Saturday, 30 March 2013

You're all aware I'm starting a new business.
Here's what a local newspaper magazine wrote. How'd I get to be so lucky?

Next free evening Ewing Rd Woodridge - 11/4/2013 contact me 0415 595 900 for registration details

I’m wondering if you’re capable of change? If I said I knew you couldn’t do it. What would come up for you? What if it’s all as simple as looking at everything you do and don’t do in a different way?
What if it’s simply ok today’s a brand new day. Let’s choose something totally different than I’ve ever done, just for today, I can go back to the way things were yesterday tomorrow, for today, totally different. Go for that walk you promised, fly a kite, hop on a plane to Sydney. Do it. If it doesn’t change your world you’ve had an adventure and you’ll have a great memory. Are you capable?

Come along to one of my workshops, it’s so much fun and different to anything you’ve thought of. It’s all about laughter. The greatest medicine of all laughter. In the face of all the anger everyone throws out, laugh, see how much of a reaction you get and then laugh some more. Remember when you were a kid and you laughed at your friend then they got mad and you kept laughing then they couldn’t help it they laughed too at the silliness of the seriousness of the action. What happened to that laughter? That joy of none of it matters? Where's the exuberance of living?
I’m into laughing and sometimes it’s totally not appropriate. In a funeral. Well guess what, the lady of the man who died hugged me and smiled and said I didn’t know anyone else knew how much fun my husband was in his life. Thank you for bringing that memory of him here today. Huh! I didn't laugh like an idiot, I didn't laugh in the serious part, I'm not insensative, I laughed when they talked about his life, because for me, he was fun, he always and I mean always had a joke. He was old and he had a great life and it was I'm sure because he laughed. I remember even in a really horrid situation, he had a joke and we all laughed because in the face of death what truly else is there?

Look at children they laugh at everything ............... it just is what it is. Where is that in us?

Tuesday, 26 March 2013

What if it’s all as simple as laughing out loud?

I’ve been working at finding how to change the trauma drama events in my life that just aren’t working for me. I believe we are all doing that in some degree, looking at ways to make things “better”.
I saw a bunch of kites from a distance and drove towards them to watch. I’m ok with watching people having fun, it brings a smile to me to know others find joy in different ways than I would. I watched them for ages, jumping in the air as they are supported by the kite, skimming along the water at great speed. I don’t know this guy yet look at him in the picture, he’s having fun, it’s not something I’d choose to do, yet it works for him. This brought me to a space of joy for him. I began to laugh. I felt even better. I felt good because I was watching him have fun. This made me wonder ..... What if it’s all as simple as laughing? I’m aware of the saying “laughter is the best medicine” and I’m wondering .... What if that’s all that’s actually required?
What if laughter is what’s required to change everything? It’s not going to work at a funeral or over someone’s injury. That’s not where I’m coming from, it’s about every day situations that usually make us reactive, angry, in rage, furious, sad, or frustrated. What if we try something different? How can we be in judgement if we are laughing? How can we be at war if we are laughing? Anger and laughter just can’t exist in the same moment. Like judgement and gratitude can’t exist together. You’re aware of events, you’re crying and the cat jumps from behind the couch and spins in the air and you start laughing, or, the baby eats the dirt instead of the sandwich, it’s just a simple thing yet it makes one laugh and feel better. What if we start changing to laughing at everything. It’s all funny eventually right! If we go to the past and think on how something upset us and then look at it now we wonder how stooopid (meaning lack of awareness, not dumb) it’s hilarious now and why did it upset us. I’m wondering if we can take it further? Everything is funny. So what if we laugh at everything and then what if from that, anything becomes a reality not just a possibility. Am I making sense?
So what if we start laughing more? Laughing, get the kids laughing, carry stuff with us that makes us laugh. What if we all do it? Begin laughing and what if we see someone having fun and become more joyous because they are having fun and we laugh and we feel better too. I wonder what will occur? What if it is truly all that is required ... simply laughing?

Sunday, 24 March 2013

What’s it going to take? Are there any conscious leaders?

We know that green house gas has wrecked the planet. We know it’s already heating up. We know that the Polar ice caps are melting and the sea level is increasing. We know that when they pump out the oil for our petrol we pump sea water into the cavity. We know that water does not dissipate heat like oil, so we definitely know it’s going to get worse. So I’m asking .... What’s it going to take?

There’s ordinary people, like me, who are willing to do whatever is required to lead a path of wake up!  When are we going to become consciously aware of every decision, every choice, every breath, every action? Every time we spill anger into the planet we know what happens. We see the violence occurring we know it’s getting worse. What’s it going to take?

There’s some very influential beings talking 10 to 15 years. What’s that? Did you hear that time frame? 10 to 15 years and there’ll be no recovery available. The human race in 10 years will be on a spiral down that cannot be recovered. I’m not saying everyone will be dead in 10 years. I’m asking you .... What’s it going to take?

We know that beings are becoming consciously aware, there’s a few of them now, yet against the billions it’s like a drop in the ocean. What are you doing about conscious choices? Do you ask ... if I do this what will my life be like in 6months? 5years? 10? What will my kids life be like in those same time frames? What’s it going to take?

We see the weather has changed, there’s just no reasoning in it currently. Tornadoes in Australia? 2 of them this week? Strange temperatures and rain that doesn’t stop?  What’s it going to take?

I’m just an ordinary Australian, a colonial girl if you like. I’m not influential, I don’t really even know that many beings yet I’m willing to do whatever it takes. In the last year I’ve actively participated in group events. I like laughing. I like the fact that it makes me look younger, feel stronger and laughing gives me hope. I’m not saying I have the answer. It scares me that we’ve only such a short time 10 to 15 years and then there’s no recovery and what’s a future without beings? We know how many animals are extinct. We know that Polar Bears are on the way out. We know that tigers are too. We’re also aware that humans are on the way out we’re just not willing to voice it. If we don’t get into conscious awareness pronto we will be out.        And so I’m asking ......  What’s it going to take?

Thursday, 21 March 2013

I’ve been reading and researching, listening to some awesome speakers and the discoveries are amazing.
Domestic Violence affects one in ten women and one in three report it. Abuse projects cost over thirteen billion and we only spend six on education. Abuse is costing our kids education. What’s it going to take to change this? What if it’s as simple as having your Bars run twenty to thirty times? Would you do it for your kids?
For me ... What if the abusers came out of the woodwork, no judgement, one doesn’t even have to say they are abusers so there’s no issues? What if you had the desire to be more? Would you pay for 20-30 treatments up front? Would you like a better life? To look in the mirror and like what you see? Would you like to have the ability to choose not to hit? Do you have what it takes to commit?
I know ... it’s all a bit heavy ... I’m honestly not sure what else to be when it comes to this kind of issue. Abuse gets abuse? Well I’m not into abuse. I’m demanding change and I’m willing to put me up as a part of that change. I know I’ve been there I’ve been the victim, I’ve survived. I know what it’s like to be hit, to be angry to loose it completely. I’m inviting you to something different. Something that’s totally different from anything you’ve tried before. I know how sorry you feel when you hurt those you care for I know how confusing it is. I’m here to give you the choice of something different. I know abuse. It wasn’t enough to have had a relationship full of it. I’ve been abusing myself for years .... every time I stand in front of a mirror I hurl abuse at my body and it responds by powering on even more layers.
If you would consider something different, I’m offering it to you, I’m a Bars practitioner. I’ve had my Bars run more than 30 times actually it’s way more than 50 times. Why? I demanded more of me. I demanded change. I did not want to hurt anyone especially me any more. I did not want to hurt my body. I’m not perfect. I’m a work in progress. I’m asking you would you consider changing? Would you consider a totally different possibility a commitment of once a week for 6 months. What if it did change everything? What if instead of being afraid there was gratitude from you, for you, from your loved ones to you, because you’re brave enough to make the change. Look you don’t even have to tell them, there’s no marks afterwards no one need ever know except you and me. What if when you look in a mirror .... You say ... I’m so grateful that just for today I choose to demand more of me.
Here it is .... I’m a practitioner. I know Bars works. I charge $95 a treatment, it’s about 1.15 hours. I’m experienced. I know abuse. Here’s my offer to those who would choose change. 20 treatments is $1900 – 30 treatments is $2850. For those who book and pay for 20 treatments within the next seven days I’ll gift you 10 further treatments. That’s $2850 for $1900. I require from you a commitment to have the treatments within a 6 month time frame so here we are March 2013 all 30 treatments before September 2013. Gary Douglas says 20 to 30 treatments and there’s permanent change. I’m willing to ensure your commitment to change. You pay for the 20 and I’ll provide the further 10 to ensure you receive maximum benefits. What say you? Are you willing? Do you have what it takes? It’s my challenge to you and to myself, we team up to make the demand a reality.
Call me today I’ve credit card facilities .... book a treatment too J Let it be you and me that makes the change the world is waiting for? What say YOU?????

Wednesday, 20 March 2013

The events of the abuse, violation and rape, took their toll. A beautiful awesome being held my hand when I was crying and blurting out ... how useless and unworthy I was .... “take a look in the mirror” ohhh no yuk yukk yukkkk, it’s just too hard “ok ... now take another look and look through my eyes and then through your child’s eyes” that changed my world. I realised there was value in me, even if I was a little broken. Then this awesome amazing being said “what would your child’s life be like without you in it” from that moment I committed to me to bring about the best I could be and to if possible bring a choice to someone else.

I committed to recovery and the beautiful Shauna Teaken on the north side held out her hand and invited me to come and have a Bars® session. I haven't looked back.
Access Consciousness™ brings tools that when used begin to unlock all of you.

I use these tools in my life every day and as a practitioner in Bars® and Body processing empower my clients to have the choice to also use them. What’s Bars® ... touching 32 points on the head, like a gentle head massage while Body processing is hands on the body bringing a place where the body begins to unlock aging systems, rejuvenate the cells, laugh more, heal and have a quiet peace.
You’re aware from my posts I’ve been having somebody processing myself lately, fairly regularly over a few months. It’s having an effect I just wasn’t expecting. Apart from recovery from the trauma and drama that occurred, I’m happier, I’m laughing more, I’m lighter (not in weight) lighter in the way I view things generally things just don’t upset me they way they used to. Wow! How does it get better?

You’re all way aware the bees have a little passion for me. I’m having hordes of them visit right now. Groups of them just hanging about. I often go outside and energetically coo them and say how wonderful it is that in their busy day they stop by and say hi. I’m aware they are showing me even for them I’m important. So here is my invitation to you. What would it take for you to see the value of you? Call me I have the time to listen to your story and I’m willing. I’ll gift you with a Bars® session and you can choose for yourself from there.
How does it get better?

Looking to find a little more; free info demo nights regularly Thursday fortnights 5.45pm for an hour at the Uniting Church Hall 25 Ewing Rd Woodridge, next one is tomorrow 21st; There’s regular classes coming up if you’re interested in learning body processes 23rd March, Bars® workshop on the 13th April.  or self discover books, cds, here’s a link for your convenience  and private session too
What if it’s all ease (an ease of every day), joy (laughter and vibrants) and glory (presence in the beauty of living on this magnificent planet and breathing). What else is possible?
                                                                        0415 595 900 or Bottom of Form

Monday, 18 March 2013

I just finished watching Johnny Depp. Wow! What an actor ... and what prey tell do you think you're doing? What fun he is in the old school use of words.

For me I'm wondering .... What else is possible?

I sit at my much loved desk. I've just been to Nicole's (a Bars Facilitator) having a swap. We talked over nothing and everything you know chat chat and chat just venting it all really while we swapped. Man ... do I feel better just getting it all out .... What's been holding it all back? My fear of what people will think of me. How's that working for me? It's not. Poc & Pod it all cause it sure is clogging the system.

I used to have a business in Maintenance, that closed in Dec last year. For a while I've kind of felt as if I've been in limbo .... waiting .... waiting .... waiting for something to occur, then some bright spark says ... Have you applied for any jobs? Have you looked at borrowing money to buy an existing business?

Ohhh ...... that's right action is required. Doh!!! Waiting has me in the same place since December.

Ok so here it is. Where does one start to look for work? I rang centrelink. They were helpful and as at today 18th March. I have an appointment on the 8th April, hmmm. What am I to "action" til then? I've applied for about 50 admin positions. It's what I'm good at, for me it's easy, alphabetising, filing and typing ... It is what it is.

I'm putting it to you any who are interested in reading my blog. Do you know someone looking for an admin person? Please give them my details. Please!! I'm asking for your assistance. Please!

Ok sure ... I'm starting a new business, it's a Bars Session business, like a good cup of coffee though it takes a few minutes to build a client base and who says I can't do both. A job that brings satisfaction to the boss and money for the rent / food / petrol and afterwork a Bars session for an hour at $60. How does it get better? What's Bars? Come to the free taster 21/3/2013 at 25 Ewing Rd (the Uniting Church Hall) Woodridge and find out. It's a fun night with lots of door prizes including a Bars Session. Wow!!!

What else is possible? What else can I action? Please if you have any suggestions I'm open ....

Saturday, 16 March 2013

Watching the bees collecting the pollen, today, I never noticed the long tube that looks like a straw from their mouth similarly to the butterfly. Wow! So that’s how they collect. It's all about what works for them to collect the requirements for the hive.

What if we did that? How about we stop beating ourselves up, judging ourselves badly for whatever choices we made. What if we simply forgive ourselves for whatever occurred before today and say something like "oh well it wasn't my finest moment" or "opps I oppsed".

How many moments have we left to make the choice to just forgive ourselves? Those who are in abuse .... there is a choice .... the abuser doesn’t respect themselves and they vent it on the abused. Enough is enough. Choose to walk away. Choose to collect your things and go. Choose now. I know I’ve done it, it can be accomplished.

Say out loud, I forgive me for not trusting me, for putting me, the kids, whatever in a not so clear situation that just isn’t working. There’s choice. From now I choose for me. Ask yourself ... Do you respect you? Do you respect your partner? What are you choosing to show is respect? If today was my last day. What have you left behind for others to know of you? 1 in 10 women are abused, 1 in 3 report it. What’s that about? What is self respect?

Abusers here’s the thing ... make an appointment with a Bars Practitioner, there’s lots of them look on the web, pay for them up front – to make sure you attend - 20 minimum or 30 if you’re serious. Yes it’s going to cost. What’s the cost of losing your family? What’s the value of self respect? How much is a slab of beer, a carton of smokes? What’s your choice? You? Your Family? The ones you say you “care” for?

Men / Women have your Bars run. 20 to 30 times permanent change occurs. What would it take for you to respect yourself? Feel great about who you bee. Yes I'm using the bee word.

What would you like for your life? What if it's as simple as lying on a table having your Bars run? What would it be like to respect you? What would it be like to have a partner that respects and is grateful for everything about you, including that you know you're not perfect, yet, you’re willing for yourself and for your family to make a different choice.

Ohhh oooops you can't!! I forgot you don't have what it takes ..... ooops my bad

Oh well back to the bees then. The picture of a bee in my garden buzzing about getting her work done while all the time she know that's just what it is ............. living the bee life.

Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Hi Hi Hi! Wow! Another amazing and beautiful day. I know I'm breathing in it. ha ha ha ha How did we get to be so lucky here on this magnificent planet?

The bees are out and about. It's so funny watching them, they make me giggle, it's like watching a child discover something new. They turn themselves inside out almost to get to what's required. The girl bees, the workers, funny that isn't it? The boy bees "drones" don't do much they just wait in line for a turn with the queen. Ha ha ha.

What kind of music do bees listen to? Anything from the Bee Gees .... ha ha ha ha
That joke is taken off the net ... with thanks to those smart beings who create clean jokes.
It's interesting to me, every bee knows it's job and they just happily do it.

Are you aware I come from a background of abuse, violation and rape. It has taken an amazing amount of effort to say that out loud and in public. I say it to all who are being abused. Go and collect your things (in particular your birth cert / drivers lic / credentials), your children and go from the environment NOW today or as soon as you are capable of collecting your things.

I hear you. I said similar things, no judgment ... things like .... "I'm so embarrassed" "I don't want to be a burden" "I have debts" "I can't it's family" and I'm asking ... If you don't stand up and respect you? .... Who will? Ask yourself this. If this was the last 10 seconds I had to live, would I look at me with respect?

It's not going to be comfortable. I know I've been there and some days I still find it extreme. Yet, I'm so grateful to have me in one piece, to have my child with me and to be. Sure some days are harder than others, and some days there's so much laughter I almost forget. I also know this ... I wouldn't go back to abuse for anything. No Nothing. Not for Sex, Not for Money, Not for Love, Not for World Domination. None of which by the way I received in Abuse. The sex was always tainted with memories, the money always seemed a compensation for the abuse (and way not enough by the way), it isn’t love in abuse it’s total control, true love has gratitude as a base not violence and the World Domination, never occurred, well not for me.

I reside in a tiny townhouse, it's clean and comfortable, best of all, I live here with all of me, yes me after all that occurred, I’m the one writing to you saying NOW is the TIME.

Beeaware .... Beebrave ..... Beeamazing ...... Beeu ...

There's heaps of help houses (go and see your doctor) (look up on the net under domestic violence support), and there's heaps of support the government spends over 13 billion on abuse related services and 6 billion on education. Abuse is affecting our kids education. STOP IT! Only you can make that choice.

Ok I've been there. I know it's going to be uncomfortable yet I'm saying to you I've done it. Someone else has gone before you and proven it can be done. Who will value you enough to make the stand if you won't? What are you teaching your children by staying?

I'm not saying you won't get back together. The abuser may even beg you. You may even choose to go back. Please consider saying to the abuser something like this .... ok if you're willing to make a change I'm willing to consider coming back, let me know when you've had your Bars run 30 times and we'll talk. It's not a no, it's a consider, it’s not a no, it gives them a job to do, a direction and hope. Where can they get there Bars run. Any access consciousness practitioner will be able to do that for them. Where and I am a practitioner and I know it works or lots of choice. Anyone who books two treatments in March will received a 3rd treatment free as my gift for being smart enough to make a choice to change to beeu J Even if you're not ready to leave, Bars will assist you to become more clear in what's available for you.
If you won't make the stand for you, maybe you’ll consider doing it for your children. What are you teaching them by allowing the abuse to continue? Who are you? Your Mother? Your Father? or are you even capable of beeing you?

I’m not saying I’m perfect, I’m not, I like a glass or two of wine and I think cheese is a food from Heaven itself, what I am saying is I’ve done it. I’m an ordinary Australian Woman putting my hand up and saying, here for you is one hand in one direction, it’s your choice of course. How’s it working now for you? Take the choice or not – wishing you well. Helen

Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Hi Everyone ... It's been a minute or two since I wrote. I've been forging a path. It may not be a path others would take yet I'm doing it anyway. In fact a lady said to me "you'll never bring consciousness to Logan, they just won't choose it, they'd rather get beer and chicken" well .... maybe they won't choose it, that's ok, I'm into allowance and then again, maybe because I'm willing to put on a free taster info hour, not a life time, just an hour on a regular basis, next one 21st March 6pm, Ewing Rd Woodridge, maybe just maybe someone will come along.

Well, what do you know ..... 7th March the first one took place and 9 lovely intelligent ladies came out, just for an hour and we drank a tea or coffee, we had a lollie and a choice or two, we played a game and we tasted Bars. Wow!! How does it get better?

I'm so grateful to the 9 who came, including the lady who said not in Logan, we all enjoyed the time we shared. We laughed, joked and stood up and played a game. I received some awesome testimonials. So maybe just maybe there are some more awesome smart beings that would like to know about consciousness and maybe just maybe they'd like to laugh a little too.

Well this little blog for me is about bees. Some would say I know a little about bees, some would say the bees know alot about me, either way I like them. The one pictured in the Bee News is a Blue Banded Bee, it's an Australian bee, I have them in my garden. I plant the flowers for them, it's just a bonus that my garden is beautiful for me too. I enjoy watching them and video the sound they make often, they are so much louder than one thinks in one's head. How'd I get to be so lucky? Ohh yes that's it ... I choose to be living and laughing and bee.

A little while ago the bees came to visit, they knocked on the door, literally, banging themselves against the front door and the back until I took notice. The beckoned me to come out and they showed me a place they'd like a plant of flowers. It was a conversation in energy not words, yet in truth it was a conversation. I asked questions and they somehow showed me or moved in a way that I would understand. It took a while ... I'm a little slow in energy talk, but, they had the patience and eventually I planted a vine. It was about 4cm when I planted it in September and now it covers my entire garden wall, some might say Wow and they'd be correct. I received a great wall of gorgeous perfume and that vine saved me from being hurt in the recent storm when a large branch fell on the vine, it did not fall on me. Some might say the bees saved me and in truth, they did save me and in more ways than are tangible to discuss, they continue to befriend me, buzz constantly and visit. Well here I am waffling on about bees. I have one in particular, a brown bee, that sits on my finger and I'd swear she says ..... bee u Helen that's all that's required, just bee u. I wonder sometimes if I'm worthy of such words or energies ... yes while some would say I'm crazy, I say bring it, if this is crazy I'll have more please.

What's it going to take for us beings on the planet to notice? Notice that the animals are calling wanting to communicate things with us? I wonder if anyone else has such things happen to them and if they like me would be brave enough to share?

So for now, let's just say, in a world where I was abused, violated and raped, I also have friends, some of them are the two legged kind and some are the 6 legged kind. How did I get to be so lucky?