Monday, 29 April 2013

Hi. I’ve just returned from a 7 day workshop. Wow!

I know we have about 10 years until it just won’t be possible to stop the effect of damage to this magnificent planet. Some of the children we know will not see what we currently do.

How do I know? I asked a question.

Have you ever just known what was going to happen? Have you ever had a sense of what is?

For my life, I’ve known. When I was little it was easy, I saw animals and I spoke to them. Not in the same language we use. I might be crazy but I’m not nuts. It an energy talk, a knowing.

It seems I’m one of a very few that has the ability to talk to animals, bees, trees and plants. Huh!!!! That seems so bizarre to me. I just assumed everyone could. Ha ha ha ha silly me.

I’ve always known I was a little different. I just don’t fit in. I know it’s a pun on my size, yes I’m a big woman and ????

Just before leaving I was visited by three bees. The first two were blue banded bees, they are the most popular in my garden, they have an iridescent blue strip where one with a “normal” bee would see yellow, they are native Australian bees and they have no sting. The first of the bees stopped beside me on top of the hot water service while I was in the garden and bowed. Yes, they acknowledge me with a bow, it’s really fun to watch. I bow back and giggle. It is fun for me. The second bee did the same thing only at my feet. I said to her, please don’t stay on the ground it’s too cold. And she came to my face wiggled around and said good bye. They both were just letting me know they knew I was leaving and they wanted to see me off. The third bee is a great friend of mine, I call her a friend, she often visits and she has a unique look so I know who she is. She is a “normal” bee. She sat on my finger and buzzed away a story of what I would say was ... don’t worry so much everything will be ok. I was a little (ha ha ha that’s funny as I recall the shaking) nervous about the flight. The bees just wanted to show me how easy flying was if you have no point of view. Ha ha ha ha ..... the trip back was much much much more fun J

I feel very grateful to my friends the bees. They are always visiting me and often telling me stories about what’s happening.

What was a great joy to me was that when I arrived at our workshop destination there was a bee there to greet me. How did I get to be so lucky?

At the end of the workshop the bee laid itself at my feet and died. It gave me a picture of what’s occurring for them. Unless we and it will take about 2500 beings, yes it’s a small amount when one considers the amount of beings on the planet. Yet these 2500 require to be in consciousness, currently there are 1500, so we still have a way to go.

Do you know what consciousness is? It’s having no judgement. There’s a challenge I know you can’t take up.

I’m asking if anyone is willing to step up? I’d like to begin a campaign of public places, yes, I’m looking for any contribution to be the change I demand of me. I have stepped up and I’m seeking those that would be the change the world requires / demands really. We’ve only about 10 years. What’s your choice? Will you step up with me? Will you contribute?     or call me  0415 595 900

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

You’re aware, I’ve had my share of  ... hmmm ... what’s a great word to describe abuse, violence, rape ... hmmm ... negative impact?

I was, up until recently, very deeply concerned about putting my hands on other bodies. I’ve been shown violence and I worried that I too would be violent.  This is still something I consider, it is not a natural event for me. It made my only child’s life rather different from others and one of the reasons I chose to only have one child.

Recently I have discovered my touch is quite healing. So I share this with you. Pictured above is Harry he was at the vet and the vet called us into the room. Oh Boy! That’s never great news. So in we went and he quietly explained, Harry has issues with his white & red blood count. Hmmmm Cancer Wow!

He stayed in hospital for a while and hands were laid on him for days. Woweeee! Next visit – Clear. Yes, he was clear of his red and white blood count issues. How does this occur?

I wouldn’t call that a miracle because the hands were mine. I do however acknowledge that I played a part in what occured. Harry is well. That’s the only reason I was there and that’s what is important. He’s a great little boy and I’m very grateful to have been of assistance.

Currently I’m undertaking a course in Animal Handling, Horses actually. I’ve always had the shakes and shivers everytime I was near them. It made for an interesting childhood as my parents had a horse stud. I just said, when you get one that let’s you ride in stelletos I’ll be there. Ha ha ha ha and brushed it off.  Who’d have known that shaking and shivering was actually what the horses do when they are happy. Hmmmm I wonder if that is me being happy at a level I wasn’t expecting?

I honestly don’t know what I waited for, I placed my hand on his neck, he was strong and sure, I felt his coat and it was soft and he nugged me to brush him some more. I laugh now as I think of him and the vastness I explored as I told him he was handsome and had a wonderful name. I’m off to see him tomorrow and the carrots he adores await for him to munch upon as he weinies when I call his name.

It’s a new experience placing my hands on bodies, yes I’ve placed them recently on human beings too, clothed females, and wow what occurred, one lady started laughing, one lady became hot and she realeased her fixed points of view, one lady changed her career path and one lady found hers. Wow!  I’m acknowledging my presence on the presentation of today.

Thank you for reading.

Thursday, 11 April 2013

Ha Ha Ha ..... Happy Thursday 11th April 2013 ..... Wow!!!!! What’s in a wiggle? What’s in giggle? Are they both the same?  Is it possible to giggle without a wiggle tell me now on this day? Is it possible to wiggle without a giggling at a clown?  Tell me now on this day Hip Hip Hip Horray! Ha Ha Ha ....
Have we ever notice the small things in life ......
the tiny little cricket    the air cool on a drive?
Have we ever taken one moment longer to look ....
at the butterfly wings as they open like a book?
What if in that moment it’s the last one here on Earth
would you wish for it again or go back to your birth?
What would you say to others you see along the way
about your time here present every single day?
                                             By Helen Stokes 11/4/2013

Yesterday I was watching a man and his children catch a crab. The laughter and the joy of the children was priceless. The calm of the man as the crab escaped and the children squealed brought a great peace to me. I wondered to myself ... Wow! How’d I get to be so present on this day and receive such a gift as being in the moment? It was awesome to be part of their piece of world, to know the gift they gave me will never to them unfold, yet for me to be part of this great moment of joy, amazement and openness - struck me deeply inside and I Wowed even more ........... being  present with those around one is the greatest gift of all.

So here is, my invitation, come and be present with me tonight and know the joy of being while giving and receiving Bars® one of the most opening modalities I’ve found ........................

25 Ewing Rd Woodridge the Uniting Church Hall – 6pm ... lucky door prize value $95. Tonight I host a free taster evening on what makes it clear for me just how special it is being just you and just me. I invite you in my blog, to come along and be, in the space I gift to you, the space you gift back to me.

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Good Morning all you wonderful, gorgeous beings. Thank you so much for being present with me. I'm very grateful you chose to be part of my world and that you gift me with you by reading my blog.

Today I'm into thank you. So here's a huge thank you to ... yeah the Awesome Shauna Teaken. Thank you. I'm also into sharing a poem I wrote to some awesome beings, the team and leaders that head up Access Consciousness TM. Here’s a link to find out more:!/events/167451033408870/  about Access. This modality has changed my world. It's allowed me to show up and while yes it was and is uncomfortable at times. Cleaning out the stables is not what I call a comfortable job, yet it definitely requires cleaning. I'm feeling well and happy and standing up and saying come along be part of this amazing adventure, My free taster has a session you can win and some awesome laughs. Thursday Night 11th April at 25 Ewing Rd Woodridge the Uniting Church Hall 6pm-7pm.

This is the poem I sent to the team at Access to say thank you to them for all the wonderment they have brought into my world. Without them I would not be here, for they persisted to bring it, bring all of what’s available for me to have all of me, and for me to invite you, to have the same, all of you :) How does it get better than that?

I started in April 2012, it was a dark stormy day to day delve
I hid inside my dungeon work space and growled and groaned all over the place
A beautiful lady put out a hand, come Helen come I’ll show you a new land
I attended a session and cryed and cryed and she said Wow and Hmmm and I cryed
Then I signed on for Bars, 1, 2, 3 - hurry give me more of these
Quickly to foundation and level 1 wow then on line Bars and 2&3
Wow my world turned upside down, my business closed, my partner left
Give me more show me more, it’s clearing the crap and wow what depth
There was Gary at Noosa for 2&3 then a threesome with Dain .... Whooooeeee me
Certified Facilitator for Christmas gift. How’d I get so lucky to be part of this?
Yes I’m into Access it’s been one year I celebrate our anniversary with a ticket to New Zealand
Whowooooweeee guess what’s appeared, it’s me, yes me , the joy of being me.
Thank you seems too small two words so here is my poem and bless you all.
                                                                             by Helen Stokes 2013
It's the strangest set of tools and words I've heard and yet I say to you as walking proof it works. Some of you know my background Abuse, Violation, Rape and yet, here I am laughing sharing and caring about you I'd like you to have all of you too it's worth every dollar and all the time too SHINE!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

Communication .... what is it really?

I recently went out to a farm to “meet the horses”. Well I’m up for different this year and I’m doing something very different regularly including walking with seagulls and talking with bees. I’ve never been into horses. They always made me shake and I misidentified that as fear. I’m not a child I know what fear is guns, bombings and then violent assaults from those that say “love”.  This was none of that. I was excited and I’d misidentified it. Yes. I’m stoooopid.

So here it was my invitation. “come and meet the horses” Hmmm I thought .... different “meet the horses” “they’ve been told you are coming” hmmmmm sounds kind of out there don’t you think?

Wow!! I asked a question, just randomly. What will I take? This barrage of carrots formed in my heads. I was going to take apples. Well as soon as I arrived I was greeted with “well done, all the horses like carrots, not all the horses like apples”. I roared with laughter and that is how my day began. Yes it was early, horses believe early is the only time.

I was introduced to five amazing creatures. The first, took the carrot and promptly spat half of it out. “he likes doing that, he thinks it’s funny” I was told as I picked up the broken carrot and fed it too him he winked. Hmmmm. The second was shy and retiring, and I coaxed her, come on it’s just a carrot. So she came over and took it and returned to her space. The third was cheeky, he’d already started banging on the door .... come on my turn, come on to me, I like carrots, he swung his head like I’d never seen before to make sure he took in all of everything going on. He has a very cheeky nature. The fourth a pretty. The family goat stood in front of her, me first for carrots then her. So I shared a big carrot between them. They are friends. Ha ha ha all my thoughts being confirmed by the farm owner.

Then I met him. He was handsome and proud and very commanding. He breathed out as we would when were meeting someone that’s hmmmmm stooooopid. I know I’m stoooopid (meaning - lack of awareness, I’m a work in progress). He was so patient and kind. I knew he’d be the one to show me how to be around horses. He was lead out of the stall by the owner and he showed me he was strong and that was lesson number one. I brushed him and his coat was so soft. I had no idea. What had I been waiting for all these years? I lead him around and I leaned on him. I put my hands on him, both of them. I told him I thought he was very handsome and I asked him if he’d teach me how to be around horses. He gave me a picture in my head of mountains and streams of grass and of wind and I knew he’d gifted me a freedom and a definite yes. How did I get to be so lucky?

We had a great introduction I’m going back for more a six week course in handling. For me, not him. Ha ha ha ha  After all what is communication. Is it speech or is it energy? A baby has no speech and yet everyone knows exactly what they require. A horse cannot speak, yet I clearly understood everything he was saying. What had I been waiting for all those years?

Wednesday, 3 April 2013

Am I making any sense?

What would you do to spend time with like minded beings?

Do we join a class to learn? or Do we join a class to be with someone that might just get us?

I'm asking because for most of my life I've been attempting to fit a very oblong, lumpy, bumpy, shape into a peg hole? Does that make sense? I've gone into the wrongness of me at every so called "failed" relationship, business, job loss, friendship ending. Words like .......... "What's wrong with me? What am I doing that's chasing everyone away? I know I'm different. Yet I squiggle to meld to them and still lose them. I know I'm a chameleon because I can blend in any relationship, any job or business . Does it make sense? Is there something wrong with me?

It’s just not working for me. Something somewhere is coming undone in a very huge way. I’m looking for more. I’m looking for all of me and for those who would be looking for more or all of themselves as well.  

I've been working at changing me for a great deal of time being here. Wow! What if it's not to fit in? What if I'm simply being what comes naturally with women who are like minded. Women who would like to talk about more that shoes, not that shoes are a bad conversation, I like shoes, it's just that when I have a conversation there's usually 30 topics, not just one. Women who would demand to change the way Domestic Violence costs $13.6 billion in Australia and we only spend $6 billion on our children's education. Women who are the warriors of change to bring about the desires to reality to and for other women who can't choose or don't have the strength. A place where one can go and have their nails done, hair done, body processing, talk, art, workshops, charkra balance, music, lessons? How can this occur? Am I making any sense?

Easter Monday, I spent the day in nature, with another woman, like minded, we walked in the bush, we held trees. I'd quite forgotten they are hard on one side and soft and mossy on the other. I'd definately forgotten the gorgeous smell of the rain forest. Animals came from nowhere and everywhere to be with us, the birds sang a chorus that was simply breathtaking, the butterflies put on a display of colour I’d forgotten even existed. It made me giggle to touch the tree softly, it made the tree wiggle so I'm wondering is that a communication with animals and plants in a way I’d forgotten existed as well? I felt light and I’m a big girl, I felt at peace, and I’m not working and money is very low right now. I trust that the universe will take care of me and I'm asking you, will you respond? It's all strange, yet somehow so familiar I felt at home. Am I making any sense? I've always had an affinity with animals and nature and water and I'm wondering if the whole of my being has simply seeking this and some female companions to share open communication open communion with (I'm not talking body parts together, or sex if you perfer it that way, not that I have a point of view on it), I'm asking a question here and I'm looking for a response. A companionship of knowing response.

What is that? What is that barrier? Is it something I’ve constructed? How do I demolish it? Funny what the last two words are there and if you look at the last four letters hmmmm (demolish it) I wonder what is occurring in my world? I wonder what's required to change it to different?

This year 2013, has been about me, what brings me joy, what makes me laugh, what would I like to contribute back, what would I like to receive? I’m looking for an energy response that opens a possibility for me and for other women. I’ve recently had a glimmer of it, spending time with my friend in the bush, sharing body processing with gorgeous other women and I acknowledge my awesome awareness right now here in public. I would ask for way more of that to show up in my world. How does it get better? How do I receive more?

Does anyone know? Would anyone gift me with a communion of possiblity that is tangible in this reality?                                                   Am I making any sense?

Tuesday, 2 April 2013

The events of the abuse, violation and rape, took their toll. I wasn’t clear after years of reliving it all over and over again. I had a “break down”. I was ready to do something different. Through the tools provided by Access Consciousness™ I began to unlock the trauma of it all. I use these tools in my life every day and began to become clear, laugh more, manage on a daily basis, know myself as worthy. Yes it took effort. Getting out of bed takes effort. I was on the brink of life and death. I’m so glad I chose different, death is more final. How’s your life working for you right now? Are you ready for different?

This is me offering you and the choice to know and use these tools.
Testimonial ..... Oh my!! Just had an session (access consciousness) facilitated by Helen Stokes. Don't have the words to describe it. I reckon between us we generated enough heat to keep the whole of Canada warm! ! If you are TRULY serious about letting go and BE ing all that you BE and you are in Brisbane get in touch with Helen. How did I get so lucky?

13/3/2013 Thank you Helen Stokes for another AMAZING bars session last night!! How does it get any more amazing than that?????! !!!!! Weeeeeeeeeeeee

I'm uncertain if all of this appropriate in a blog, yet, here it is. People asking me how I managed after being sent to hospital. This is how. If you'd like to learn, it's $200. Not a great deal of money when one considers the alternative or at least for me ....... or ..... come along to the free info night and find out if it works for you ...........................................................

What’s Bars® ... touching 32 points on the head, like a gentle head massage while Body processing is hands on the body bringing a place where the body begins to unlock aging systems, rejuvenate the cells, laugh more, heal and have a quiet peace.

Free info/demo Thursday 11th April 6-7pm Uniting Church Hall 25 Ewing Rd Woodridge. or there’s self discover books, cds, on -

Would you like to unlock the limitations of your life? Access Bars®  - hands on the head - an amazing stress-releasing and life-changing process. What’s Bars®? .... 32 points on the head being touched like a gentle head massage. What’s Bars® do? Clears the busy mind; relaxes the body and begins to release limiting behaviour patterns.

I invite you to join me in a fun & interactive workshop on Bars®.

You will be guided through the positions with ease, while you gift and receive Bars® .

How do Bars® relate to your reactions and living? Having your Bars®  run will empower your abilities & awareness. Once learned you will be able to gift your loved ones and change their limitations also. How does it get better than that?

Connect with like-minded people. Snacks provided. Wear comfortable clothes, bring some lunch and what makes you comfortable.

For ease of learning there’s a detailed Bars® manual with pictures to take home.

Registration : under my name the button “Classes” then click the Bars workshop class for 13th April and fill in your details.

What are Chakras & what do they do?
Understand the importance of maintaining healthy Chakras
How do Chakras relate to your decisions & reactions?
Expand your awareness
Increase your intuition & psychic abilities
Connect with your higher-self & spirit guides
Meditation & visualisation techniques
Enjoyable hands on activities
Intuitive artwork to take home
Safe & nurturing environment with like-minded people
Morning & afternoon tea provided
Detailed workbook to take homeWould you like to receive a deeper understanding of the colours within your soul? I invite you to join me in a fun & interactive workshop to learn more about the world of Chakras. You will be guided towards a deeper understanding of Chakras, their importance and purpose.
What are Chakras & what do they do?
Understand the importance of maintaining healthy Chakras
How do Chakras relate to your decisions & reactions?
Expand your awareness
Increase your intuition & psychic abilities
Connect with your higher-self & spirit guides
Meditation & visualisation techniques
Enjoyable hands on activities
Intuitive artwork to take home
Safe & nurturing environment with like-minded people
Morning & afternoon tea provided
Detailed workbook to take home


Would you like to receive a deeper understanding of the colours within your soul? I invite you to join me in a fun & interactive workshop to learn more about the world of Chakras. You will be guided towards a deeper understanding of Chakras, their importance and purpose.
What are Chakras & what do they do?
Understand the importance of maintaining healthy Chakras
How do Chakras relate to your decisions & reactions?
Expand your awareness
Increase your intuition & psychic abilities
Connect with your higher-self & spirit guides
Meditation & visualisation techniques
Enjoyable hands on activities
Intuitive artwork to take home
Safe & nurturing environment with like-minded people
Morning & afternoon tea provided
Detailed workbook to take home