Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The events of the abuse, violation and rape, took their toll. I wasn’t clear after years of reliving it all over and over again. I had a “break down”. I was ready to do something different. Through the tools provided by Access Consciousness™ I began to unlock the trauma of it all. I use these tools in my life every day and began to become clear, laugh more, manage on a daily basis, know myself as worthy. Yes it took effort. Getting out of bed takes effort. I was on the brink of life and death. I’m so glad I chose different, death is more final. How’s your life working for you right now? Are you ready for different?

This is me offering you and the choice to know and use these tools.
Testimonial ..... Oh my!! Just had an session (access consciousness) facilitated by Helen Stokes. Don't have the words to describe it. I reckon between us we generated enough heat to keep the whole of Canada warm! ! If you are TRULY serious about letting go and BE ing all that you BE and you are in Brisbane get in touch with Helen. How did I get so lucky?

13/3/2013 Thank you Helen Stokes for another AMAZING bars session last night!! How does it get any more amazing than that?????! !!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm uncertain if all of this appropriate in a blog, yet, here it is. People asking me how I managed after being sent to hospital. This is how. If you'd like to learn, it's $200. Not a great deal of money when one considers the alternative or at least for me ....... or ..... come along to the free info night and find out if it works for you ...........................................................

What’s Bars® ... touching 32 points on the head, like a gentle head massage while Body processing is hands on the body bringing a place where the body begins to unlock aging systems, rejuvenate the cells, laugh more, heal and have a quiet peace.

Free info/demo Thursday 11th April 6-7pm Uniting Church Hall 25 Ewing Rd Woodridge. or there’s self discover books, cds, on -  http://www.1shoppingcart.com/app/?af=1515948

Would you like to unlock the limitations of your life? Access Bars®  - hands on the head - an amazing stress-releasing and life-changing process. What’s Bars®? .... 32 points on the head being touched like a gentle head massage. What’s Bars® do? Clears the busy mind; relaxes the body and begins to release limiting behaviour patterns.

I invite you to join me in a fun & interactive workshop on Bars®.

You will be guided through the positions with ease, while you gift and receive Bars® .

How do Bars® relate to your reactions and living? Having your Bars®  run will empower your abilities & awareness. Once learned you will be able to gift your loved ones and change their limitations also. How does it get better than that?

Connect with like-minded people. Snacks provided. Wear comfortable clothes, bring some lunch and what makes you comfortable.

For ease of learning there’s a detailed Bars® manual with pictures to take home.

Registration : www.helenstokes.accessconsciousness.com under my name the button “Classes” then click the Bars workshop class for 13th April and fill in your details.

What are Chakras & what do they do?
Understand the importance of maintaining healthy Chakras
How do Chakras relate to your decisions & reactions?
Expand your awareness
Increase your intuition & psychic abilities
Connect with your higher-self & spirit guides
Meditation & visualisation techniques
Enjoyable hands on activities
Intuitive artwork to take home
Safe & nurturing environment with like-minded people
Morning & afternoon tea provided
Detailed workbook to take homeWould you like to receive a deeper understanding of the colours within your soul? I invite you to join me in a fun & interactive workshop to learn more about the world of Chakras. You will be guided towards a deeper understanding of Chakras, their importance and purpose.
What are Chakras & what do they do?
Understand the importance of maintaining healthy Chakras
How do Chakras relate to your decisions & reactions?
Expand your awareness
Increase your intuition & psychic abilities
Connect with your higher-self & spirit guides
Meditation & visualisation techniques
Enjoyable hands on activities
Intuitive artwork to take home
Safe & nurturing environment with like-minded people
Morning & afternoon tea provided
Detailed workbook to take home


Would you like to receive a deeper understanding of the colours within your soul? I invite you to join me in a fun & interactive workshop to learn more about the world of Chakras. You will be guided towards a deeper understanding of Chakras, their importance and purpose.
What are Chakras & what do they do?
Understand the importance of maintaining healthy Chakras
How do Chakras relate to your decisions & reactions?
Expand your awareness
Increase your intuition & psychic abilities
Connect with your higher-self & spirit guides
Meditation & visualisation techniques
Enjoyable hands on activities
Intuitive artwork to take home
Safe & nurturing environment with like-minded people
Morning & afternoon tea provided
Detailed workbook to take home


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