 2012.
What would it take to have more awareness?
I have this bee that visits my little unit. At first I was afraid of it, it's huge, like the size of a finch, I'm going to attempt to get a photo after talking it over with a very awesome lady.
When the bee first visited me, there were stinging things all around me, my home had been infested with spiders, I felt like I was a cocoon for a while, the wasps had built a nest at my front door and then the bee at the back. Whooee. What was going on? I asked, and I asked, not just me others I asked as well. It's just not the time for such activity.
I've always believed creatures have a communicative energy. Ever heard the dog speak to you? the cat? How excited your pets become when you're home with them? Horses almost speak, so do some dogs. There's been many recorded cases. Well, kind of half sheepishly, again after encouragement from the same awesome lady. I spoke to the bee. It's fortunate I live alone and that my home has no real neighbours. I admit I felt like a weirdo.
Imagine .... that, no response. What was I thinking. The bee just flew right up to the door and sort of froze mid flight in front of me. It was a bit daunting. For a bee it was very large.
Then it moved off.
Well, not the answer I was expecting. When is the answer from the universe what you expect?
To my surprise the bee continued to visit. It's been several weeks. It may even be every day, I work so I'm not sure if it is 100%. I asked the bee if there was something I could do for it.
Weirdo .... I just received .... no I'm just here for company so you are not alone.
How does life get better than that? How special am I that a bee has come to keep me company?
Good Morning, It's 2am here in SE Qld. This is a normal time for me, somewhere between 2 and 4am my peepers open at the dawn of a new day and the gratitude of being able to watch, in it's rising. It just is, I'm definately a morning person, I appreciate not everyone is, and isn't that just the best awesome gift, we're all different. Like one piece in a giant puzzle. Whoooowe! We're so fortunate to be.
Someone asked me what my genre was, I just had no idea what that word meant, I looked up the Thesaurus and found, brand, catagory; well ... I like to write about what's happening with me. I like to share it here with you. Is there a name for that? I write other things, I've written stories, mostly they are fantasy or romance fantasy or children's stories of what's possible. So I've kind of taken on board that my genre is fantasy.
Does that limit what I write?
It's so encouraging for me to be able to share here. I feel blessed to have that option in my writing world. My working world is surrounded by manual labour and this part of my day encourages me to be grateful. I know we are in such a gifted place, enabled to write freely as a woman, anything I want, there's no rules really that I'm aware of, but, there's common sense. Well at least that's where I come from, common sense, caring, gentleness and contribution.
What contribution can I be to others while I write?
That's the sort of question I ask before my fingers begin dancing over the keys. I'm always been amazed by my own ability to touch type it makes me giggle, because my hands seem to be alive on their own, Oh I know my brain is in there, yet, it still looks funny. I'm grateful to be so fortunate.
Most of the human race functions on auto pilot, their brain is so busy with noise that they don't or can't think about what they are doing. What would it take without it being a judgement call to become more aware and function from "love" and "care"? I've used these words before.
Are we here to encourage each other to become all that is possible to experience anything that is desired? Is life the united greatness of how we are together that makes it the awesome experience?
:) thank you for taking your valuable time to read where I am today :)
Someone asked me what my genre was, I just had no idea what that word meant, I looked up the Thesaurus and found, brand, catagory; well ... I like to write about what's happening with me. I like to share it here with you. Is there a name for that? I write other things, I've written stories, mostly they are fantasy or romance fantasy or children's stories of what's possible. So I've kind of taken on board that my genre is fantasy.
Does that limit what I write?
It's so encouraging for me to be able to share here. I feel blessed to have that option in my writing world. My working world is surrounded by manual labour and this part of my day encourages me to be grateful. I know we are in such a gifted place, enabled to write freely as a woman, anything I want, there's no rules really that I'm aware of, but, there's common sense. Well at least that's where I come from, common sense, caring, gentleness and contribution.
What contribution can I be to others while I write?
That's the sort of question I ask before my fingers begin dancing over the keys. I'm always been amazed by my own ability to touch type it makes me giggle, because my hands seem to be alive on their own, Oh I know my brain is in there, yet, it still looks funny. I'm grateful to be so fortunate.
Most of the human race functions on auto pilot, their brain is so busy with noise that they don't or can't think about what they are doing. What would it take without it being a judgement call to become more aware and function from "love" and "care"? I've used these words before.
Are we here to encourage each other to become all that is possible to experience anything that is desired? Is life the united greatness of how we are together that makes it the awesome experience?
:) thank you for taking your valuable time to read where I am today :)
Wednesday, 23 May 2012
Good morning! Miss me? Some little gremlins were in my computer and played some tricks. Sorry, all better now and I'm back.
Major changes are happening. I'm going to launch classes to learn to knit, crochet, needle point, sewing and quilling. This all came about from a trip to Mt Gravatt shopping centre. I was waiting for my car to be serviced so I sat in the downstairs food court on one of those large bench seats, pulled out my crochet, currently working on a piece for the newest baby. So many people smiled at first then started coming up and saying, "do you teach that?"
Currently I'm looking for a venue in Logan, Qld, Aust. Plans are to run classes from 10 til 12 Tuesday Morning - how to crochet, then 12.30 til 2.30 Tuesday Afternoon - how to knit. Then swap them around Thursday. from 10 til 12 Thursday Morning - how to knit, then 12.30 til 2.30 Thursday Afternoon - how to crochet. 1st week of the month. What do you think? Would you provide feedback? Are you interested?
Currently also studying Access, there will be sessions offered as soon as ..... there's a venue .... plans are to ... go for it .... Life is about choice .... it's feel the fear and do it any way ... :)
I've just finished my competition piece for the Ekka - acrylic painting = it's a sea scape, "Pelican Picnic" if you're going to the show, keep your eye out and let me know what you think!
Joyous to be back ....
Major changes are happening. I'm going to launch classes to learn to knit, crochet, needle point, sewing and quilling. This all came about from a trip to Mt Gravatt shopping centre. I was waiting for my car to be serviced so I sat in the downstairs food court on one of those large bench seats, pulled out my crochet, currently working on a piece for the newest baby. So many people smiled at first then started coming up and saying, "do you teach that?"
Currently I'm looking for a venue in Logan, Qld, Aust. Plans are to run classes from 10 til 12 Tuesday Morning - how to crochet, then 12.30 til 2.30 Tuesday Afternoon - how to knit. Then swap them around Thursday. from 10 til 12 Thursday Morning - how to knit, then 12.30 til 2.30 Thursday Afternoon - how to crochet. 1st week of the month. What do you think? Would you provide feedback? Are you interested?
Currently also studying Access, there will be sessions offered as soon as ..... there's a venue .... plans are to ... go for it .... Life is about choice .... it's feel the fear and do it any way ... :)
I've just finished my competition piece for the Ekka - acrylic painting = it's a sea scape, "Pelican Picnic" if you're going to the show, keep your eye out and let me know what you think!
Joyous to be back ....
Tuesday, 8 May 2012
Hi - 8th May, Tuesday (Choose Day)
Wow!! Exciting isn't it ... the air ... the changes in the wind ... the full moon on the weekend ... wow ... How does life get better than it is right now?
Ever noticed how a question can be used when you're frustrated, angry, happy or sad and it's the same question yet it has clenched teeth, a ho hum voice, a giggle or streaming with tears.
How does life get better than it is right now?
This month - 5 - so exciting, you get to choose, if you don't like what you've chosen, choose something else. There's always assistance it's up to you. Positive thoughts create positive action. It is only you that can stop change and it is only you that can create it. Powerful stuff isn't it.
Every wanted your power back? Ever dreamed that there must be more? Ever started searching for it? Ever been sqashed down and told NO?
Are you still looking?
How does life get better than it is right now?
In November last year I started searching. It took 4 months to find the right person to unlock the awesomeness of Helen. Not that it wasn't there, it always has been and that is so light to say and tingly all over it must be truth. Life (human existance / negative actions and thoughts / others) simply sqashed me down and well in truth I conformed to it. Yet, there was a longing and it is within me still a desire to break all these shackles and set me free. I'm here I count I'm important I'm part of the great oneness just like you. It's so simple to unlock these years and years of turmoil.
I perceive, "you don't know how bad I've had it" coming across this page.
Well at 15 I was working full time, no home, truth it wasn't a great place before 15 alot of scary stuff went on there for a baby girl. At 15 I was still a child and raped and violated in ways that would turn one white. Sound like a victim. I'm not. I refuse to let the ....... get me down. I moved on from place to place, violence occurred within marriage, the church shunned me, further violence within the work place. Sound like a victim. I'm not. I still refused to let the ..... get me down. I walked away with nothing. Changed completely my environment and then a woman friend cut me so deeply I stopped. I faced the black wall that is life itself and well ....
Ok this is the summary. How do you feel about me not knowing? ... now
How does life get better than it is right now? Let me show you ....
Wow!! Exciting isn't it ... the air ... the changes in the wind ... the full moon on the weekend ... wow ... How does life get better than it is right now?
Ever noticed how a question can be used when you're frustrated, angry, happy or sad and it's the same question yet it has clenched teeth, a ho hum voice, a giggle or streaming with tears.
How does life get better than it is right now?
This month - 5 - so exciting, you get to choose, if you don't like what you've chosen, choose something else. There's always assistance it's up to you. Positive thoughts create positive action. It is only you that can stop change and it is only you that can create it. Powerful stuff isn't it.
Every wanted your power back? Ever dreamed that there must be more? Ever started searching for it? Ever been sqashed down and told NO?
Are you still looking?
How does life get better than it is right now?
In November last year I started searching. It took 4 months to find the right person to unlock the awesomeness of Helen. Not that it wasn't there, it always has been and that is so light to say and tingly all over it must be truth. Life (human existance / negative actions and thoughts / others) simply sqashed me down and well in truth I conformed to it. Yet, there was a longing and it is within me still a desire to break all these shackles and set me free. I'm here I count I'm important I'm part of the great oneness just like you. It's so simple to unlock these years and years of turmoil.
I perceive, "you don't know how bad I've had it" coming across this page.
Well at 15 I was working full time, no home, truth it wasn't a great place before 15 alot of scary stuff went on there for a baby girl. At 15 I was still a child and raped and violated in ways that would turn one white. Sound like a victim. I'm not. I refuse to let the ....... get me down. I moved on from place to place, violence occurred within marriage, the church shunned me, further violence within the work place. Sound like a victim. I'm not. I still refused to let the ..... get me down. I walked away with nothing. Changed completely my environment and then a woman friend cut me so deeply I stopped. I faced the black wall that is life itself and well ....
Ok this is the summary. How do you feel about me not knowing? ... now
How does life get better than it is right now? Let me show you ....
Sunday, 6 May 2012
It’s like a normal morning time for me. Magic begins way before dawn when the
earth is cold, it’s coldest around 3am. Then a stir happens as the excitement of
the building of the sun rise changes the structure of the surface and the
creatures begin to emerge in preparation of breakfast. Woowoo it all hapens in
just a couple of hours, by the time the sun is cracking the horizon all the
little darlings are awake and ready for their tasty morsels. Then the birds stir
and they know they’re about to get double wammy from their breakfast. Wooowoo
how does life get better than it is right now? Most times one is here watching
to absorb the magic of it. There are fragments to capture as well, changes from
the dark and cold to movement in the earth only slightly visible like a mist
that just kisses the skin. What else is possible? When the sun opens it’s rays
to bless us with the prism of light that warm and flow to touch all and stir in
each the creative juice of newness. Woooooooowoo.
What say you?
Are you interested in a better way of life? What's your health like?
We, a collective group of like minded people, are looking for a venue on the North Side of Brisbane, Sandgate area, to host ... for want of a better word ... workshops, though they are fun not really work.
Do you have anything? We have the skill base ... One is a front person to organise, one is the facilitator and then there's back ground people. We're intending of opening others too a better option of life. It's easy. Want to learn more?
Comment .........................
What say you?
Are you interested in a better way of life? What's your health like?
We, a collective group of like minded people, are looking for a venue on the North Side of Brisbane, Sandgate area, to host ... for want of a better word ... workshops, though they are fun not really work.
Do you have anything? We have the skill base ... One is a front person to organise, one is the facilitator and then there's back ground people. We're intending of opening others too a better option of life. It's easy. Want to learn more?
Comment .........................
Friday, 4 May 2012
What an awesome day. A little cleaning and clearing. Moving the centre of my home and looking at what really needs to be there. How about a little craft area? What else is possible?
The off to have a session with Shauna Teaken & coffee (How special am I). Wow. Anything is possible.
Then for a look for venue drive ... How does like get better than it it right now?
Then home for a little .... Anything is possible thereapy ... have you seen ????
Sitting here in quiet reflection and well here it is. We're looking for a venue on the North Side around the Sandgate area. There's a cry for something more, it's almost like screaming HELP ME, when I listen intently. How do we begin to show there is a better way? It's really simple, anyone can do it, and anyone can choose not too, though why you'd choose no is beyond me, but, it's your choice. We looking for a venue. How does it get better than it is right now? We hear the cry, we seek a place, we have the skill ............... Who has the answer?
Sitting here thinking of you - looking out my awesome unit window to see the moon in it's glory. How does life get better than it is right now? Wooowooo ............ LOL laugh out loud
The off to have a session with Shauna Teaken & coffee (How special am I). Wow. Anything is possible.
Then for a look for venue drive ... How does like get better than it it right now?
Then home for a little .... Anything is possible thereapy ... have you seen ????
Sitting here in quiet reflection and well here it is. We're looking for a venue on the North Side around the Sandgate area. There's a cry for something more, it's almost like screaming HELP ME, when I listen intently. How do we begin to show there is a better way? It's really simple, anyone can do it, and anyone can choose not too, though why you'd choose no is beyond me, but, it's your choice. We looking for a venue. How does it get better than it is right now? We hear the cry, we seek a place, we have the skill ............... Who has the answer?
Sitting here thinking of you - looking out my awesome unit window to see the moon in it's glory. How does life get better than it is right now? Wooowooo ............ LOL laugh out loud
Hi, Welcome to Friday 4th, very early.
It was such a busy day yesterday there were no minutes to write.
A lot of talking took place with people who just started chatting to me as if we were friends.
It was cool. Heaps of gratitude for that. How could more chatting turn up?
Writing has always been a joy for me. Not easy but a joy. Poetry mostly or letters.
This blogging is a bit of a challenge as I learn how to invite people to view and comment.
What process needs to take place for learning to be easy.
Questions are so much fun. What else is possible? ... What else is possible? Are we limited?
It was such a busy day yesterday there were no minutes to write.
A lot of talking took place with people who just started chatting to me as if we were friends.
It was cool. Heaps of gratitude for that. How could more chatting turn up?
Writing has always been a joy for me. Not easy but a joy. Poetry mostly or letters.
This blogging is a bit of a challenge as I learn how to invite people to view and comment.
What process needs to take place for learning to be easy.
Questions are so much fun. What else is possible? ... What else is possible? Are we limited?
Wednesday, 2 May 2012
Hello Gorgeous Beings - 2nd May.
Wow, breathing is awesome. What's better than that?
Would you like your life to be happier? ..... yes
Choose it. As soon as you open those peepers ... state ... I choose to be happy, the universe will conspire events to make you happy. What better grand and glorious adventure is there than that.
The truth will always set you free - it feels lighter, a lie will contract one it feels heavy.
Wow, breathing is awesome. What's better than that?
Would you like your life to be happier? ..... yes
Choose it. As soon as you open those peepers ... state ... I choose to be happy, the universe will conspire events to make you happy. What better grand and glorious adventure is there than that.
The truth will always set you free - it feels lighter, a lie will contract one it feels heavy.
Tuesday, 1 May 2012
1st May = 5th month - 5 = anything you desire. Manifest it everyday. Nurturingly of course.
I don't believe in coincidence. I've always known that to be a message.
For today - think about money, as a mode of exchange. If it were shells that humans exchanged we'd be down the beach collecting them daily. Well similarly to money. Sit in comfortable chair, run your grounding chord to the centre of the earth, tie it off, then see in front of you a full glowing round tunnel of light this light flows right through your body / torso. In it fill it up with your favourite cash, example twenty / fifty / hundred dollar notes (have fun mix them up). Watch them come to you. Know that it's great that they do freely, some will stay with you so you have a reserve and some will flow on, others need some too, allow that process. Be thankful for the receiving. Mantra - money comes to me without effort.
I don't believe in coincidence. I've always known that to be a message.
For today - think about money, as a mode of exchange. If it were shells that humans exchanged we'd be down the beach collecting them daily. Well similarly to money. Sit in comfortable chair, run your grounding chord to the centre of the earth, tie it off, then see in front of you a full glowing round tunnel of light this light flows right through your body / torso. In it fill it up with your favourite cash, example twenty / fifty / hundred dollar notes (have fun mix them up). Watch them come to you. Know that it's great that they do freely, some will stay with you so you have a reserve and some will flow on, others need some too, allow that process. Be thankful for the receiving. Mantra - money comes to me without effort.
Monday, 30 April 2012
Monday 30th.
What say you? Is it truth do we choose drama and trauma?
Do we choose to have this human experience? What else is possible if we do choose?
I will write 30blogs to see what changes happen within me as I walk through a mantra.
Are we nuturing, creative, beings? What creative energy can I be that will allow me earn a living creatively.
What say you? Is it truth do we choose drama and trauma?
Do we choose to have this human experience? What else is possible if we do choose?
I will write 30blogs to see what changes happen within me as I walk through a mantra.
Are we nuturing, creative, beings? What creative energy can I be that will allow me earn a living creatively.
Sunday, 29 April 2012
Hi – Welcome to Sunday 29th April.
Just for today .... be grateful for the blessing of breath
Asthma teaches one to be so grateful for a “normal” breath
Out of adversity and we’ve all had adversity, in differing degrees
perhaps, yet is it the same for each? How can we tell?
Rape, teaches one to become either a victim or better aware and stronger at defence.
Being cheated on, teaches one to become either a victim or to be more aware of the partners discussions with others.
Violence as a child, leaves serious scars as an adult. How would it be possible for this never to happen again?
Just for today .... be grateful for the blessing of breath
Asthma teaches one to be so grateful for a “normal” breath
What would it take to have normal breath, well it takes, concentration
and practise. Sound familiar?
Rape, teaches one to become either a victim or better aware and stronger at defence.
Being cheated on, teaches one to become either a victim or to be more aware of the partners discussions with others.
Violence as a child, leaves serious scars as an adult. How would it be possible for this never to happen again?
Just for today ... Love the one who’s there in the room. They may not
do everything you expect, yet they are there. Being alone, teaches the joy of
friendship and loving.
Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl, her father hurt her and her mother drank to heal from the guilt. The beautiful girl was never seen again as the darkness filled her and she began to drink to hide her pain. One day the girl grew up and had a child of her own. The child of the beautiful girl grew up and hated what she saw in the mirror. How can we change this from happening?
Saturday, 28 April 2012
Hi from Essence of Helen.
I'd really like to recieve your input on my blog ....
Today 28th April - Saturday. We vote for local council today.
Personally I've always believed in give and receive and I have endeavoured to live my life at least for the adult part of it with a consciousness of .... "in the giving there is ALWAYS receiving"
I'd really like to recieve your input on my blog ....
Today 28th April - Saturday. We vote for local council today.
Personally I've always believed in give and receive and I have endeavoured to live my life at least for the adult part of it with a consciousness of .... "in the giving there is ALWAYS receiving"
Way too often we're into negativity and blame ... particularly of ourselves and those we love
... Why is this happening to me (blame and negative)
... Why are you being .... (blame and negative)
It’s not anyone’s fault (no blame - no judgement, that's negative) ... it’s just the way things have been for many years .... often learned behaviour ...... Because we’re human we pass it on.
There’s a shift in this consciousness happening all over the world.
Positive thought creates positive action.
The universe has answers that are way beyond our current thoughts or beliefs
Try more open questions to receive more open answers.
What would it take so this experience works out way better than I can imagine?
What would it take this "situation" work out way better than I can imagine?
How do I uncreate and destroy these thought limitations placed on this situation ?
Do you want things to change for the better or are you addicted to negativity and blame?
Yes ... the it takes effort on your part to change.
As always it's a choice. no blame. life experience is just that. choice and consequence
Friday, 27 April 2012
Hi -
Welcome to Friday 27th - as usual for me I'm awake and writing. I've been
working on a book for a couple of years. It is nearly finished. At the
beginning I had no idea the journey would take so long, however like all things
one can not predict the outcome until it arrives. Today I would share with you
a peom I wrote in January 2012.
of Helen – Jan 2012
Droplet in the sun
rain drops fell heavily within the mist of time and space unknown
them fall through magical lights they seemed to come alive to these eyes
and down they came and what I felt was balance and harmony remain
drew in my breath slowly with determination to understand what it meant to feel
all seems to stop mid air to me and look one directly deep within my being
this visionary space there were many fragmented moments of gentleness
my internal breaths slowing my thoughts keeping my knowledge of kindness
remained still breathing deeply caught in each droplet as if it was part of who
I am
brought a gift a presence a moment of the deep peace we all seem to search for
I stood and remained my gratitude for life replenished by each droplet
you ever question the purpose for life your reason for being on this planet
have questioned I have felt unwanted I have felt of no value and I known
standing I watch the rain for what seemed no time at all yet others passed
before me
had it come to be that I had felt so invisible to those that were before
I change dare I grasp the droplet dare I reach out to these freely given gifts
held out my hand and felt peace deep within I walked forward and was drowned by
wet and empty of pain I stopped and looked beyond to a tree that had stood
before me
had it come from it had not been there before Do trees just appear
before me I realised it had always been I was just too clouded for it to be
had journeyed through the darkness through the fire through the hate and now I stood
wet & clean
flames had been extinguished the pain had been replaced with kindness
had it taken so long for this to occur Where were these gifts before this
you know little one, they were always there
it was your journey yours alone
to find them
realised like lightning crashing the ground it was me it was my life and
me the tree
suddenly I noticed the droplets upon the leaves of this great tree
there had been darkness and scars from the fire there was now light and great
had diminished external light shed it’s rays and even the scars looked good
looked softer
watched the sun through the droplets and noticed the rainbow of colour it caught
sphere of each small wet drop was perfect and beautiful and as they should be
had it taken all this time I watched and the answer came the droplet shed a
light on me
fills one until one has journeyed to kindness the road unsteady until one finds
their own truth
understood the meaning and for the first time I realised I was also the precious
droplet in the sun.
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