Friday, 13 July 2012

Goooood Oooooooo Mooornnnningggg ..... Friday 13th :) Lucky for some

for me, I don't play into bad / good stuff. I'm into magical events, you know like when a flower is kissed by the rain and it looks so perfect; when your child looks at you; when your partner whispers something just for you, that's magic, that's tangible for me.

I enjoy the number 13 so much energy on it, really great day to just absorb. Thank you:)

Thursday, 12 July 2012

Good Morning Gorgeous Ones.

I appreciate it's too hard to think about tomorrow when there's so much to do today so here's the take on today. Remove all judgement of you, just for today .... be you and change the world  ... What have you got to loose ........... if nothing else you'll gain time ........ is that of any value? You know that time in front of the mirror ....... oh I'm toooo                             whatever. Use that time instead to just be you, breath, smile, take a second to see a flower blossoming, your child's face, your gorgeous lover, a poem, your boss with kinder eyes. Hey not an eternity, just for today. Do you want your life to be as it is?

I used to have a magic wand. When I was little I waved it and became a movie star. I practised it daily and I was famous. When I was an older child I still used that wand and became a famous singer, I practised daily and I was famous. Did anyone else know except me that was famous, NO. Does that matter if one is the only one who knows? 

I heard a reading from Dr. Dain Heer that states removal of judgement will bring back magic, not word for word and yes my take on it, but the meaning is there, if you want to get the quote exactly check out his web. For me, I agree, it is YOU, it is ME, it is US, those that choose that can change .... change what? ..  Change Everything .. I'm me I'm changing my world and yes .. I'm weird .. Meaning: Someone who is excessively amazing ... example: Psshhhh, that girl's so weird that she’s amazing!

Some events took place in my life and suddenly my magic wand was gone. It completely disappeared for years. One day, on the edge of a duck pond, I cried, I screamed, there must be more, there must. Where is it? What do I have to do? Where do I go? Truth. Suddenly I moved.  I just couldn't do the                   anymore. Am I better off? Well I'm still here and I'm writing and you're reading so am I? It took some years to change my points of view enough to look in unusual places for change and one day I demand it in March 2012 and a beautiful lady put her hand out and said "I think I can help, join me" I did and I am NOT the same. I used to hide under a rock. Now I don't. I used to be moody, now I'm not. I used to wear only black, now I don't. I gift you these words so you don't have to wait as long as I did, look in unusual places, try unusual things. How's what you're doing now working?                              I know some of you will be ahhhhh on with these words.

Here's the reason I said them. ......... Be you and change the world. Your world. Choose. Look in places where you get shaky, of course use your awareness, safety first always, and always with a loving kindness to yourself ..... oh I hear it ..... Who Me ... I don't like that person ..... well here it is, that's the person you are right now, do you like to breath, feel the sun, rain on your face, see flowers unfolding before you, prisms in the sunlight, someone else's face. Use that energy to look, type, read, go places ........... keep trying. Someone helped me. I would gift you with some names, places, tools. There's lots, contact me. PO Box 6149 Logan Central 4114 (snail mail) or post here for some choices.

Don't like that idea, I have no point of view on it .... choose something else. It's all choice, it’s you who can change what's in your world. Yes You.............. Are you willing to try? to Choose? to Look?

Always with love ............ Helen                    Just for today .... be you and change the world :)

Wednesday, 11 July 2012

Good Morning,

Blogging has been a challenge for me. I've always struggled with words. They are what unites us in many ways and they can destroy us very easily. Yet, without them we have no concept of what is required from others or for ourselves. For me, it's been a challenge to type what might be of interest.
All that aside, it seems that blogging for me has been a failure as looking back there's been little if any response bar a couple of beautiful kind hearts who continue to encourage and I thank them most sincerely.

I will continue though really now for my own value rather than that of others. Changing the face of my blog, it's name and it's content have been a journey for me. It's been about the changes within this one being. I started with an idea that other's might still believe in fairies, magic, creatures that are visible to us only if we are willing to see. For me, now it's changed, I've changed, I'm not who I was then. I am stronger, less moody, able to know what I know and able to stand before you image intact and be judged. Bring it on !!!

We, my business partner, and I, have struggled like many other businesses over these last three years. It seems there is a change now. YEAH!!!! x a million Yeah!!!

We are opening a shop in August and I will write about it, if only to record the events. So far it's a journey through legal papers to contract the shop lease.

Anyway; Just for today, smile at someone you don't know. It's like a face lift, it takes 10 years off your image and the other person gets a present they weren't expecting a friendly face.

Always with Love .... Helen

Saturday, 7 July 2012

Good Morning Super Stars!

How awesome is the day? Wow! The sunlight hits the crystals I have placed in my home and garden and seems to bounce onwards to the next making an even bigger prism. It's almost as if the light itself is generating an atmosphere to wish me good morning. Me? Am I really that important? Important enough it seems for a magical light to form a shape and dance in the soft breeze. How'd I get to be so lucky?

Last night we, Mum and I, attended a Roy Orbison tribute at the newly opened (after the floods at Christmas) Goodna RSL. Wow! What a performance! Athol Macham sang ..... if one closed one's eyes it was a transportational, not that I'm old enough, just that I'm really psychic ....

We arrived and there was a car park for me under cover, girls alone. The young lady said "you haven't booked" I said, "No, What is possible?" a table appeared with 2 chairs, we were asked to move for the booked couple, after we'd had an awesome dinner, the people in the next seating invited us to sit with them. After a short time of chit chat, we went looking for our party and could not find them and a gorgeous blonde woman kindly offered us 2 seats in the lounge ........ What else is possible? indeed ............. and ............  How'd I get to be so lucky?

I'm so grateful for such an awesome night. Though I know I am not worthy I am grateful for the beauty of the magical night of singing and movement.            Anything is possible. Anything.

Just a couple of little questions for you ........... just for today ..............

Who's point of view is it that stops you? Are you the one who’s stopping you?

For me, today, I claim my living and my abilities. It's my choice and my living and I'm saying I choose to live the life that rocks my boat. What about you?

Always with love, Helen

Friday, 6 July 2012

Good Morning Super Stars,

Here I am with my new look. Thank you for commenting that you liked it.

For a while I was lost in the blank that lay before me. Blank what, blank everything. No husband (he found is niche elsewhere), no children (all finished school and moved on), new skills (just accomplished becoming a Bars Practitioner, working on becoming a facilitator), ACM co-owner (doesn't require me full time now). Quite skilled; great with computers, anything really to do with my amazing hands, paint, draw, colour and paste, knit, sew, crochet, quill and well you get the picture.

Here it is ... a shop front ... a place for others that have skills to meet and greet and pass on their info to those who do not yet know. A place for us to share and to invite others.

I'd like some new artists to contact me with their info. I'd like to display works on consignment. I'm keen to hear if you have a skill you'd like to teach. Please let me know it you would like to learn something new. It will be cost effective and you will take your finished product with you.

Where .... this is where I am .... Logan .......... I'm bringing all the skills I have right here. I'm not originally from this area, born RBH, travelled extensively in Australia, and a little overseas, and here I am calling Logan home. So if your interested ..... simply let me know.

My thoughts were to blog the event of opening a shop front. What say you? Interested?

Just for today, be all you are capable of .... just like Robert Louis Stevenson said 1 or 2 years ago .... ha ha ha ...

Thursday, 5 July 2012

Good Morning,

When you were a child did you notice how much information was just available? Magic was part of your every day existence, it just was, Peter Pan, Tinkerbell, they were real. Dancing and jumping and flying were all real, being a movie star and or Super Man was just a fact.

What changed?

What if nothing but your point of view changed? Would you change it back?

I ask a lot of questions when I blog and when I write. To be honest, I'm not the best writer in the world, my words jumble around and my thoughts get mixed up too. Content is a challenge for me. Yet I continue on.

Having found some awesome women to share my truths with is a great enjoyment for me. For the first time in my living I know that there are other bright strange and wonderful beings that care, have compassion, don't judge, lend a sense of oneness, share their own emergence to enable a greater openness with each.

For the first time in my life I also realise all men are not the way I'd assumed and for the blessing of this change of view thank you to you who attended on the weekend.

Each day I realise there is more to clear, more judgement to uncreate and destroy, more clarity comes when I breath, each day I grow more and more grateful for the blessings that are each of you.

Just for today ..... take a breath ... and be grateful you are able to just that with ease :)

Wednesday, 4 July 2012

The change we've all been asking for is occurring.

For me, being in business has always been about others. Ensuring that the people I work with are taken care of and that the clients know just how important they are.

Being in maintenance has taught me many things and I am grateful for the knowledge.

Having passion to ensure your family is safer to enable more quality time is a high priority.  I'm into transparent, it's what works for me. I'm into caring, it rocks my boat. I'm into listening and giving. For me, it seems more and more people are stealing other people's words and ideas. For those that steal, it won't work, it's just a quick fix, stealing never works it just creates more lies and nothing florishes in lies.

Of course, it's all about choice. I'm fully aware, this kind of discussion will be having some squirming in their seats.

For me, now is the time to blow the lid off taboo subjects.

I was at the park Monday where I spend each morning having a walk and I'm grateful to the Swans and Signets for ensuring I want to go when it's 4 degrees. The council was spraying weeds. I rang and spoke to a lovely young receptionist who could not answer whether it was safe for the animals and children ???????????? What's that all about ????????????????

Politics .... we have a leader here in Qld that's combating financial crisis by reduction in staff. What's that all about????????????????? Surely there are other ways. What about a more realistic wage for everyone  and put more staff on? It's just a choice. Where's the care?????????? Where's the open forum for discussion about our state???????????

Child abuse ........... STOP IT NOW ........... Where are those with skills that give other options than beating a defenceless being? Animals, children, wives         whatever , chose to stop, chose to find another path, there is assistance if a choice is made each time. What about choosing to ask?

Is it just me that's aware something is missing here? I'm into a more weird approach. What's been occurring just doesn't work. For me what everyone names as "normal" doesn't cut it. I have kept quiet for too long now is the time to speak about change. I'm available for open discussion. I'm putting my hand up to be one to talk. I'm talking with some people today about choosing.