Hi Gorgeous Readers,
I'm aware there's such a change in the air. Do you feel it?
Undertaking some wakky way out stuff over the last couple of months. Access Consciousness, thank you Gary Douglas (founder) and Shauna Teaken (mentor). What is this? put simply ... allowance of all and judgement of zero. Aided by Bars. What is this? 32 points on the head connection of the left and right, a bar. What's it like? ... a gentle head massage. What's it do .... Wow!
I've always been rather ... hummmm ... what's that word? ... weird .... I talked to animals, trees and not so visible visitors from as long ago as I can remember. What happened to this magic? Truth, conformity.
What now? .... Hello ... everyone Helen's back .... :)
On Saturday I was visiting a lady on the North side, she stepped out to get some shopping, about 3 minutes before her return, all the trees started going crazy ... rustling and howling. I could audibly hear ... Darling One is Coming ... I didn't react, I've become very good at tuning out the reaction to this, particularly around others ... judgement of me being weird is heavy ... indeed ... then the lady of the house drove up the driveway and it hit me like a rush. The house was welcoming her home. Darling one is coming ... and the trees just let the house know .... how cute & how special is this lady
This kind of event has always followed me always, I hear the trees sing, it's not like human singing, it's way more haunting a sound, yet, none the less they do, after it's rained and it's stronger after it's been dry for a time. Events like the bee visiting me to make sure I knew I had company (earlier blog) , had almost disappeared as I conformed and in truth I'd almost forgotten they ever were part of who I am, part of the depth that is Helen. I've spent a great deal of my energy squashing all this down. Fitting into what's expected. I can audibly hear "ohhh Helen that's not real", yet I am no longer in ear shot of those that would squash me, so is there change? ... for me ... yes .... What's my take? .............. BRING IT ON BABY!!!!
How awesome would it be to fly, to soar, to be one with the clouds ....?
How awesome would it be to touch the hand of the energy of all that is?
How awesome would it be to look in the mirror and see and love the reflection?
How awesome is it to be unique and gifted and so beautiful as you?
My hand is up, I'm not afraid, bring on the judgement I'm ready.
For those who read and know inside there's a little stirring .... hear this truth ... follow the energy that makes you sing and lift and light ... it's the truth. The energy that makes you go "awkgh " and tighten and heavy is a lie. Test it on something like .... Is the sky blue? Something you know the answer too, stand up and ask it ... of course you can do it in the privacy of your room or bathroom.
Awareness of great clarity is here ... tap into it and be agog with awe. Always with love Helen :)
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