Sunday, 10 June 2012

Good Morning, What an awesome day? It's raining gently, the wind is whooing like a perched owl slightly hauntingly as the anticipation of the sun creates vibrational energy within the body. For me, I'm grateful for being here, knowing I'm here, being aware of the changes occuring. How does life get better than it is right now?

Today I was challenged to ponder judgement. Judgement on the self is one of the most destructive weapons we use on the body. There's so much judgement coming at us; from our great grand parents through to neighbours and people one knows. Why? Judgement is the control used to ensure "politicts and religion" works. Imagine what it would have been like 200 years ago, more 500 years, if everyone just did what they wanted and didn't go to church or vote? They, the people, who did what they wanted to have control and all the power of taking and obtaining energy and money from the majority of humanity. Ring any alarm bells? Sound like it's truth? Is there a way to combat it?

There are those that know that can and will aid your journey to more. More what? More happiness, joy, ease, kindness, balance. Interested in changing where you are right now?

Just a few months ago I was in the dark, cowering in the corner, afraid to move from outside my tiny world of work/home. I had limited my world and there was a consequence to this. I now open myself, share me with the world, by writing, by visiting, by being all I am and here in this forum where justification of the judgement of limitation can be crushing or exploded and destroyed. Wow, How much more open is there? Bring up any energy? Want to know more?

How about this .. having fun creates success, success is having fun .. interested in that one?

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful that you are feeling, to open. Judgement is in the eye of the beholder, so is success. Blessings to you Helen.
