Sunday, 16 June 2013

What is it about change that evokes the desire of death?

My daughter left home at Christmas, my business closed at the same time, I felt as if I had a blank canvas and I kept seeing it as a wrongness and reacted to it with judgment of me. It’s been a really heavy few months. Heavy as in I’ve created heaps of moments where I’m asking Oh My (and I’m being polite here) How did I get to here? What else is possible?

These changes have created in me the desire to die, to not be in this existence, to get off the planet and any other thought feeling and desire to bring about the death of my body. How does one kill one’s self with ease? Jump off a building .... hmmmm .... at my daughters new home in an apartment block someone did just that, luckily my daughter did not see it and counseling was offered by the Police for those that did. Hmmm, there’s no desire for me to harm others, I would not choose to bring about a requirement of counseling for having seen my death, so jumping is out. Same with jumping in front of a train. I’ve no desire to bring the driver’s life any pain or conflict. In the UK there’s teams specifically for cleaning up tracks and trains of body parts. Hmmmm. That doesn’t work for me either. I’m not into pain and needles freak me out. So what else is possible? What other choices are there for me?

Plenty of people are going to react with judgment of me from this discussion. I say Bring It! Too many times all this death destruction change is seen as wrongness, judged and the person freaking out is worse, it is not a contribution to the person that is in the dark seeking something more, better, lighter, happier.

I’ve written about what I do before. I’ve explained I’m a domestic violence survivor. I was raped. I’ve been in the darkest places. Choosing to discuss the desire to kill oneself is a dark space for me. I’ve walked this road already. Yet. Here I am in front of you openly discussing change and choice of death. Is it that we’re in a space where it’s either or? Death or Change?

You know how the grapevine works right! I was talking to a lady who was gifting me some information about a friend of hers daughter who's suicidal. I'm a Bars Practitioner and a Creation Mentor, I know how to create amazingly. I said to the lady bring the girl around and I'll gift her with a Bars session, I know it will assist. Currently for $75 a session lasts about 1.25 hrs, if you buy 5 it's $250  the "hi-caps" rate .... The lady said, oh NO, she doesn't like change. Wow! How interesting that she did not allow the gift? Hmmm. It's so strange to me change happens every day. Our cells regenerate daily, we are literally different every day. When we were babies, we changed into children, then school attendees, then high school teens then young party goers who drive, then parents and then workers or business owners or home makers, then older, then dust. It is what happens every day. What is this fear (false expectations appearing real) of change? Of death? Death like change is just molecules moving around. What would it take for everyone to be on the same page? All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory®. This is the Access Consciousness Mantra. I say it ten times in the morning and ten times at night because I need to be reminded; that birds are the beauty of the sky, that insects bring a joy to these birds, that the ocean is filled with wonder and animals and it is also dark and scary place, yet, breath in the body is the greatest joy of all. You see there is another choice, choose living! If you have breath you have hope and while my discussion today is about death and change, it is not a wrongness, simply a choice. What do you choose?

What’s required from me to invite beings into my space so that these thoughts, feelings, emotions can be irradiated, annihilated and ease of living is the byproduct? Anything that won’t allow that U&D x GZ rwgbppa9sbb –Take action! – choose to change the desire to die, choose living please!. I’m here I can assist you or a loved one and there’s heaps of choice of other practitioners and facilitators that are willing to assist you as well if my energy doesn’t work for you. It is your choice.


Next workshop on Bars® 22nd June – how to register $200 investment in you - check it under my name is the tab classes.

Or I’m hosting a $20 night Confidence with a Capital LOL!/events/578041455552368/

Or I’m jointly hosting a $80 day with Horse & You – Awesome Two ask me for more on this 19th July at Burpengary.

Or and book a private session.

And remember .... All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory® and please ask What else is possible?