Sunday, 29 April 2012

Hi – Welcome to Sunday 29th April.
Just for today .... be grateful for the blessing of breath
Asthma teaches one to be so grateful for a “normal” breath

What would it take to have normal breath, well it takes, concentration and practise. Sound familiar?

Out of adversity and we’ve all had adversity, in differing degrees perhaps, yet is it the same for each? How can we tell?

Rape, teaches one to become either a victim or better aware and stronger at defence.
Being cheated on, teaches one to become either a victim or  to be more aware of the partners discussions with others.

Violence as a child, leaves serious scars as an adult. How would it be possible for this never to happen again?

Just for today ... Love the one who’s there in the room. They may not do everything you expect, yet they are there. Being alone, teaches the joy of friendship and loving.

Once upon a time there was a beautiful girl, her father hurt her and her mother drank to heal from the guilt. The beautiful girl was never seen again as the darkness filled her and she began to drink to hide her pain. One day the girl grew up and had a child of her own. The child of the beautiful girl grew up and hated what she saw in the mirror. How can we change this from happening?

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