Thursday, 5 July 2012

Good Morning,

When you were a child did you notice how much information was just available? Magic was part of your every day existence, it just was, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, they were real. Dancing and jumping and flying were all real, being a movie star and or Super Man was just a fact.

What changed?

What if nothing but your point of view changed? Would you change it back?

I ask a lot of questions when I blog and when I write. To be honest, I'm not the best writer in the world, my words jumble around and my thoughts get mixed up too. Content is a challenge for me. Yet I continue on.

Having found some awesome women to share my truths with is a great enjoyment for me. For the first time in my living I know that there are other bright strange and wonderful beings that care, have compassion, don't judge, lend a sense of oneness, share their own emergence to enable a greater openness with each.

For the first time in my life I also realise all men are not the way I'd assumed and for the blessing of this change of view thank you to you who attended on the weekend.

Each day I realise there is more to clear, more judgement to uncreate and destroy, more clarity comes when I breath, each day I grow more and more grateful for the blessings that are each of you.

Just for today ..... take a breath ... and be grateful you are able to just that with ease :)

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