Monday, 15 July 2013

What  a night ... thanks so much girls for making it a sharing sensation.

Wonderful speaker tonight Jason, an Architect, explained how he was a 5 not a 7 when he graduated and because of that he was offered a position because he had some people skills and he became a success by his work ethic 60 to 80 hours a week, every week until he was a success,  I had no idea they do just what we do, work long hours for a 40 hour pay packet, of course, he’s in a higher bracket sure, but with expenses like $135 for a book whooee. Wow! And that’s after doing a degree. Hmmmm ......... What else is possible?

He lead us down a road of education options reading books like .... How to win friends and influence people .... Think and grow rich .... and he told us about his wonderful family. Go to the library take them out, read them and see if it makes a difference to you living. It will only cost you the trip to the library. See no money and you can read at home.

There’s always lots of cute boys at these events and to be honest I go for that first then for the education. I’m learning to be more of what I’m capable of, while looking at yummy scenery, ha ha ha ha happy Helen and I’m proud to say meeting some amazing friends. How did we get to be so lucky? Ohhh yes that’s right we choose. We choose to get up and go out after work on a Monday and meet and mingle with like minded people who want more than just working.

The gorgeous Scottish Lass Jo came along tonight and we laughed at her fun accent as she reeled off stories of her travels and her home. The amazing Justine was leading us on her travels overseas and the customs in Japan when it’s cold. Whoooeeeee what a night.  Chez Burton the business dynamo gave us some thoughts on how to make money. We liked those ideas.

Sure one has to action something. Sitting at home watching TV isn’t making any extra cash and who said hope would work “hope” things will get better “hope” it’ll be alright “hope” there’s money coming next week. Sorry folks just in case you wondered, hope is just another word, for I don’t choose.

We talked about religion tonight at dinner, well not religion more the influence of Buddhism and Jesus Christ our Christianity in this country. How we felt that maybe it’s what’s missing, not the religion, the communion that religion presents. Hmmm maybe I mean socialising. When I was a kid we all went to church, the whole neighbourhood and we all left our doors open and we all looked after one another when the chips where down. We were more wondering .... where is that sense of social???? If we stay home alone how do we met amazing beings that make us laugh and sing and glad we were out in the cold.

Anyway from this ordinary Australian girl who had a wonderful time. Thank you .....!/events/1390028221211431/

Will you consider coming along next week and having a bit of an adventure in conversation and dinner and after there’s live entertainment?

Saturday, 13 July 2013

I’ve been in hospital I know what a beating is ..... I was raped when I was 14 ... I know tough. I also know when one takes a minute to look up, there's often a surprise, it can be birds, like seagulls  or just the shapes of the clouds like the background in the picture I've chosen looks like fish swimming centre right under the lowest seagull................

Hi. My name is Helen Stokes. I’m  a Loganite. Basically that means I’m from the south side of Brisbane, I wasn’t born on the south side, RBH (Royal Brisbane Hospital) in fact and I’ve lived all over Australia and travelled overseas as well.
I work in paid employment from 9 to 5 and I enjoy what I do, it’s fun and easy for me. In the current reality, it’s not enough, I work from home in other capacities too. I have two network marketing businesses, which basically means I sell, cold canvas, vitamins, makeup, jewellery and membership and I’m an Access Consciousness Facilitator, which means I have the knowledge to place my hands on your clothed body and transport you to a relaxed state of being, which is amazing and awesome for you. So what’s this all about. I come from a background of DV. I was raped at 14 and I know life is tough sometimes. So why am I telling you my story. So that you know there’s hope. I have already been down the dark road and I found the most amazing colour in the dark. What does that mean. I was on the edge of life and death and I found something amazing. Life really is worth living. If we are breathing there is hope.
What we face regularly is that most of us including myself forget just how amazing this planet and breathing is.
Take a few minutes break every day, 2 or 3 a day if you’re on a downer and go outside or if you’re at a desk like me look up. Watch the sky change colour, the birds fly by, the flowers blooming, the trees blowing in the breeze, watch the planes, the boats, whatever you have outside or up around you. I often watch semi-trailers and trees, why, because I work in Rocklea and that’s what’s around me. I’m glad to be present in the moment knowing there’s bees flying around. My parents weren’t rich. I’d say they were poor. My Dad was a soldier, he’s dead now, he died in a motor cycle accident over ten years ago. My Mum well she basically fell apart after his death. So why am I telling you. So you have more choice. What would happen to you if your husband, brother, father, lover, boyfriend died or left? The reason I do that is because it took me the loss of my father to realise I did not need to be beaten by my partner any longer and it took the loss of my business to realise I was relying on a man to bring money to my world. I’m not trying to down you. I’m just wondering woman to woman what would happen to you? It’s taken me good part of my adult life and many knocks quite literally to wake up. Women require their our own income, the earlier we do this from more than one source, the easier life and living is.
Here’s my invitation .... there’s heaps of other’s out there so you choose for what makes you feel warm and fuzzy.
I give you a couple of possibilities.
1.       Work, 9 to 5, or whatever the boss at work tells you. For the rest of your time and just have 2 days off and 4 weeks per year. Or

2.       Take up other modes of income. Sure there’s work in it for a couple of years after you finish your job. Cold canvassing is where you talk to people and let them know what you have on offer so that people can choose if they would like to participate or not. I have three choices; membership, product, hands on body.
I lost everything, or at least for a long time that’s where my thinking was. I lost my father’s arms and his voice to say “don’t worry daught everything will be ok”, I’ve been in hospital I know what a beating is, so when I walked away from the man in my world beating me, I lost all my friends, I moved away so that “he” would not easily find me and when my business partner decided he required all the money in the bank and closed my business down, I lost my income. I know sad. I know bad. I know ripped off. Sure it’s taken me a minute or two to pick myself up this time. Yet I am here. I still have me so I didn’t loose everything, in fact I just lost the men in my world and my income. Luckily one can replace income. And why I’m telling you all this is so you too can have a choice. Do you choose more? Do you? Come and meet me. I’m at the Mansfield Tavern Mondays at 5.45pm approx. I have dinner there Monday as a treat for myself after work the first day of the week. Will I try and sell you something, probably not, I like talking. Will you want to buy something from me? Well that my friend is the question. It depends, have you enjoyed reading this? Would you like more, to listen to me, live? I’d love to hear your story. Come, share some food and conversation, that will cost you whatever you choose to eat and drink, and I can guarantee I will chat with you about whatever you would like. What else are you doing Mondays after work for an hour or more?

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

Living in Queensland is awesome for me. The weather is amazing most of the time, even in winter one can still choose to go out and picnic or walk in the bush. How lucky we are. It makes sense when we look at it ... When we are happy we send out happy energy and we then receive happy energy ... When we are angry or grumpy same thing happens we receive angry or grumpy. I wonder what would occur if we collectively for a month put out a choice of happy? Someone once said if you wake up unhappy then make the demand NO I choose happy and pretend until the rest of you catches up. I'm know some days are diamonds and some are stone. This is simply a tool ..... what can I do to make my life and living happier and more joyous.

I hear a lot of unsatisfaction when I talk to people, they’re unsatisfied with their lives, their jobs, their bank balance, their kids education. So what’s possible? Team up with me. It’s that simple. I have the tools to show you and to share with you. Sure some of them are for sale money is a requirement in this reality to have a home and drive a car. Some are totally available for free, it just takes a little effort on your part. If you’re serious about change ... Do something about it.
On offer
This is set all you have to do is rock up ....
.... Monday nights at the Mansfield Tavern ... around 5.45pm Conversation and Dinner ... meet me there and we’ll share some food and a chat. Is there more to it? Yes and No ... option 1 .. No just have dinner and chat with me, it’s changing what you currently do and adding a little for you.   option 2 .. Yes, there’s a business meeting (totally optional) at 7.30pm in the next room. They have tools to expand your world and as my guest it’s free. So if you’re looking for change, here’s choice.

These require booking and letting me know you’re attending  ....
.... Tuesday nights my home Ewing Rd Woodridge (the next few weeks, I’m on the move) ... I like change ... for me it’s all about growth, when you’re a baby you change to a child, then a teen, then a young adult, then a parent, then an empty nester, then older, then dust. For me change is what occurs regardless, I simply like to choose the direction I’m going. We play cards and play board games over a cuppa. It’s $10 which includes biscuit a cuppa included. Euka or 500 or Canasta ... There’s Cludo ... if you have a game you’d like to play, bring it .....
.... Thursday nights at Loganholme .... How’s your health? It makes no difference of your size. I’m a big girl. I’m healthy I run up and down stairs at my day job. I’m into nourishing my cells with organic fruits and vegetables that are grown on a 7000 acre organic farm where they’re picked and packaged within 4 hours. The specialists speakers will gift you with knowledge and empower your own choice in your health. There’s a coffee shop (whatever you choose to spend or not) and then a meet $6, for me great value as we listen to a doctors / specialists that normally charges hundreds of dollars for a consultation and we receive that info for $6, wow at  Loganholme

.... Saturday or Sunday ... picnic, park, rally, meet at a destination and share some fun / food / different atmosphere. Last week we went to a Nursery for a wonder around the plants, we took a look at an aquarium and a yummy treat as well J
For me it’s about making a change, having happy energy around and bringing the change required to have satisfaction whenever you choose it. Is it bring it or bling it ???? Ha ha ha happy Tuesday J Contact me on facebook or email or 0415 595 900 for more details on these.

Saturday, 6 July 2013

Bee vs Being

My background of DV and rape saw me in a place of non-management. I simply did not function. Getting out of bed was hmmmmmm a challenge. The result of that .... poor choice and lack of awareness. The great news is, it is possible to change ..........

I do not know why people are afraid of change. We change from babies to children, from children to teens, from teens to parents, from parents and the longest part of our living, working, participation then we simply are old and pass on. Change happens every second of every day, we don’t have the cells we started with. What is fear anyway false expectations appearing real. When was the  last time you said thank you for me being and breathing?

I’ve walked the dark path. That is why I’m offering something different to you.

Do you wish, hope, dream, desire, cry, scream alone ... you know there’s more .... you have no idea where to begin? Here’s my hand .... come to me .... I’ll run your Bars® absolutely free, as I’ve said I’ve been there, where the dark, the heavy, the whatever you choose to call it boogy man,  consumes everything. I will gift you with a Bars® session for free. What will that do? Well it’s about an hour and a quarter of the best massage you’ll ever have. When was the last time you gifted you? I can hear you even now. Why is this woman offering something for free. I’ve been there. I know that I was gifted some things for free and because of the kindness of complete strangers I am here to offer to you the same. One session absolutely free. For some that’s all that’s required, they go away and their lives are different ...  for others they sign on as clients some for a long time some for a few months. It is what it is. Do you know there’s more yet you’ve no idea how to get there? Here’s the pair of hands and I offer them for you.

I’ve been with my horse today. I call him my horse. He isn’t he is owned by someone else yet I love him. Silly when I say it ... weird when I read it ... I’m loving a horse. He is magnificent though strong like a war horse, beauty in movement and kinder than any other creature I’ve met or known he simply is awesome. Why am I bringing this to you. The lady where the horse is and the horse gift me all the time. If you’re looking for confidence, horse handling, I know where to direct you. Simply ask

You already have a picture  of me. You know I’m all about bringing it for you. There’s a new group forming .... Mansfield Tavern Monday Nights 5.45pm approx. We have dinner the menu’s amazing and for under $20 you have a great night and get to meet amazing beings. There’s a (optional free as my guest) business meeting next room after at 7.30pm where if we’re really luck the business dynamo Chez Burton will gift us with a few minutes of her time. I’ve been seeking a female role model in this time and dimension for some time and I’m so glad Chez’s is here.

My world is expanding, the joy is in being and bees. The bees have formed a home on my eaves, a little mud made hive and there’s hundreds of them. How’d I get to be so lucky? They whisper sweet hummings to me at night and I’ve so much gratitude for the awesome awareness of being here on this planet right now .... Would you choose to be more?

Sunday, 16 June 2013

What is it about change that evokes the desire of death?

My daughter left home at Christmas, my business closed at the same time, I felt as if I had a blank canvas and I kept seeing it as a wrongness and reacted to it with judgment of me. It’s been a really heavy few months. Heavy as in I’ve created heaps of moments where I’m asking Oh My (and I’m being polite here) How did I get to here? What else is possible?

These changes have created in me the desire to die, to not be in this existence, to get off the planet and any other thought feeling and desire to bring about the death of my body. How does one kill one’s self with ease? Jump off a building .... hmmmm .... at my daughters new home in an apartment block someone did just that, luckily my daughter did not see it and counseling was offered by the Police for those that did. Hmmm, there’s no desire for me to harm others, I would not choose to bring about a requirement of counseling for having seen my death, so jumping is out. Same with jumping in front of a train. I’ve no desire to bring the driver’s life any pain or conflict. In the UK there’s teams specifically for cleaning up tracks and trains of body parts. Hmmmm. That doesn’t work for me either. I’m not into pain and needles freak me out. So what else is possible? What other choices are there for me?

Plenty of people are going to react with judgment of me from this discussion. I say Bring It! Too many times all this death destruction change is seen as wrongness, judged and the person freaking out is worse, it is not a contribution to the person that is in the dark seeking something more, better, lighter, happier.

I’ve written about what I do before. I’ve explained I’m a domestic violence survivor. I was raped. I’ve been in the darkest places. Choosing to discuss the desire to kill oneself is a dark space for me. I’ve walked this road already. Yet. Here I am in front of you openly discussing change and choice of death. Is it that we’re in a space where it’s either or? Death or Change?

You know how the grapevine works right! I was talking to a lady who was gifting me some information about a friend of hers daughter who's suicidal. I'm a Bars Practitioner and a Creation Mentor, I know how to create amazingly. I said to the lady bring the girl around and I'll gift her with a Bars session, I know it will assist. Currently for $75 a session lasts about 1.25 hrs, if you buy 5 it's $250  the "hi-caps" rate .... The lady said, oh NO, she doesn't like change. Wow! How interesting that she did not allow the gift? Hmmm. It's so strange to me change happens every day. Our cells regenerate daily, we are literally different every day. When we were babies, we changed into children, then school attendees, then high school teens then young party goers who drive, then parents and then workers or business owners or home makers, then older, then dust. It is what happens every day. What is this fear (false expectations appearing real) of change? Of death? Death like change is just molecules moving around. What would it take for everyone to be on the same page? All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory®. This is the Access Consciousness Mantra. I say it ten times in the morning and ten times at night because I need to be reminded; that birds are the beauty of the sky, that insects bring a joy to these birds, that the ocean is filled with wonder and animals and it is also dark and scary place, yet, breath in the body is the greatest joy of all. You see there is another choice, choose living! If you have breath you have hope and while my discussion today is about death and change, it is not a wrongness, simply a choice. What do you choose?

What’s required from me to invite beings into my space so that these thoughts, feelings, emotions can be irradiated, annihilated and ease of living is the byproduct? Anything that won’t allow that U&D x GZ rwgbppa9sbb –Take action! – choose to change the desire to die, choose living please!. I’m here I can assist you or a loved one and there’s heaps of choice of other practitioners and facilitators that are willing to assist you as well if my energy doesn’t work for you. It is your choice.


Next workshop on Bars® 22nd June – how to register $200 investment in you - check it under my name is the tab classes.

Or I’m hosting a $20 night Confidence with a Capital LOL!/events/578041455552368/

Or I’m jointly hosting a $80 day with Horse & You – Awesome Two ask me for more on this 19th July at Burpengary.

Or and book a private session.

And remember .... All of life comes to me with ease and joy and glory® and please ask What else is possible?

Friday, 31 May 2013

Horses aren’t just horses ... they communicate and they are so eager to please.

Some of you know my story ... I’m a DV survivor and now I’d go so far as to say I’m a thriver or at least a work in progress to something much greater . So for me it’s about sharing how to go from Victim to Survivor to Thriver. Sure it was tough for a while. I’m so grateful to those that were always there and I mean always. Thank you. Now I’d like to be the one to gift back. I’m doing a horse handling course. It has built my confidence amazingly. I recommend it to any who know abuse.
The horse – has two names; his rescuer/owner calls him “Pippy” and for some of us we call him “Monsier Megladon (Msr)” he’s amazing. He’s strong and he’s tough and he shows me how strong sometimes by kicking and standing. I can lean on him and I’ve held his head in my hands and as he’s let all the weight go so that I know he trusts me. Do you have any idea what it’s like to feel trust .... Wow!! Tears are streaming down my face as I write this. This amazing strong beast has the gentlest nature and I know if he did not want to play ball with me or run after me like a puppy I could not get him too, he’s too strong even for me and I’m a big strong girl. He’s beautiful really beautiful when he trots the power is just amazing and did I mention beautiful.

I’ve learned to brush him. To walk around the back behind him. To lead him. To run with him. To command him to walk 4 steps, then stop on the 5th count. Amazing. He runs behind me when I ask and he runs beside me like an organised event. It’s beautiful, it’s touching and I have much gratitude for it all. This majestic strong beast that could easily bowl me over gives himself entirely to me.
He knows what abuse is. He was rescued from the “doggers”. His old owners could not control him and yet with the teaching of Gary and Divina he is now gifting back. We can all gift, we can all learn and we can all choose to change. There is always another possibility if you choose it, like I have.

For me, I went into this to be more self assured around strong beings. Who’d have thought playing ball would bring that? It’s not all play although in truth I don’t call any of it work. Of course there’s a fee to the farm and Davina and there’s the fee for the horse carrots, that’s his payment plan and it’s cool for me. We say hello and a couple of carrots of course, then I halter him, walk him to the grooming rail, brush his coat and feet and mane, clean his hooves. I didn’t do all that the first day. Each process is taken one step at a time. Then we go and do ground work (handling) walk, trot, stop, turn, barrel hug, diamond steps and cross those hooves. All of it is fun and all to learn how to handle a horse on the ground. I have not ridden him. Then it’s ball playing. Then it’s us time, just him and me, and the carrots of course and we just be space with one another for a few minutes. It’s magic. I’m gifted and so is he. We both are having another choice to make more of us in this life. Amazing!
Because of this confidence two new things have occurred for me.

One is Davina and I are going to co-host a “Confidence”  class in July 9.30ish til 2.30 ish with a share lunch in the middle. We’ll brush, and run and play too. If I can do it anyone can. I was shaking and with tears the first day. Now I pick up his hoof and clear it out. It’s magic. Let me know if you are interested.
The other is - I've always liked networking. It's had a wrap sheet for some, though not for me, and besides that was the past, even Myer changed over the years. I like that people get together and chat about what they do over coffee. For me, I'm interested. If you buy something great, if not, have a chat that's great too. So for me it's win win. I'm having my first coffee night, yes the new confident me, at my home tonight (Logan City) 6.30 - 8pm and I've invited a very small group just to test ... Hey I'm nervous. Hey if no one shows up I’ve coffee and fresh lamingtons. If you're interested let me know and I'll invite you next time. Guest Speakers John & Chez Burton "How to build a dream". The plan is to do them 2 or 3 times a week different days and times. If you have a preference .... Let me know ........ Now that I’m always up for coffee and a chat :)

Being with this amazing horse has taught me to respect myself, and to be present. He is stronger than me and if I’m not present he might get hurt or me and that just won’t do. I’ve built a relationship with a male energy, I never would have thought that possible again. Ok he’s not people, he’s a horse, yet I’m better with people too. I don’t stammer anymore and I walk like I’m present. Head up, shoulders back and uplift the body and man is that fun when we’re running. I so enjoy it. I enjoy living. I have much gratitude for the choice to be present as a present to both of us J
Thanks again for reading. Always up for a chat .......... Helen

Monday, 27 May 2013

Wondering the streets and creeks of our amazing country ...

A girlfriend and I decided go for a drive up the country yesterday (Sunday 26th May). We started early in the morning 7.30 and head up the Sunshine Coast. We took the Kilcoy turn off along the D'Aguliar Hwy and wow were we taken aback by how much of that road has been totally rebuilt since the floods. It was well worth the drive just to see how much of a path the water tore through and how much of the mountain road has been re-set. Amazing!

We stopped at Yarraman, picture above and below and fossicked a creek bed for some perforated wood and some crystals. How much fun it was to hold the grass, luckily quite long, as we steadied ourselves and headed down into the creek. Amazingly I lost my girlfriend at one point she’d fallen on her >>> (no damage) and we laughed and laughed. She’s much more of a country dare devil than me. I discovered prickles. Ha ha ha. What was also amazing was all the shells, little pipi (not sure of the spelling of these) and crab shells small and fun. There were thousands of them.


We headed up to buy a lotto ticket ... you never know until you give it a go, at the store in Yarraman. We'll let you know if we win by our shots of Paris ... What would it take to go and see Paris??? and more of Australia.... We both love our sunburned country :)

From here we head towards Toowoomba. The road was smooth and well taken care of. The scenery changed to more standard country image; large blocks with cattle and very few houses. We talked often and also allowed ourselves a few quiet moments of reflection. We wondered what people who live in the country do all day. We know there's times when they are busy tending cattle, sheep, fences and markets, yet, what happens when that is not required? We travelled and travelled then came to a small town called Crows Nest, where we stopped for a bite; we had a look at an amazing shop with lots of antique desks and cupboards and there was an arts and crafts store (and a definite answer to our question) .... Let’s go in said my fried ... I was pleasantly surprised at how large it was. I asked the lovely friendly welcoming lady at the counter how long she’d been there and if she owned the shop ...

They’d been there about three years, her and her husband, they’d come from Rochedale, interestingly as I’m currently in Logan myself, it’s a small world. They run it as a co-op, forty eight exhibiters and they all share the rent and the time in the shop collectively. Some of the work is just amazing and well worth a day trip. If you’re thinking of somewhere different to go, I recommend Crows Nest.

We travelled again after a brief hand washing visit. My word the water was cold in them there hills ha ha ha. 

We found a road that head back to Esk and again were surprised by how amazingly smooth and well kept the road was. The trees that dotted the path made the trip kind of eerie, the dark and light it was an amazing adventure. We pulled off the side of the road to let those in a hurry go by and we wound down the track and enjoyed every moment. It was fun.

We arrived in Esk, just in time to fill up with petrol and we met an amazing lady from Canada (it is a very small world) that commented on the sign on the car that she too had enjoyed receiving "Bars" energetic modality.
We visited several shops and of course had to partake of some more amazing hand washing in the cold cold cold and did I mention cold water. Ha ha ha
From Esk we head over the Wivenhoe and the amazing beauty of that dam filled with water. Watching the birds had a very calming effect on our trip coming to a close as we head back home to North Brisbane for my girlfriend and then me to Logan. All round the day was amazing the driving was fun. How does it get better? We travelled over six hundred kilometres and the petrol bill which my kind friend paid was fifty dollars. So for a totally actioned packed day it was great fun and reasonably priced.

Just for something totally different. What was your last adventure? What else is possible?


Sunday, 26 May 2013

Money Money Money ..... there’s a song about it somewhere. Gems and Crystals. The energy of change.

Pictured; Beautiful Crystal set in sterling silver (925). with Pink and Lime Green Semi Precious Gems; the small stones are either topaz, peridot, citrine, garnet, kunzite and amethyst. (depending on the colour). I’m really just beginning a journey with these beauties, I don’t know the names of them personally yet I am willing to learn. How pretty they are! I wondered if money could be more fun, more like these pretty gems instead of something we’ve given our power too. I mean power as in we’ve made it so significant to “get” money, our whole life is geared around obtaining it. I know it seems quite silly in a way, I was just wondering if there was another way? A way to enjoy more actual living rather than the desperate urge to earn dollars to pay the bills. This came about because of Zach Sobiech (his last day you tube is on my page). He was 17 when he died on 20th May this year of cancer. He lived and he laughed. A big thank you to Zach and those that made the video, I’m more aware because of this video and it’s brought me to a question. I’m wondering ... What else is possible with money?

Yesterday my friend and I went to a Gem Show. I’d been to them before, yet it wasn’t nearly as much fun as sharing the experience with a friend. It was interesting to me to have had someone to “pretty” with. The people there were so friendly, it took me back, they were smiling and laughing and asking “how are you” and waiting for a response. I’ve been studying people most of my life here in Australia, we ask that question often yet generally it’s more of greet and walk rather than wait and see if you get my drift. I liked them all. They made me feel happier being around them. I’m wondering if it’s me that’s changed and I see people differently or if there has been a significant change in the happiness of others? What’s your take on it?

As I wondered around laughing and talking and responding with these amazingly happy people, I saw a very large piece of petrified wood, I placed my hands on it and closed my eyes and asked the petrified wood to tell me a story. Before me unfolded a very large tree that felled naturally and lava that covered it. I opened my eyes and a young man was laughing at me. He said “you won’t see anything with your eyes closed”. I laughed back and said “I was just asking it to gift me energy”. He asked “does that work?”.

For me. It’s a yes, yes, yes. The petrified wood gifted me energy and a story. How does it get better? For me. I’ve always spoken to animals, trees and insects. In particular insects, I’m a city girl and bees often visit my garden and my home to buzzy me a story and gift me their energy. I don’t mean it like you and I talk, it’s an energy language. I teach how in my classes.

So, for today I just wondered ... What gift I could give you for reading and I hope that I’ve gifted you a question and a smile. Thanks for your time. Helen J

Friday, 17 May 2013

What day is it?
Yesterday I gained a day, I thought it was Friday so I went up to see the horse. The horses were in the paddock and they thought it was funny as they ate the carrots and I just laughed .....  what is time and space anyway?
I drove back along the sea line as it was early and I didn’t choose the traffic of the freeway.  I saw the beautiful coast where we live and play. Wow! How did we get to be so lucky to be part of this amazing world?  Some amazing sun flowers. Huh! What an energetic start to the day.
I’ve recently completed a 7 day energetic workshop and I’m offering to you that energy here and now. Tap into it and feel the lightness. Yes it’s as simple as asking and receiving. I am inviting you to know; joy, exuberance, happiness,  peace and well being.
I had coffee with Wendy Johnson in the afternoon and she asked me a question as I unfolded how tough things are starting a new business in the field of Access Consciousness ™. What is it that I expected people to purchase? Asked Wendy and I answered me. Hmmmm ......
So we know what Reiki is and we know what Massage is. We know they both give a different wellbeing. What I’m offering is called running Bars®, there are 32 points on the head that when gently touched, and it’s the lightest touch that creates the greatest session, these sessions have been changing people’s worlds as they begin to unlock the limitations of what’s occurred by interesting points of view in our history. What your Mum, her Mum, her Mum, thought , said and did and handed down and Dad and his history, back through time to create us and our interesting points of view. I wonder What is possible and What is ours or theirs?
How can I be an invitation? .... Try it, come to my home 20 minutes $20 and what price is feeling relaxed? My idea is that if you try and you like you’ll come back and you’ll tell your friends. There’s heaps of testimonial on my web site or access consciousness web site too.
Private Sessions – Mentoring Sessions bringing all of you to right here ... in the presence of the present to the world you are.
Workshops – Teaching you the Bars® so you can encourage your family and loved ones to have more; joy, money, laughter, relationship, more of what you desire, more of what they would like.
Shopping – Lot’s of bling and gorgeous crystals, pretty dolls and more to come.
And our new free service – we come to you and collect all the items you don’t require. It’s a free service and we recycle everything; books, handbags, ornaments, containers ... all the things that are too good to throw away and you know there’s a family / place for them still. We take them away and you have the warm fuzzy of knowing you’ve contributed. Call and book if your moving out, a new love’s moving in, Mum or Nana off to the nursing home or you simply would like a clear out. We’ll pick it all up ..... Call Helen on 0415 595 900
For me .... I hope I’ve made sense, It’s energy and moving it around creating more of what you would like in your world, this world, our world. Working together to know that we bring what’s required to make the change we are seeking J Wishing you an awesome day. Thanks for reading.

Tuesday, 14 May 2013

What is beautiful?

It's so cool to be part of the awakening amongst our youth. Wow! I've just watched and listened to a young man Jacob Barnett, talk on "forget what you know", it's on my fb page if you'd like to view it, the video clip is well worth watching. Basically for me he's making a statement .... it's time to change and start the action and be what we are all uniquely capable of. He's not saying stop thinking ...... he's saying be in the question ...... from the mouth of the new generation ..... What else is possible? What holds you back? Another amazing favourite of mine - Fear - false expectations appearing real. What is the fear of change all about?.... we have a baby body that changes to a child's body that changes to a teen's body that changes to an adult body - the one that lasts the longest time (generalisation here) of all five bodies we have, the last of course the old body. What's change anyway? Molecules moving around .... some would call that air.   All my point of view of course. What’s yours?

I’m a skilled Administrator with over twenty years experience in bookkeeping, I’m highly skilled with MYOB and I’m an Access Consciousness™ Bars® Certified Facilitator. My own child has a degree in psychology so I’m aware of what’s required to ensure a positive role and I’m good at picking up on the unspoken requirement.

Those are my skills, by now you will know me a little from my blog ... What do I offer?

Bars® full day workshop (energetic modality $200). In your workplace, office or home call me 0415 595 900 or email to book and arrange. "The Bars® has assisted thousands of people change many aspects of their body and their life including sleep, health and weight, money, sex and relationships, anxiety, stress and so much more!  At the very least, you'll feel like you just had the best massage of your life and at the best, your whole life can change into something greater with total ease. Gary Douglas" Gary is a multi-millionaire.

Body Processing 4 hour workshop (also $200). In your workplace, office or home call me 0415 595 900 or email to book and arrange. These processes; energise the body - unlock the stores of energy - begin rejuvenation of the cells.There’s testimony available as well from those who have already chosen to unlock the limitation. I have an amazing offer for ten or more. How does it get better?

Of course there’s always a private session ...... What’s holding you back?

So What is Beautiful? The young girl in the photo above? A Horse? The young man on the video? Wow! All of them? For me .... women that come to mind .... Dawn French / Dawn Fraser / Judy Dench / Pam Parker (Logan Mayor) and men that are easy to come to mind Hugh Jackman / Simon Baker / Keith Urban / Barry Lane (Springwood Coffee Club) have "failure is not an option" all over them. Despite whatever happens and everyone has "stuff" happen. You too can have the look and the courage. Some Call it Character. Some Call it Aggressive Presence. I call it beautiful. For me all of them have “failure is not an option” as a mantra of actually living .......... what’s your mantra?

I invite you to team up with me .....
Helen Stokes - 0415 595 900 or or

Monday, 13 May 2013

This pictured male horse has been working with me to bring about more confidence in me around horses. He has gifted me with expanse and in every way patience, he is more patient than me and he breaths out just like we do when he knows that I'm not getting it. The first week I saw him, I was shaking. I had taken this on board as a wrongness of me. Huh! Stooopid (meaning lack of awareness on my part). This shaking my friends is what's commonly called excitement. Huh! I have seen him five times and each time my confidence around him grows. On my fourth visit, I was not 100% focused and the awesome lady guiding us took his lead and he well for want of better words "threw a tanti". I am aware this was his way of showing me just how powerful he is and just how kind he's being to me.

How did I get to be so lucky to meet such a beautiful presence?

We finished the day playing ball. Have you ever seen a horse play ball? It’s funny, I mean really funny. One of those large balls, that one does physical activity on. I'm not aware of their name. I lead him to the ball and he kicks it. I laughed so hard, that the beautiful lady teacher also laughed and with that the horse laughed and it was very clear that he knew just how easy it was to please us. On my last visit we again played ball, this is the way we have been finishing the lesson, after the handling, is play time. He kicked the ball then I kicked it back, it's not like when one kicks a footy, it's gentle rolling really, we were kicking it to each other and it was amazing to be present in the joy the horse received as well as us. To be present in the joy of that moment was an amazing gift.

During this life, I've not had a great deal to do with horses, sounds kind of strange because my father had a horse stud. Huh! My view was when a horse arrived that I could wear stilettos on I'd get involved. What can I say .... I was young and stooopid.

This year I'm into definitely different. What I haven't tried before I'm up for. I've been in a large plane, and a small plane. I so enjoyed the small plane, for me, it was what I know currently is close as possible to actual flying like a bird would feel like, one can feel the wind under the body, feel the wings move and feel the flaps as they prepare for flight and descent. I give this description when my blog today is about horses as I'm aware that a horses job is to be ridden and yet I have been gifted the experience of handling. It is not what I had expected similarly to the small plane. It is again unexpectedly a great joy. Some have asked if I intend to ride. Currently that would be a "no" for me. I'm enjoying .... hmmmm ... what's another word that would be more descriptive of enjoyment ... agog? ... hmmmm ...... with the horse and the handling. I'm aware the horse is a lot more conscious than I am, he knows his job and what he's here for. For me .... while I enjoy placing my hands on bodies and watching the transformation from sad to joy .... I wonder is that a job? Sometimes I get paid for it, sometimes I swap with others, sometimes I gift those in need, yet, the joy it brings could not be called a job could it? I wonder if that's how others are with what they enjoy as “a job”? Anyway in a few words I've managed horse handling, flying, working and fun.

The amazing horse that is pictured has been a great gift to me, from him I've received patience, understanding, joy and laughter. What I was not expecting was "love" or because there’s such a expanse of meaning in that word (love the toast, love the footy, love a beer) I’d prefer to use gratitude. Tears are easy to come to my eyes when I look inside myself and know the gratitude that is in my being now because of him. He has healed part of me I was not even aware could be healed and because of him I'm kinder.

Does that make any sense?

Maybe not to those who know me I'm kind and generous, well at least I had believed that where I was coming from, yet this change is major. I'm kinder because now I know what forgiving really is. I also know what depth gratitude brings. This amazing magical creature has opened my heart and let down my barriers and that has brought kindness that now oozes and flows. I am more acoustic inside myself and the reason is he showed me how. I’m not diminishing the beautiful teacher, I have much gratitude for her as well, without her I would not know.

I'm now aware that those that have hurt me, though it was their choice and though it does not diminish the act in anyway, acted that way because they were in that moment of that choice. We've all made "not so smart choices" right. I mean buying the fish that's on sale when you know it's iffy and eating it and being ill for days .... hmmm not so smart a choice, or getting lost on a way to an event and still going all the while knowing it's going to be not so smart then having the police ring as an item though reported as "flung about" was reported stolen ..... and that I was accused of that theft when I knew the person did not have the item on at the gate when hugging another in my view..... hmmmm not so smart a choice.

I too wonder now if that is the same for murderers when they make comments "it wasn't me". Do they mean for that split second they allowed a stooopid action that not even they were aware of and for that action ... wow what consequences then is lack of awareness and how far does it extend to our planet and those that dwell with us, trees, plants, animals, insects, each  other?

Is that then the same for those that hurt / violate / beat others? When they come to the "I'm sorry I didn't mean it" is it that they are allowing stooopid to be the choice instead of awareness itself?

So for me, here with the horse who has gifted me with such amazing expanse of knowing. When was the last time I stooopid .... hmmm ... five weeks ago in my misidentification of fear .....  sure it didn't have much of a consequence ha ha ha ha only all the years of my living that I did not choose to be with these majestic gifts. Wow! What an awareness.

I wonder .... How many others are missing out on such gifts because they too choose “stooopid” (meaning lack of awareness)?

Thank you for reading, thank you to my teacher and thank you to the amazing horse that has been the reason for all of this. I know that in forgiveness itself a kindness to one appears greater than any expectation would have one guessed ............. LOL wishing you an awesome day :)

Monday, 6 May 2013

Wow!! 6th May .... Where’s the beginning of the year gone? Has it just zoomed by? J

I recently visited New Zealand. I hadn’t been on a plane for a really long time and I hadn’t been out of Australia for many years. It was a birthday gift to myself for turning one of those big numbers “0”.
Wow! Beautiful country .... colder than I expected and some of the plants had already begun to go brown ... I’m aware they pull all their energy below the ground when it’s close to snowing. There were some amazing beings to share the experience with and a beautiful New Zealand Man who danced just for me ... Wow! How’d I get to be so lucky .... thank you Richard J

I discovered in NZ I’m a little different from some others on the planet. I've always communicated with Bees, Animals and Plants. I had no idea this ability was unique. I believed everyone simply communicated with them too. My recipe for my living and my classes .. a little about communication with bees, animals and plants and how does life get better with the tools of Access ;) What would it take to communicate with Bees, Animals, Plants .... the Planet? Come to a class next one’s Thursday 9th 6pm .... Ewing Rd Woodridge .... $40

Saturday, I went for a drive with my friend over the West side of Brisbane ... Bray Park area .... What is that with the bulldozing of everything to make way for houses? Who gave permission for that to happen? What else is possible? Did anyone ask the planet, the trees, the animals, the insects? Who wants to live in an area where there’s just death energy everywhere? Yuckkkkkyyyyy energy. I’m on my soap box so I’ll get down. I am surprised that’s all that we don’t ask. 

Whilst in New Zealand the bus driver taking us to/from the volcano told us a little story about how the word kiwi came about and I thought after my last paragraph I’d lighten the read. When the troops were fighting the nugget used was branded kiwi and the Aussies used that as a nick name for the Kiwi’s ..... ha ha ha ha ....  interesting and funny

I’m different since my return. I’m more aware and I’m more me. What would it take to be more of you? Come to a class Next Bars® workshop Sat  11th May ... 9am all day ... $200 ....  “Consciousness is going to be the thing that will save the planet”  My desire is to bring as much as possible to those that seek more.  Access Consciousness™ is all about accessing all of you, Bars® and Body Processing unlocks the limitations holding one back and both empower one to know. Quite simply, using the tools provided works. It’s transportation to clarity, joy, peace and wellbeing. Bars® enables the mind to be clear, to be quieter, and in the face of whatever transpires, the space to breath & know. I have noticed Body Processes, allow a more youthful everything, skin, face, movement, more laughter, one’s body is simply turned on and tuned in. There’s heaps of testimonials available from others.

How’s your living now? Would you choose to have more?

Thank you for sharing your valuable time with me.

Kindness and Gratitude from
Helen Stokes
Mobile: 0415 595 900         please fb friend request me (Helen Stokes) or (beeu)        

Consciousness quote from Tim Botham .... NZ 2013

Who's up for a Gift and Receive Evening? My place in Logan ... South Side of Brisbane? Ewing Rd from 6pm ......... pm me :)

Wednesday, 1 May 2013

“Consciousness is going to be the thing that will save the planet” .... Tim Botham 2013

We all know that the planet is in trouble. The Polar Bears ice is disappearing. The weather is so out of control people die in storms, floods, fires.  We see on facebook that animals, cats and dolphins, dogs and birds are becoming friends in an attempt show us we must unite in a kindness to make the change required. We look at it as cute and do not notice the truth. Our planet is in trouble and the animals, plants and Earth itself is attempting to let us know how to change this.

We all lie to ourselves everyday. Look in the mirror and listen to what you are saying about you. Drive your car and listen to the way you speak about others driving a car. Walk into a shopping complex and watch how many people are happy and listen to what they say to their children. When was the last time you heard roaring laughter? When was the last time you participated in it? What do you say to your children when they are laughing in an office or building? Do you try to quiet that?

It’s quite provable in science. There was a person and a plant connected to a Polygram;  the plant registered vibrationally the lies that person told. What if this happens every time we’re angry, hateful or lie? What if it’s because of you that our planet is in trouble? Would you choose to be different? Are you even capable of change? What if this projection on plants is the effect we are seeing on our Planet, because we are angry, frustrated, sad and that we all lie?

Check the movie of Avatar, Narnia – What if that connection that’s in those kind of movies is actually real? What if the plants, animals and planet is picking up on everything from us to be what it is capable of being. What if that’s the reason for the weather and the current destruction?

I know that we are vibrational beings, the plants vibrates, the animals vibrates, the Earth is a living organism it vibrates. Check out any microscope and you will see molecules moving even in water, it just is what it is. What if the vibration of lies is what’s killing our home? What if the vibration of laughter can change that.  Are you willing uncreate and destroy everything that won’t allow laughter in your life? Yes! POC and POD it all then.

Have you ever just stepped into nature, the bush, by the ocean, walked along a river, and felt better inside? Do you know what that is? What if it’s the space of no judgement? Would that change the way you interact? Have you ever even questioned what’s happening?

So many of us are walking around as if we’re Zombies. We’re not Zombies! We’re not dead and we don’t eat human flesh. Well I don’t! Yuck!!! What if now is the time to change that? Who’s willing?

We have 10 years, actually it’s slightly less than that because this year is now 5 months in. Yes, 10 years, the babies we currently know will not see what we do if we do not change. What do you want to pass on for your children?

The Earth is our home, collectively, we all of us live here, if she turns the temperature up (and it’s not a great deal 5 degrees will have a serious effect) if it increases too much, we, all human beings will die. It’s crazy that we are doing this to ourselves and to our planet with lies, hatred, violence and uncaring. A plant has what’s called a stomata underneath their leaves this is the part where they breath in co2 and breath out moisture and oxygen. If the temperature rises 4 degrees this will shut off. That cuts the plants ability to regenerate oxygen by 50%. Do you know how long a body lives without air? 3 minutes. We’re not being told these facts. It’s just crazy to me.

I’ve always known how to communicate with animals, plants and the planet. I thought everyone knew how.  Are you sensitive to this communication? Is that why you feel like crap all the time?

Monday, 29 April 2013

Hi. I’ve just returned from a 7 day workshop. Wow!

I know we have about 10 years until it just won’t be possible to stop the effect of damage to this magnificent planet. Some of the children we know will not see what we currently do.

How do I know? I asked a question.

Have you ever just known what was going to happen? Have you ever had a sense of what is?

For my life, I’ve known. When I was little it was easy, I saw animals and I spoke to them. Not in the same language we use. I might be crazy but I’m not nuts. It an energy talk, a knowing.

It seems I’m one of a very few that has the ability to talk to animals, bees, trees and plants. Huh!!!! That seems so bizarre to me. I just assumed everyone could. Ha ha ha ha silly me.

I’ve always known I was a little different. I just don’t fit in. I know it’s a pun on my size, yes I’m a big woman and ????

Just before leaving I was visited by three bees. The first two were blue banded bees, they are the most popular in my garden, they have an iridescent blue strip where one with a “normal” bee would see yellow, they are native Australian bees and they have no sting. The first of the bees stopped beside me on top of the hot water service while I was in the garden and bowed. Yes, they acknowledge me with a bow, it’s really fun to watch. I bow back and giggle. It is fun for me. The second bee did the same thing only at my feet. I said to her, please don’t stay on the ground it’s too cold. And she came to my face wiggled around and said good bye. They both were just letting me know they knew I was leaving and they wanted to see me off. The third bee is a great friend of mine, I call her a friend, she often visits and she has a unique look so I know who she is. She is a “normal” bee. She sat on my finger and buzzed away a story of what I would say was ... don’t worry so much everything will be ok. I was a little (ha ha ha that’s funny as I recall the shaking) nervous about the flight. The bees just wanted to show me how easy flying was if you have no point of view. Ha ha ha ha ..... the trip back was much much much more fun J

I feel very grateful to my friends the bees. They are always visiting me and often telling me stories about what’s happening.

What was a great joy to me was that when I arrived at our workshop destination there was a bee there to greet me. How did I get to be so lucky?

At the end of the workshop the bee laid itself at my feet and died. It gave me a picture of what’s occurring for them. Unless we and it will take about 2500 beings, yes it’s a small amount when one considers the amount of beings on the planet. Yet these 2500 require to be in consciousness, currently there are 1500, so we still have a way to go.

Do you know what consciousness is? It’s having no judgement. There’s a challenge I know you can’t take up.

I’m asking if anyone is willing to step up? I’d like to begin a campaign of public places, yes, I’m looking for any contribution to be the change I demand of me. I have stepped up and I’m seeking those that would be the change the world requires / demands really. We’ve only about 10 years. What’s your choice? Will you step up with me? Will you contribute?     or call me  0415 595 900

Tuesday, 16 April 2013

You’re aware, I’ve had my share of  ... hmmm ... what’s a great word to describe abuse, violence, rape ... hmmm ... negative impact?

I was, up until recently, very deeply concerned about putting my hands on other bodies. I’ve been shown violence and I worried that I too would be violent.  This is still something I consider, it is not a natural event for me. It made my only child’s life rather different from others and one of the reasons I chose to only have one child.

Recently I have discovered my touch is quite healing. So I share this with you. Pictured above is Harry he was at the vet and the vet called us into the room. Oh Boy! That’s never great news. So in we went and he quietly explained, Harry has issues with his white & red blood count. Hmmmm Cancer Wow!

He stayed in hospital for a while and hands were laid on him for days. Woweeee! Next visit – Clear. Yes, he was clear of his red and white blood count issues. How does this occur?

I wouldn’t call that a miracle because the hands were mine. I do however acknowledge that I played a part in what occured. Harry is well. That’s the only reason I was there and that’s what is important. He’s a great little boy and I’m very grateful to have been of assistance.

Currently I’m undertaking a course in Animal Handling, Horses actually. I’ve always had the shakes and shivers everytime I was near them. It made for an interesting childhood as my parents had a horse stud. I just said, when you get one that let’s you ride in stelletos I’ll be there. Ha ha ha ha and brushed it off.  Who’d have known that shaking and shivering was actually what the horses do when they are happy. Hmmmm I wonder if that is me being happy at a level I wasn’t expecting?

I honestly don’t know what I waited for, I placed my hand on his neck, he was strong and sure, I felt his coat and it was soft and he nugged me to brush him some more. I laugh now as I think of him and the vastness I explored as I told him he was handsome and had a wonderful name. I’m off to see him tomorrow and the carrots he adores await for him to munch upon as he weinies when I call his name.

It’s a new experience placing my hands on bodies, yes I’ve placed them recently on human beings too, clothed females, and wow what occurred, one lady started laughing, one lady became hot and she realeased her fixed points of view, one lady changed her career path and one lady found hers. Wow!  I’m acknowledging my presence on the presentation of today.

Thank you for reading.